We deal with the types and capabilities of electric meters and choose which one can and should be bought.
Increasingly, energy companies by hook or by crook make their customers change old electric meters.
Formally, this is due to the fact that the old electricity meters had an accuracy class of 2.5 and could not take into account the energy consumption of small capacities. For example, this is the power consumption of electronic equipment in standby mode. New electric meters have an accuracy class of at least 2 (2; 1; 0.5).
According to the principle of operation, the meters are divided into induction and electronic. In induction there are two coils: a current coil and a voltage coil. The magnetic field of these coils makes the disk rotate and the counter readings increase. The problem with this type of counters is ...
The basics of electrical safety. Top articles
This collection contains the best articles on e.imadeself.com on electrical and fire safety in the operation of electrical appliances and electrical wiring in everyday life.
Electric current is life threatening! Moreover, his main danger is that he does not see and do not hear. The degree of its influence depends on many factors: on the type and magnitude of the voltage and current, the frequency of the electric current, the path of the current through the human body, the duration of the electric current on the human body, environmental conditions. It must be remembered that the human body is not affected by stress, but by the magnitude of the current. Under adverse conditions, even low voltages (30 - 40 V) can be life threatening!
In order to minimize the possibility of electric shock at home, it is necessary to make the rules of electrical safety known and understandable to everyone and everyone ...
Corrugated pipe for electrical wiring
One of the simplest, but at the same time brilliant inventions of mankind is a corrugated pipe (corrugated pipe). Why is she so wonderful?
Corrugated pipe - this pipe with a variable cross-section. Short sections with thin walls and a small diameter are interspersed in it by sections with thicker walls and a large diameter. In this case, thick-walled sections give the pipe rigidity in the transverse direction and the ability to withstand impacts and loads, and thin-walled sections allow the pipe to bend at almost any angle and even stretch within limits depending on the type and total length of the pipe.
The corrugated pipe can be metal, but most often it is made of plastic. Flexibility and durability of a corrugated pipe predetermined its wide distribution. For the installation of cable lines for electrical wiring and various other networks, a special electrotechnical corrugated pipe is used ...
Why are the "goat" and a homemade boiler dangerous?
As a rule, many in the army or in their student years learn various ways of “artisanal” use of electric energy. Such methods are the “goat" and a home-made boiler. The following description of these two very dangerous devices is not for you to “experiment” with electricity yourself, but to explain how rude and unprofessional electricity is in this case and what unpleasant consequences such ingenuity can entail.
In all cases, the thermal effect of electric current is used. As already mentioned, electrical energy can heat the conductor through which it passes. Therefore, if you let an electric current through the corresponding material, you can achieve a thermal effect. The “goat" and the home-made boiler work on this principle. "Goat" is a pipe made of asbestos ...
How to ensure fire safety of electrical wiring in an apartment and a house
According to any, even the most superficial studies, faulty wiring in a house or apartment is dangerous, first of all, not because of the risk of electric shock, but because of the prospect of a fire.
No, of course, the danger of electric shock is not excluded, but a fire is no less likely, and when it occurs, it can immediately take more than one life and bring great damage. Therefore, when designing, installing and operating electrical wiring, you must not forget about some measures that can ensure fire safety and protect people from harm.
Selection of the brand of cables and wires prescribed for use in installation. For stationary installation in residential and non-residential indoor premises, the use of VVGng or NYM copper cables is recommended.
Electrical wiring in a private house. Top articles
Nowadays, one private house does not do without electricity. The correct installation of electrical wiring in a private house is a complex process, which includes several mandatory steps.
This is developing an idea, determining the approaches and technical solutions that will be used, creating a project, connecting a private house to the power grid, choosing the necessary electrical products and materials, wires and cables, protection devices, installing the ground loop, completing and installing the input electrical panel, laying the wiring, correct contact connections, installation of sockets and switches, connection of various household electrical appliances.
This section contains the best articles on the site e.imadeself.com, by reading which you can technically correctly electrify a private house ...
In this article, we will consider a device that is sold in electrical goods stores as a dimmer control. It's about a dimmer. The name "dimmer" comes from the English verb "to dim" - to darken, become dull. In other words, a dimmer can adjust the brightness of the lamp. Moreover, it is remarkable that the power consumption decreases proportionally.
The simplest dimmers have one rotary knob for adjustment, and two terminals for connection, and are used to adjust the brightness of incandescent and halogen lamps. Recently, dimmers have also appeared to adjust the brightness of fluorescent lamps.
Previously, rheostats whose power was not less than the load power were used to adjust the brightness of incandescent lamps. Moreover, when lowering the brightness, the remaining power was not saved in any way, but was dispersed useless ...
I bring to your attention another "entry page" on the site with links to selected articles. This time, this is a selection of articles on such an interesting and very demanded topic as "Lighting control in the house."
The rapid development of lighting and electronics in recent years has led to the creation of not only a large number of new types of light sources, but also various devices that control the light sources. And if until recently, only conventional switches were used to control the lighting in an apartment or house, now now one list of all the possible all lighting control elements will take more than one line.
I hope that this page will help visitors to better navigate the variety of all kinds of technical solutions that are used to control and automate home lighting ...