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Why are the "goat" and a homemade boiler dangerous?
As a rule, many in the army or in their student years learn various ways of “artisanal” use of electric energy. Such methods are the “goat" and a home-made boiler. The following description of these two very dangerous devices is not for you to “experiment” with electricity yourself, but to explain how rude and unprofessional electricity is in this case and what unpleasant consequences such ingenuity can entail.
In all cases, the thermal effect of electric current is used. As already mentioned, electrical energy can heat the conductor through which it passes. Therefore, if you let an electric current through the corresponding material, you can achieve a thermal effect. On this principle and work "Goat" and a home-made boiler.
"Goat" It is a pipe made of asbestos, mounted on metal legs, which are easy to make independently. A door spring is wrapped around the pipe, a two-wire wire is connected to its different ends. When plugged in, the “goat” heats up very much, it can be used as a heating device.
"Goat" can often be found in warehouses, in industrial premises, in outbuildings. This is because the energy consumption there is more difficult to consider than in a separate apartment, so the energy intensity of such a device simply does not attach much importance. The organization pays the cost of electricity, as for a large organization this is a relatively small amount.
Another thing is apartment. The inclusion of the "goat" is very noticeable in the work of the electricity meter, which in this case turns like crazy. In addition, it often knocks plugs, since a home-made device consumes a lot of energy.
The negative quality of the "goat" is that it is very fire hazard. If a household heating device has a housing that protects against fires, the “goat” does not have such a housing, and if it falls over, which happens quite often due to drunkenness and negligence, a fire is possible.
Moreover, in life there are individuals who do not understand that this heater is dangerous, and treat it scornfully, placing it near furniture, wallpaper, and fire hazardous materials.
Another homemade device is a boiler. It can be built using two blades, two matches, a thread pulled from clothes, a piece of wire. The tradition of arranging such boilers came to us from the army and from correctional labor institutions.
The blades are connected to each other so that there is a distance between them (so as not to touch each other). This is easy to achieve if you put matches between them. Then the two-wire wire is attached to the blades. Placed in water, such a boiler quite regularly heats the water.
If you assemble a boiler made of a more serious metal, for example, from window latches, you get a very frightening picture: imagine a boiler from which sparks are fired all over the house flashing light, a three-liter can of water boils in a minute and a half?
Naturally, the energy intensity of such a boiler is impressive. The boiler is especially dangerous if the water is salty. When connected to the network, an explosion instantly sounds, as a result of which most of the water spills out. Now imagine what happens if you pour salt into boiling water?
If you ever have to deal with such devices, it is better to refuse immediately, as you are exposed to several dangers at once.First, you spoil state property, for which there is a corresponding liability under the law. Secondly, you risk your life: you can be shocked, or sprayed with boiling water. Be careful not to endanger your life!
Ivan Dubrovin. Electrician Tips - electrical engineering and electronics for beginners,electrician in the apartment, do-it-yourself electrician.
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