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How to choose the right meter


How to choose an electric meter?We deal with the types and capabilities of electric meters and choose which one can and should be bought.

Increasingly, energy companies by hook or by crook make their customers change old electric meters. Formally, this is due to the fact that the old electric meters had an accuracy class of 2.5 and could not take into account the energy consumption of small capacities. For example, this is the power consumption of electronic equipment in standby mode. New electric meters have an accuracy class of at least 2 (2; 1; 0.5).

Induction meter

Induction meters

According to the principle of operation, electric meters are divided into induction and electronic. There are two coils in induction meters: a current coil and a voltage coil. The magnetic field of these coils causes the disk to rotate, which drives the mechanism for counting the energy consumed. The higher the current and voltage in the mains, the faster the disk rotates and the meter readings increase.

The problem with this type of meter is that it is very difficult and expensive to ensure with them an accuracy class higher than 2. Their main advantage is the highest reliability and a service life of more than 15 years. To date, only in the Russian Federation there are about 50 million such meters.

Electronic meters

Electronic meters They work due to direct measurement of current and voltage and digital data transmission to the indicator and to the counter memory. Electronic meters have many advantages. These are compact sizes, the possibility of multi-tariff metering, the ability to integrate into commercial metering systems due to the availability of standard interfaces, an easy transition to a higher accuracy class due to the use of specialized microcircuits, ease of reading due to the use of a digital indicator, and increased resistance to attempts to steal electricity for counter correction meter reading, etc. The main disadvantages of electronic meters are a higher price and lower reliability.

GOSTs and established traditions

The first electronic meter was made with us back in 1996 (in the West before, our backlog is at least 15 years old). On January 1, 1996, GOST 6570-96 entered into force, making meters with an accuracy class of 2.5 and a current of less than 30A outlawed. These changes are long overdue, because our apartments are full of appliances with a consumption current of 1-2 kW (electric kettles, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers, heaters, water heaters, etc.). In 2000 An order is issued by RAO UES of Russia, which prescribes equipping housing and communal services with modern meters with an accuracy class of no worse than 2.0 and with an operating current of more than 30A.

Modern tendencies

Foreign manufacturers and operators faced the problem of replacing the old fleet of meters before us. At first they, too, enthusiastically rushed to replace induction meters with electronic ones, which became 95%, but faced with a problem of lower reliability, the need for quick service, they changed their minds somewhat. Now the ratio of induction and electronic meters, for example, in England is approximately 40/60.

We also have both types of meters in our stores. Both organizations and individuals buy both. Regarding reliability, we can say the following: a passport for an electronic meter often gives a resource of 15 years of continuous operation, but not one really has worked so much. Fifteen years ago they were not yet released. The resource of the induction counter is such that even after 50 years, many samples fit into a given accuracy class! This has been tested empirically.

Which meter to choose

An alternative to induction and electronic meters should be decided by the buyer based on the necessary consumer properties of the meter. Before choosing an electric meter, you need to determine whether it is possible and necessary to take full advantage of electronic meters and not pay attention to their shortcomings. It is clear that not everywhere the advantages of electronic meters are so important and often the disadvantages of induction are absolutely uncritical.

Problems of choice of electric meters. Sorted out together

1. The cost of meters with accuracy class 1-0.5 is significantly higher than meters with class 2.0. For a class 2.0 meter, it’s enough. I immediately recall the advertising slogan: "If there is no difference, why pay more?"

2. Maintaining a high accuracy class under conditions of rapidly changing loads is an important property of an electronic meter, but it can only be realized in an industrial enterprise.

3. Multi-tariff - This is a good addition to the functions of a regular counter. But not in all cities and even regions such a service is implemented. The planned replacement of the meter in 90% of cases is carried out on a single tariff.

4. Opportunity automated accounting, This is a very good feature, but it helps energy companies, and you will overpay for the meter.

5. To reduce costs and provide a competitive advantage, some manufacturers put the cheapest components in electronic meters. The expiration date is not defined. How can such a meter work for 15 years? Imagine now that you have to remove such a counter and look for a service center for it. At this time, your loved ones will be sitting in the dark, without a TV and refrigerator ?! What will they tell you about this ...

6. Is it good to have a counter with a number of functions like a modern cell phone, instead of one, but acting reliably like a Swiss watch? How many of your friends have fully mastered all the functions of even their own phone and use them 100%?

7. In our country energy saving not beneficial for the state and energy companies, as a decrease in consumption is a decrease in their profits. With a constant increase in electricity tariffs, no one wants to introduce modern equipment, because these are unplanned risks and opportunities for loss of profit.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that at present it is better for an apartment to buy an induction electric meter with an accuracy class of 2.0 and an operating current of at least 50A from a well-known manufacturer.

There is a large selection of such counters in stores. Among them, choose with a large warranty period and a service center in your city. When buying, make sure the availability and integrity of the seals. Ask the seller to indicate in the passport and seal the initial meter reading. Make sure that there are factory stamps in the certificate of verification of the meter.

Read the complete passport for the meter. Ask the seller to compare several types of meters for consumer properties. The choice is yours.

See also at

  • 10 advantages of electronic energy meters compared to induction ...
  • The real story of what the counter rewinding might threaten
  • Advantages and disadvantages of dual tariff meters
  • The most common schemes for switching on single-phase and three-phase electric meters ...
  • Electricity metering devices - types and types, main characteristics


    # 1 wrote: Ruslan | [quote]


    You can find pretty good electronic meters at an affordable price.


    # 2 wrote: Lena | [quote]


    I did not know that electric meters can be chosen differently. I used to think that electricity meters on floors should be replaced by employees of electric networks, which they say, then we buy. But it turns out that the network has a choice.The choice is always good! It seems to me that when choosing an electric meter it is best to focus on the future and still buy an electronic one.


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    What is better electronic? That looks glamorous? Our task with you is to pay as little as possible for electricity, and in these conditions it is much simpler with an induction meter.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    But are there meters that, at voltages below 190V, stop taking readings?


    # 5 wrote: Cth4 | [quote]


    There are no counters that stop reading at voltages below 190V!


    # 6 wrote: Alexei | [quote]


    Induction meters are indecently large ...
    I would like to install on a DIN rail in a small shield.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    The energy supplier is a monopolist and do not dream of a choice. What offers indicate the price and neither right nor left. Put them shit. Such is the bum. This we have already passed.


    # 8 wrote: Sergei | [quote]


    Induction clearly - they have been made since ancient Soviet times, and they are reliable, like a tank. With rotten Chinese electronics, then you will vomit, and you will still be fined, but you will argue, turn off the lights and sue them. With our communal services, everything should be stupid and armor-piercing, so as not to get to the bottom.

    Remote reading in Russia is generally a joke. I can imagine what they will draw in these testimonies.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Induction meters suit those who want to steal electricity!


    # 10 wrote: Andrew | [quote]


    Energy from nature is taken absolutely free of charge, but for some reason some piece of paper wrappers with nominal cards that people don’t even print are required for energy from people, this is one-way ultimatum blackmail, fraud, a criminal article.

    “Energy saving is not beneficial for the state and energy companies, because lowering consumption means lowering their profits. With a constant increase in electricity tariffs, no one wants to introduce modern equipment, because these are unplanned risks and potential loss of profit.”


    # 11 wrote: Alexander Molokov | [quote]


    Beautifully said, but not true, Andrei.
    Energy in itself is free, but the technological process of converting it and transferring it to the end consumer costs a lot of money. The station must be erected, a power transmission line built, substations installed. And if it’s not a hydroelectric power station, then it will also provide fuel for this economy. And in any case, all this still needs a crowd of people who will be engaged in repair and maintenance. And, of course, they will not work for thanks, but for the salary, which also needs to be taken somewhere.
    And energy saving is the same thing that energy companies are interested in. For cities are expanding, consumption is growing, and increasing the capacity of station equipment is such a hemorrhoids! Moreover, it is far from free and not always feasible. And try to keep up with the growing demand!


    # 12 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    State-owned energy companies rarely reconstruct power facilities. As a rule, the replacement of certain items of equipment is carried out as a necessary necessity, when old equipment is no longer subject to restoration. And so squeeze out everything possible from the equipment. Many substations have equipment that has been operating since the 50s. As for energy saving, it all comes down to the maximum restriction on the consumption of electric energy at substations (for own needs): daily limits for the amount of power consumed are set.

    At the same time, no measures are taken to reduce losses associated with the technical condition of electric networks.Very often, accounting for the amount of electric energy consumed by an enterprise is calculated based on the readings of electric meters located at the supply substation, and not at substations of consumer enterprises. That is, the amount of electric energy consumed by the enterprise also includes losses that occur in switchgears and power lines, through which the enterprise is powered.

    In private energy supply companies, the situation is different. The equipment of electrical distribution substations, cable and overhead lines, which are in unsatisfactory condition, is being replaced. In this case, losses in electric networks are significantly reduced, the reliability of power supply is increased, and the load capacity of equipment and power lines is increased, which is especially important against the background of an ever-increasing load of consumers.


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: Anna

    There is a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442, where in chapter X, clause 147 states: "... Network organizations are obliged to place requirements for places of installation of metering devices, connection schemes and metrological characteristics of metering devices, determined in accordance with the requirements of this section and the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation, in the centers of full-time customer service and on their official Internet sites without indicating trademarks, service marks Niya, trade names, patents, utility models, industrial designs, geographical indications or names of metering metering equipment manufacturers. " So if you had a different way it was absolutely not rightful.


    # 14 wrote: Nikita | [quote]


    Hello, I want to connect the house to 380, I selected the counter 231 mercury. companies said that such a counter would not work, that supposedly there was something missing. Do I have the right to install such a counter?


    # 15 wrote: | [quote]


    Banality. Useful only for absolute dummies. There is no comparison of various types of electronic meters.


    # 16 wrote: | [quote]


    And what is the low reliability of electronic meters? Bullshit, you, as a manager from a store, are trying to suck in junk. Will you choose an electronically controlled washer or a command device (if you find one)?


    # 17 wrote: Vasya | [quote]


    Put in the network the experimental controllers of electric power with electronic filling and induction in the scheme of measurement (verification). Turn on the pulse pulser as the load and then the difference will be visible. Take the impulse with high interference into the network. With electronic apparently do not steal. It’s more convenient, a remote for the rich.