How to make a good twist of wires
This article has a somewhat provocative title. I am sure that there will immediately be people who will instructively write, saying that twisting is illegal and according to the PUE, twisting of wires is prohibited.
Nobody argues with this. If it were not for the fact that, despite everything that is written in the EMP, the vast majority of wire connections in the territory of the former large Soviet country are still twisted.
I will not argue that a very good twist of wires is the most reliable and high-quality way to connect wires, although they constantly try to prove it to me. We will simply proceed from the fact that good twisting can be called one of the stages and a very important element of such methods of connecting wires, such as soldering or welding ...
Voltage relay: what are, how to choose and connect?
Today, there is a huge number of a wide variety of household appliances, which are equipped with more and more intelligent electronics every year, reduced in size, change their design, shape and color.
But nevertheless, despite this, one thing has remained unchanged for many years: today, as before, the stable operation of electrical equipment is completely dependent on the quality of electricity.
How many troubles did sharp dips and peak surges in mains voltage do in everyday life and in production? Workshop workers and firefighters know best about this. Is it possible to minimize the number of failures of household appliances and equipment due to unstable voltage? It turns out you can ...
Broken common neutral wire in the access electrical panel: danger of overvoltage
Why can a broken common ground wire in the access electrical panel cause an increase in the mains voltage? How is this dangerous? How to avoid this?
Overvoltages in a household electrical network are not uncommon. Instead of rated 220 volts, much more can happen in apartment outlets. There can be many reasons for this, but the most common one is a break in the common zero working wire in the access switchboard.
Residential apartment buildings are usually powered by a three-phase 380 V network with a dullly grounded neutral. This means that at the entrance to all floors stretch “risers” - vertically laid wires of large cross-section. There are at least four such wires - three phases and a working "zero" ...
The second life of an energy-saving lamp
The article provides simple tips for extending the life of energy-saving lamps and restoring burned out ones.
Energy-saving lamps are increasingly entering our lives. They really save energy, but they do not always justify the money spent on their purchase. This is due to premature lamp failure. Do not rush to part with her - often by simple manipulations it is possible to extend her life.
An energy-saving lamp consists of two parts: a luminous bulb and an electronic ignition circuit hidden inside the case. The secret is that it is extremely rare for both components to fail at the same time. As a result, it is often possible to assemble one working lamp from two faulty lamps ...
Why welding is always better than other wire connection methods
According to the Rules of Electrical Installations (Clause 2.1.21): connection, branching and termination of conductors of wires and cables should be performed by crimping, welding, soldering or clamping (screw, bolt, etc.) in accordance with applicable instructions.
No matter how convenient (for lazy people) methods of connecting wires, they did not come up with, none of them can be compared with welding in terms of durability and contact conductivity.
Even soldering breaks down over time: there is a third, more fusible and friable metal (solder), transition resistance always exists at the interface of different alloys, and destructive chemical reactions are possible. The duration and complexity of high-quality soldering is not inferior to welding ...
In addition to those described earlier methods of connecting wires, welding has been widely used recently. Welding is preferable to all others: it is easiest to get a fairly reliable and high-quality contact with it. Therefore, the uptime of the wiring is very long.
Now the wiring is most often performed by a copper wire, they try not to use an aluminum wire. Therefore, further we will focus mainly on the welding of copper wires.
Welding of copper wires can be done either by alternating or direct current at a voltage of 12 - 36V, while it should be possible to control the welding current. The most suitable for welding wires should be considered an inverter type welding machine ...
About baby pranks or how to protect an apartment door from fire
The simplest scheme to limit the duration of a call.
As you know, children's pranks are not always safe, and can lead to various unpleasant consequences. Even fairly old people, mostly men, recalling their childhood, often say that it was possible to press the button of someone else's call and rush off to the street. And if at the same time you still tie the door handle to the stair railing or to the neighbor's door!
A normal electromechanical bell is designed for short-term operation, therefore, a match stuck in a button can, if you do not remove it in time, lead to overheating and even fire of the call. There is wallpaper under the bell, a hanger or a closet can be located nearby. Here, not far from the fire ...
Practice gaskets electrical wiring for wooden buildings with wet rooms.
Increasingly, in order to equip everyday life in the country, people build not only residential buildings, but also farm buildings, saunas and arbors. In the 21st century, no one can do without electricity, but the wiring in a wooden house and bath has its own characteristics compared to a brick building.
In the bathhouse, if it is a separate building, it is advisable to extend your line from the main switchboard, which is usually located in the house. This line should be protected by a separate machine. There are two ways to run the power cable into the bathhouse ...