Categories: Electrician Secrets, Sources of light
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The second life of an energy-saving lamp
The article provides simple tips for extending the life of energy-saving lamps and restoring burned out ones.
Energy-saving lamps are increasingly entering our lives. They really save energy, but they do not always justify the money spent on their purchase. This is due to premature lamp failure. Do not rush to part with her - often by simple manipulations it is possible to extend her life.
Energy saving lamp consists of two parts: a luminous bulb and an electronic ignition circuit hidden inside the case. The secret is that it is extremely rare for both components to fail at the same time. As a result, it is often possible to assemble one working lamp from two faulty lamps, and it can serve for a very long time.
So, pick up a blown lamp and carefully examine it. At first glance, it seems inextricable, but this is a misleading impression. A shallow groove is located in the upper part of the body closer to the bulb. With a narrow blade or a small screwdriver, try to divide the case into two parts. After some effort, you will succeed. Difficulties arise only for the first time - subsequently you will carry out this operation in a matter of seconds.
Inside, we see a round board with, as a rule, radio elements blackened from overheating. Four pins of a square section are arranged in pairs along the edges of the board, to which the wires from the bulb are attached. I draw your attention to the fact that they are precisely wound - no soldering, etc.
Disassembled compact fluorescent lamp
Carefully unwind the conductors with tweezers, being careful not to break them. Now with an ohmmeter, check the spirals for an open. At both ends of the flask are two leads. It is necessary to measure the resistance between them. If at least on one side it tends to infinity - the flask can be thrown away. In this case, it is likely that the ignition circuit is operational.
If the spirals of the bulb are intact, and the lamp does not burn, the electronic circuit has failed. It can also be repaired, but it requires certain qualifications and is not considered in the framework of this article.
Now we need to take a serviceable flask with the upper part of the housing from one lamp and the circuit with the lower part from the other, gently screw the leads to the pins and connect the halves. Thus, having 2 to 4 burned out lamps, we can assemble at least one, and if we are lucky, then two workers.
In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the breakdown is overheating of the internal electronic components. This is especially often the case when the lamp is installed in a bulb down and, especially, inside a closed lamp in conditions of limited free cooling.
Now that you are introducing the interior of the lamp, to improve ventilation, drill several holes with a diameter of 3-5 mm in a plastic housing. This operation must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the internal elements. Drilling is also recommended for new lamps. This significantly increases their service life.
These tips will help you truly save by efficiently using energy-saving lamps. Of course, you need to purchase them, if possible the same.
Oleg Volsky
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