How to save electricity comfortably
Due to the constant increase in energy prices, people constantly have to pay a lot for them. They will only get used to the same prices, and it will not seem so much - again the increase in prices - and again a lot. Well, people, I suppose, could also save energy. And enterprises do not have to save - you need to work.
But to whom it is not enough just to save - it is necessary to produce. You can do everything! What you want. You can, for example, buy a house. And you can build it yourself. And a car. And you can and the power plant. You do not have enough energy - you can buy a windmill, or solar panels - and get electricity. At many agricultural enterprises, and not only on them, it is possible to actively save precious electricity.
The recovery system on electric trains is taken into account by a separate meter. And there are routes when the train returns as much energy to the power grid ...
How to lay the cable from the shield to the outlet when connecting the electric stove
Suppose we have decided on the installation location of the electric stove or washing machine. We decided where we would install the appropriate sockets, chose a cable, even purchased it in the required quantity, taking into account the required margin of several meters.
The current question is how to install this cable all the way from the apartment panel to the power outlet? After all, we are not just pulling the cable, we are installing a part of the electrical wiring, which is subject to electrical safety and fire safety requirements. In addition, since this is an apartment, the newly installed part of the wiring should not offend our aesthetic taste. Everything should be neat, beautiful and safe. Consider popular cable management methods. If the walls in the apartment are made of non-combustible materials (concrete, brick or something like that), and the installation of equipment was timed to a major repair ...
Connection of an electric stove and a washing machine in the TN-C system
The TN-C electrical grounding system has long been outlawed and banned for use. But it is easy to ban, but what about those whose homes were commissioned long before the introduction of new norms and rules?
Indeed, for the operating organization, the modernization of the common house wiring and bringing it at least to the TN-C-S system is an overwhelming waste of time, effort and money. And therefore, people living in old-built houses often face the challenge of incorporating modern household appliances into a two-wire network with a TN-C grounding system. And most of the questions arise when connecting powerful devices with a metal case.
The latter relates, first of all, to the electric stove and the washing machine. So, how do you enable these devices in your TN-C home network? The sequence of actions is ...
Incandescent lamp A.N. Lodygina
Everyone knows the usual incandescent lamp so long ago and has firmly entered our everyday life, which is perceived as something completely ordinary, taken for granted. But it was not always so. Only in the mid-19th century did the first working lamps begin to be created. Before widespread use was still very far away. Mass distribution of electric lighting systems became possible after Russian inventors created devices that could be used not only in laboratory conditions.
The origins of the study of the possibility of using electric lighting systems lie at the beginning of the XIX century. Back in 1802, our compatriot V.V. Petrov established that with the help of an electric arc "dark calm can be quite clearly illuminated." Searches were conducted in different directions. Some inventors tried to solve the problem by applying directly the flame of an electric arc ...
How to independently connect an electric furnace and a washing machine
Household appliances are becoming more and more sophisticated every year. So "smarter" that when buying you start to doubt your mental usefulness.
It seems that you are unlikely to really be able to master this miracle - you would remember how to turn on the simplest and most necessary set of functions, and the remaining gadgets will obviously remain without use. In addition, the idea arises that, since the technique is complex, it is as easy as spoiling or breaking it.
And when it comes to a washing machine or an electric stove, it must be kept in mind that they still need to be connected. Yes, and do it right. After all, an entry in the instruction manual explicitly states: “The connection must be made by qualified specialists. Otherwise, the warranty may not be valid. ” And the guarantee is our everything! ...
Parameters of LED light sources, characteristics of LED lamps
Given the high popularity of LED light sources both among buyers and sellers, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on what parameters are used to characterize the consumer properties of such lamps, which, in fact, should be considered when buying.
First of all, any lamp, including LED, is characterized by the amount of power consumption (watts). Typically, the power of LED lamps for domestic purposes ranges from 1 to 10 watts, although there are much more powerful sources for street lighting - 100 watts or more. Strictly speaking, the power consumption characterizes only the rate of energy consumption from the network, and in order to understand how much the lamp shines, you should ask the seller about the amount of light output. The luminous flux is measured in lumens and most fully characterizes the light source ...
Russian light of Pavel Yablochkov
Over a long period of time, many Western European representatives of various fields of science disseminated knowingly false information about our country and our people. According to them, it turned out that among the Russians there could be at least some worthy masters or scientists. At one time, there was even such a slanderous fiction: "Of the Russian, neither scientists nor artists can be."
This lie has firmly entered the minds of many of our compatriots, not to mention those who live in the West. This situation is maintained consciously, forcing many to believe that the best technical innovations and scientific achievements are entirely the merit of Western scientists and masters.
But it is worth taking a closer look at what was created, openly or investigated, how it is discovered that Russian scientists and inventors were in many ways the first, paving the way for further research ...
The electrical circuit of the power supply for the garage
Let me remind you that this is a diagram of a specific instance of the device and some of its parts may look redundant, and the parameters of individual elements with a large margin. Nevertheless, it was tuned and adjusted to the actual operating conditions and is fully operational.
The purpose of the individual elements of the circuit and the operation of the device is more convenient to consider in the following block diagram.
1. Transformer and rectifiers; 2. The voltage reference driver for a short-circuit protection circuit; 3. Active element of protection against short circuit; 4. Shaper of the reference voltage for the stabilization circuit and adjust the output voltage; 5. The node for adjusting the output voltage; 6. The active element of the stabilization and adjustment of the output voltage; 7. Regulating transistors; 8. The node display parameters of the output voltage ...