How to choose a quality incandescent lamp
We live in an amazing time when the word "economy" penetrates into all spheres of life. Just some 10 years ago, few people thought that soon the usual incandescent bulbs, those same “Ilyich bulbs,” would have to be abandoned in favor of more economical LED and fluorescent counterparts.
Unfortunately, the proposed alternative solutions are not a panacea, because due to the simplicity of the design of an incandescent lamp, its cost is extremely low, and the dissipated thermal power is sometimes in demand, for example, in domestic incubators.
Currently, the production of incandescent lamps is gradually being phased out. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a quality inexpensive product: you won’t surprise anyone with a situation where a lamp left by grandfather has been working properly for 5-10 years ...
What is a welding inverter and how does it work
Professional welders, and just those who like to do something at home with welding, have recently been able to significantly ease their work. Welding inverters appeared on sale, which make it possible to make a quantum leap in electric welding. It is enough to recall just the heavy lifting transformers and rectifiers produced earlier. All other things being equal, the weight of the welding inverter is an order of magnitude less than that of any other welding machine, and this significantly increases the productivity of welding. Welding inverters are the most advanced welding machines, which currently almost completely overshadow the classic welding transformers, rectifiers and generators.
Alternating current from a consumer network, with a frequency of 50 Hz, arrives on the rectifier. The rectified current is smoothed by the filter, then the resulting direct current ...
When dealing with television and radio broadcasting, as well as modern forms of communication, very often you have to deal with such terms as “analog signal” and “digital signal”. For experts, there is no secret in these words, but for people ignorant the difference between the “digit” and the “analogue” may be completely unknown. And yet there is a very significant difference.
When we talk about a signal, we usually mean electromagnetic oscillations that induce EMF and cause current oscillations in the receiver antenna. Based on these vibrations, the receiving device — a television, radio, walkie-talkie or cell phone — makes up the “idea” about which image to display (if there is a video signal) and what sounds this video signal should accompany.
In any case, the signal of a radio station or a mobile communication tower can appear both in digital and in analog form. After all, for example, the sound itself ...
Practical ways of saving electricity in everyday life that do not require large investments and obtained experimentally!
Due to the constant increase in electricity tariffs, it becomes more and more relevant to limit the cost of its payment. There are many ways to do this. The most fashionable ways to save energy in everyday life are those related to new technologies, quite a lot has been written about them.
However, there are opportunities that do not require large expenditures and special knowledge; they will help you if you follow the elementary rules of energy consumption culture. Consider these features in detail. Savings in lighting public spaces Usually, when considering this issue, they suggest installing motion sensors and energy-saving lamps in stairwells and basements. In this case, the price of the question ...
Types of halogen lamps and their features
Of all modern light sources, halogen lamps have the highest quality color rendering. In addition, halogen lamps are characterized by high brightness and directional radiation. Of course, they can only conditionally be called energy-saving, nevertheless, in comparison with incandescent lamps, they have several times greater light output and doubled service life.
There are so many different halogen lamps. In this article we will get acquainted with their main types and features. All halogen lamps are conventionally divided into two large groups: low voltage (low voltage) lamps - up to 24 V and mains lamps - 220 V. In addition, halogen lamps differ in design and purpose. Linear halogen lamps. The lamps are a quartz tube with leads on both sides ...
Almost all people complain about lack of time. The pace of our life is constantly accelerating, so any devices that accurately measure time intervals will always be in demand.
If these devices still take away from our shoulders a part of the worries of watering the lawn, turning the lights on and off, controlling various home electrical appliances and technological processes in production, they are simply necessary.
The common name for such devices is a time relay. So, a time relay is a device designed to create time delays for turning on or off signals or processes or to implement a certain sequence in their work. Typically, a time relay is used when you need to perform some action after a set period of time ...
We deal with the types and capabilities of electric meters and choose which one can and should be bought.
Increasingly, energy companies by hook or by crook make their customers change old electric meters.
Formally, this is due to the fact that the old electricity meters had an accuracy class of 2.5 and could not take into account the energy consumption of small capacities. For example, this is the power consumption of electronic equipment in standby mode. New electric meters have an accuracy class of at least 2 (2; 1; 0.5).
According to the principle of operation, the meters are divided into induction and electronic. In induction there are two coils: a current coil and a voltage coil. The magnetic field of these coils makes the disk rotate and the counter readings increase. The problem with this type of counters is ...
How to connect a light bulb to a different voltage
There are several ways to power a light bulb with a small voltage from an electric circuit with a high voltage. The article discusses options for connecting the bulb to a different voltage by selecting additional resistance from a high-resistance wire and using diodes connected in series in the “forward direction”.
Suppose we need a light bulb rated for 6 volts and a current of 0.5 amperes turned on from a 12 volt battery. The simplest of the switching circuits consists of a light bulb connected in series, an additional resistance Rdop and a voltage source Ua, a battery. It is necessary to select additional resistance in such a way that a voltage of 6 volts “drops” on the bulb with a current in the circuit I = 0.5 amperes. Resistance is made from any high-resistance wire ...