How to use current measuring clamps
When assessing the status of existing electrical installations or performing repair work under voltage, electricians have to measure and compare the values of currents flowing through different circuits. This allows you to analyze the operational scheme, timely eliminate the arising malfunctions. Quite often, all this must be done without breaking the electrical circuits so as not to disrupt the technological process of power supply to consumers.
Measure currents of loads without interrupting power supply using a tool specially designed for this purpose. - current ticks.The device of various models can vary significantly depending on the timing of their manufacture and the complexity of the internal circuit. But the principles of measurement and controls are almost everywhere identical.The basis of the work adopted an ordinary current transformer with a detachable magnetic circuit ...
What technical characteristics of cables and wires are important to consider for reliable operation
Cables and wires are designed to transmit electrical energy over distances with the least possible loss. In order to transfer power from the source to consumers most efficiently, they are created with the maximum conductivity of the conductive lines and the exception of the formation of random, unauthorized paths of energy drainage by leakage currents. Only the simultaneous fulfillment of these conditions makes it possible to reliably and continuously transmit and receive electrical energy.
Power losses that occur during the passage of currents through metals are directly related to the magnitude of their electrical resistance. They increase with its increase. To improve the passage of electric current through wires and cables, they reduce the resistance of their conductors by selecting the material of conductive conductors by the value of the resistivity of metals and alloys, manufacturing a cross section of the core according to the permissible ...
When washing hands, it is shocking - how to solve this problem
Nibbling of hands, especially wounds, scratches during their contact with water when washing hands does not pose a danger to humans. But light and seemingly harmless tingling can instantly turn into a strong electric shock. Tingling can be considered as an alarm signal, namely, to search for a source of current leakage - a damaged electrical appliance or go to a damaged section of home wiring.
In most cases, the cause of tingling is damage or improper connection to the electrical network of a household appliance, which in the process of operation is connected to water, pipelines of the apartment (house). This is primarily a washing machine, storage water heater (boiler), instantaneous water heater, dishwasher. When installing electrical wiring, it is recommended to pay special attention to ...
How to determine the ground wire
When installing a socket or other elements of electrical wiring, the need to connect a cable in a junction box, the question arises of how to determine where which wire is from the three available. Where the phase wire is located, as a rule, it is not difficult to determine - just use an indicator screwdriver for this. The question then becomes: where is the working conductor from the remaining two wires, and where is the protective ground conductor.
If the conductors are not marked, that is, they do not have corresponding tags indicating where which wire is, then for many this becomes a problem. In this case, it is necessary to determine exactly where which wire is, since in case of an erroneous connection, negative consequences are possible - short circuit or electric shock.Below we will try to answer the question of how to determine the ground wire in home wiring ...
How to seal an electric meter? The procedure for sealing the electricity meter
When connecting a private house or apartment to electric networks, there is no question of whether to make sealing of the meter or not - this is a mandatory procedure, without which it is impossible to connect to electric networks. Therefore, if you need the first connection or connection after the suspension of power supply services (for example, due to violation of the terms of the contract), the question arises of the need to seal the meter. What is a filling, and for what purpose is it performed?
Sealing an electric meter is the installation of a special seal on an electric meter, which prevents opening the case and, accordingly, undesirable manipulations of the meter and other elements of the metering board from the point of view of supplying the organization. The seal is installed exclusively on a working, verified metering device ...
How to perform grounding calculation for the contour of a private residential building
Owners of individual houses and cottages are increasingly beginning to understand that the use of electricity not only greatly facilitates the fulfillment of everyday household needs, but also poses certain risks to humans. In life, there is always the possibility of an emergency, which can lead to electrical injury.
The electrical safety of an individual building requires constant close attention from the owner. One of the issues of its maintenance is the operation of an individual ground loop, which must not only be created according to a certain methodology, but also correctly selected design, having performed a reliable calculation of all its elements. We’ll make a reservation right away that anyone who is familiar with the basics of electrical engineering can do it yourself. To do this, below is the methodology for its implementation. It is for guidance only ...
Simple ABP circuitry on contactors
The power supply of any facility should be uninterrupted, but sudden power outages, unfortunately, are not excluded. For such important facilities as hospitals, defense industry facilities, and for many others, accidents at power plants or in power supply networks are in great trouble, for this reason much attention has always been paid and is being paid to the design and construction of backup power supply systems.
Often uninterrupted power supply is ensured by the fact that the consumer has two sources independent from each other, the main and the backup. The main source is the substation line, and the backup is another line that receives power from another power station, or from an autonomous power source, for example, from an industrial generator for liquid fuel or from a battery of batteries, as is often the case ...
Modern terminals for connecting wires
If someone still believes that there is nothing better for connecting wires than stripping their ends with a knife, twisting them, and wrapping them with electrical tape, then he is behind the times. Today, there are already plenty of alternative devices that greatly facilitate the process of connecting wires, and at the same time are quite reliable. Times of twisting will soon sink into oblivion, for they are replaced by a variety of terminals.
Why are the terminals good? How, for example, to connect an aluminum wire with a copper wire so that the connection is reliable and durable? It is absolutely impossible to twist copper with aluminum, because then a galvanic pair is formed, and corrosion will simply destroy the connection, it does not matter what size the current will pass through the twist, it will break down sooner or later, and if the current is greater,turning on and off devices more often, then the twisting resistance will increase faster, over time, heating ...