Intermediate relays: purpose, where they are applied and how they are chosen
The term "intermediate relays" most often means electromagnetic relays, which are used as so-called auxiliary relays, playing not the main, but very important role in the control circuits of various technological installations, machines, complexes.
Currently, the market offers a fairly wide range of intermediate relays. It is possible to select an intermediate relay both by price category and by the property of the tasks being solved. The most common production firms Finder, Phoenix, ABB, Schneider electric. From domestic, we indicate the relay type RPL, RPU-2M, RP, REP, for example. In a simplified form, the intermediate relay is an electromagnetic coil with a core that can be connected to either direct or alternating currentwhen voltage appears on which ...
Networks up to and above 1000 volts. What are the differences?
Electric networks are usually classified according to a large number of different signs, but with regard to electrical safety they are divided mainly as follows: networks with voltage up to 1000 V and networks with voltage over 1000 V.
It is these thousand volts that appear in the certificate for electrical safety of every electrician, even if he is the chief power engineer of the enterprise or an ordinary electrician who graduated from vocational school yesterday.
And, it seems, everything is clear: low voltage - less danger, one safety requirement; high voltage is very dangerous, the requirements are stricter. But why exactly 1000 volts? Not 1500, not 660, but 1000? And the thing is that AC networks above 1000 V are always networks with isolated neutral. At the same time, networks with voltages up to 1000 V are networks with a grounded neutral ...
The device and principle of operation of the electric convector
An electric convector is one of the most popular heaters used for heating domestic, industrial and office premises. Despite the rather wide popularity of this type of heater, few people have an idea of how it works, and for what these or other control elements of the convector serve.
Consider the principle of operation of a convection heater. The principle of operation of an electric convector is based on the natural circulation (convection) of air. The convector, as a rule, has a rectangular shape, an electric heating element is located inside it.
On the surface of the convector there are openings designed for air circulation. The convector is designed in such a way that the air coming from the lower and side openings is heated after passing through the heating element and then exits through the openings ...
Characteristics of circuit breakers
A circuit breaker, or, more simply, an automaton, is an electrical device familiar to almost everyone. Everyone knows that the machine disconnects the network when there are any problems in it. If not smart, then these problems are too much electric current. Excessive electric current is dangerous for all conductors and household electrical equipment to fail, possibly overheating, igniting, and, accordingly, a fire. Therefore, protection against high currents is a classic of electrical circuits, and it existed even at the dawn of electrification.
Any overcurrent protection device has two important tasks: to recognize an excessively high current on time and correctly, to break the circuit before this current can cause any damage. At the same time, high currents can be divided into two categories: large currents caused by network congestion, for example ...
Inductors and magnetic fields. Part 2. Electromagnetic induction and inductance
Electrical and magnetic phenomena have been studied for a long time, but it never occurred to anyone to somehow relate these studies to each other. And only in 1820 it was discovered that a current conductor acts on the compass needle. This discovery belonged to Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted. Subsequently, the unit of measurement of the magnetic field strength in the GHS system was named after him: the Russian designation E (Oersted), the English designation Oe. The magnetic field has such intensity in a vacuum during induction of 1 Gauss.
This discovery suggested that a magnetic field could be obtained from an electric current. But at the same time, thoughts arose about the inverse transformation, namely, how to get an electric current from a magnetic field. Indeed, many processes in nature are reversible: ice is obtained from water, which can again be melted into water ...
After the story about the use of capacitors, it would be logical to talk about another representative of passive radio elements - inductors. But the story about them will have to start from afar, to remember the existence of a magnetic field, because it is the magnetic field that surrounds and penetrates the coils, it is in a magnetic field, most often alternating, that the coils work. In short, this is their habitat.
Magnetism is one of the most important properties of matter, as well as, for example, mass or electric field. The phenomena of magnetism, however, like electricity, have been known for a long time, only then science could not explain the essence of these phenomena. An incomprehensible phenomenon was called "magnetism" by the name of the city of Magnesia, which was once in Asia Minor. It was from ore mined nearby that permanent magnets were obtained. If it was promised to talk about inductors, then we will talk about electromagnetism ...
Safety during electrical work must always be extremely responsible. When performing construction work, injuries often result from improper use of various tools and electric shock.
Construction companies, as a rule, provide on-the-job training on safe working methods. Data on the conducted briefings shall be reflected in the safety journal indicating the numbers of the instructions for which the briefing was conducted.
Unfortunately injuries do happen. And when an investigation is carried out about an injury that has occurred, the injured person very often says that he was not instructed on safety issues: “Yes, I signed it in some kind of magazine somewhere, but I don’t know why.” Therefore, it is necessary not only to instruct, but also to give all the required instructions for personal use to all the workers for signature ...
Service and repair of magnetic starters
Magnetic starters, as the name implies, were conceived as a switching device for starting electric motors. Therefore, the number of power poles of these devices is almost always equal to three - in terms of the number of network phases. Starters are often equipped with thermal overload relays and a housing with “start” and “stop” buttons.
But the starter turned out to be a very convenient and functional thing. A wide range of rated currents, small dimensions and the possibility of autonomous installation outside of any switchgear or switchboard have led to the fact that magnetic starters have been widely used in everyday life for connecting various powerful electric receivers, for example, heating boilers, to the network.
Like any other electrical device, the magnetic starter periodically also needs repair and maintenance. The magnetic starter maintenance program is simple and includes ...