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The device and principle of operation of the electric convector


The device and principle of operation of the electric convectorAn electric convector is one of the most popular heaters used for heating domestic, industrial and office premises. Despite the fairly wide popularity of this type of heater, few people have an idea of ​​how it works, and for what these or those convector control elements serve.

Consider the principle of operation of a convection heater. The principle of operation of an electric convector is based on the natural circulation (convection) of air. The convector, as a rule, has a rectangular shape, an electric heating element is located inside it.

On the surface of the convector there are openings designed for air circulation. The convector is designed in such a way that the air coming from the bottom and side openings is heated after passing through the heating element and then exits through the openings located on the front panel of the convector.

For instance, oil type heater Heats the room due to thermal radiation, which comes from heated radiators. The convector has a different principle - heating the room is due to the directed flow of heated air. Due to this, the convector heats the room much faster and, what is equally important, evenly over the entire area.

The heating element of a modern convector is low temperature, it is made of a special alloy, so that it heats up much faster than ordinary tubular heating elements. As a rule, after 30-60 s after switching on the mains, the convector already begins to transfer heat to the room.

The efficiency of a heater of this type reaches 90% due to the fact that almost all the energy goes into heating the room, unlike other types of heaters, for example, oil heaters, which do not begin to transfer heat to the room immediately, but only after its heat-conducting medium warms up - oil, and then its metal casing (radiator).

Electric convector

It is believed that heaters, including electric convectors, burn oxygen. But is it really so? As mentioned above, low-temperature heating elements are installed in the electric convector, the maximum temperature of their heating, as a rule, does not exceed 600 60aboutFROM.

At this temperature, oxygen is not burned, which is a significant advantage of the convector, compared with other types of electric heaters, the heating elements of which are heated to several hundred degrees. In addition, the low working temperature of the convector allows it to be installed almost everywhere, including near fire hazardous surfaces, for example, on a wooden wall.

And how can a convector effectively heat a room if the operating temperature of its heating elements is much lower than in other types of heaters?

The convector heating element has a significantly larger size compared to heating elements that have a higher operating temperature. Due to this, the convector generates a sufficient amount of heat and, despite the low operating temperature of its heating elements, it is able to heat a significant area. Depending on the power, one convector can heat a room with an area of ​​up to 30 square meters. m

Electric convector

Most convectors install a thermostat, which is designed to adjust the temperature of the heating element and, accordingly, the temperature of the air that moves away from the convector. On cheaper models, mechanical thermostats are installed, with which the temperature is adjusted roughly.

Dear models are supplied electronic thermostatsthat allow you to adjust the temperature with high accuracy - up to a tenth of a degree. Accurate temperature control is not so important for domestic use. If the room is cold and you need to warm it up faster - the thermostat is set to the maximum temperature. Upon reaching the optimum and comfortable temperature, the thermostat can be set to a lower temperature value.

The accuracy of temperature control is relevant when it is necessary to maintain temperature in those rooms where it is necessary to observe strict temperature conditions. Thanks to the electronic thermostat, it is possible to automatically adjust the room temperature.

In addition to the thermostat, a switch is provided on the electric convector for supplying voltage to the heating element. In convectors with a power of 1500-2500 W there can be 2-3 heating elements and, accordingly, a switch to several positions. For example, when installed in the first position, one heating element is switched on, in the second position - two heating elements, and in the third position, the convector operates at full power - that is, all three heating elements are turned on.

On some types of electric convectors, independent switches are installed for each of the heating elements. This option of turning on the heating elements is most acceptable, since in the event of a burnout of one heating element, you can turn on another, which is in good condition, while when a heater burns out in a convector with a step switch, it is highly likely that in none of the switch positions the convector will not work.

The presence of a thermostat and switches of the heating elements allows you to adjust the temperature of the air heating in a fairly wide range.

Electric convector

Electric convectors can be mounted directly on the wall or mounted on the floor. If a heater of this type is installed on the floor, there is a danger of it toppling over, which can cause a fire. Therefore, in almost all convectors, a special protective device is provided that automatically turns off the power to the heating elements in case of accidental or spontaneous tipping of the convector.

The principle of this protective device is as follows. When the convector is in an upright position, the contacts are closed, and the heating elements of the convector receive power. In the event of a rollover of the convector, that is, when the angle is deviated from the vertical position, the contacts of the protective device open and the convector heating elements are de-energized.

It should be noted that the convector operates in normal mode only if unhindered air circulation occurs. Therefore, in order to avoid the failure of the convector, it is forbidden to cover it.

See also at

  • Modern household electric heaters
  • Modern household electric heaters. Continuation
  • The most economical electric home heating
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Veterok heater
  • Which air heater is better: PETN or ceramic?


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Perhaps the error in the text is not 600 degrees, but 60? After all, this is the "several hundred degrees" that burn oxygen ..


    # 2 wrote: bob | [quote]


    The efficiency of this type of heater reaches 90% due to the fact that almost all the energy goes to warm the room, unlike other types of heaters

    Maybe I’m not catching up, but it seemed to me that any heaters would convert all the energy expended into heat?


    # 3 wrote: Andrew | [quote]


    Seraphim, there is no error, the heating elements in the covector can heat up to 600 degrees.

    bobThe efficiency of the heating elements of all types of heaters is close to 100%, but the efficiency of the heaters themselves differs due to different designs and the principle of operation (the differences are described at the beginning of the article). Convectors simply have a higher efficiency than other electric heaters, i.e. Covers are considered the most economical appliances.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    Seraphim! You're not right! Efficiency ALL heating appliancesdescribed in this article is 100%! By definition. Because ALL electricity is converted into heat! The difference is not in efficiency, but in the EFFICIENCY of a certain type of heater for specific conditions. Somewhere - convection type, somewhere - radiating. And convectors are by no means more economical than other types - everything is determined by a specific task. In addition, you are not right about the fact that the oil radiator heats the room only due to radiation! After all, he is also a convector, only with an unformed narrowly directed air stream. Do not believe? Hold your palm against the heated oil coolers at equal distances from different sides. Up will be a warm (convection!) Stream of warm air.


    # 5 wrote: Alexei | [quote]


    Alexander Sh, "You're not right! EfficiencyALL heating appliancesdescribed in this article, "more than 100% because they also heat the conductive wires. Even in wind turbines, all the energy consumed to organize the flow will eventually turn into heat


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Gentlemen, go teach physics. If the energy supplied is equal to that expended, you will get a “perpetual motion machine,” and there seems to be no such thing as yet. Not a single device on Earth has an efficiency of 100%. You make a revolution in technology :)


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Generally write nonsense. Not an article, but sheer amateurism!

    1 "As mentioned above, low-temperature heating elements are installed in an electric convector; the maximum temperature for heating them, as a rule, does not exceed 600 ° C.

    At this temperature, oxygen is not burned, which is a significant advantage of the convector, compared with other types of electric heaters, the heating elements of which are heated to several hundred degrees"

    Those. at a few hundred - 200-300 oxygen is burned, but at 600 not.

    Let the author know that oxygen is an oxidizing agent - it is not burned at all! The oxidizable product is burned. Which in WASTE quantities there is dust in the apartment. Electrical appliances do NOT burn anything at all - it's not a wood stove. By the way, read Bradbury - you will find out at what temperature paper (carbon) ignites - it is much lower than your 600 degrees!

    The temperature of the heating elements of many modern convectors is approximately 60 degrees, as Seraphim correctly noted in the first post. And the heat transfer there increases due to the increased contact area of ​​the ten with the surrounding air.

    2 The oil cooler works on the same principle as a covector - from a heated fireplace through the form of heat transfer - the nearby air is heated by heat conduction, and then by convection all the air in the room. Just due to the high thermal resistance of the oil, such fireplaces are forced to have a large surface area of ​​contact with air, and therefore - large dimensions.

    3 Any heating device transfers heat by all three types of heat transfer - heat conduction, radiation and convection, but each device structurally enhances one type of heat transfer, making the remaining types negligible compared to the others ...

    4 Regarding the efficiency ... I will not))))))


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    If email the meter is installed in the apartment, then according to the law Q = I (2) Rt, the heat generated in the apartment will be with an efficiency of 100%, regardless of the type of email. a heater.
    The farther from the apartment is el. the meter and the thinner the wire from it to the apartment, the lower the efficiency.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: engineer
    Gentlemen, go teach physics.If the energy supplied is equal to that expended, you will get a “perpetual motion machine,” and there seems to be no such thing as yet. No device on Earth has an efficiency of 100%. You make a revolution in technology :)

    And you teach. It has long been known that the refrigerator has an efficiency of more than 300% !!!!!!! So that....


    # 10 wrote: | [quote]


    Mishanya, the refrigerator has a heat pump. Spending energy to drive it, it transfers thermal energy from one place to another. Central heating batteries simply simply give off heat for free.


    # 11 wrote: Roma | [quote]


    Very interesting and informatively outlined, but I have a question.
    I bought a convector Balu Etor 2000 ... to check, I put a maximum of 35 degrees, but it heats up to 25 degrees in the display and no more.
    What is the matter or such heat transfer provides with the constant on mode?
    And in general, how much time should it get warm and gain the set temperature?


    # 12 wrote: Victor | [quote]


    The majority of convector heating spirals put more power than they can give, this convector though 2kW but in reality warms to 1 kW due to the lack of surface area. Well that spends at the same time 1kW on average)