The need to establish electrical equipment is not as obvious as, say, the need to mount it. And the results of the adjustment are not so tangible, tangible as during installation. It would seem that it is simpler: apply voltage to the mounted electrical equipment and, by pressing a button, put it into action.
However, this can only be done in the simplest cases, for example, when the lighting in residential buildings is turned on; the vast majority of electrical circuits after installation are subject to adjustment.
First of all, the electrical equipment must be checked. This is explained by the fact that during the manufacture, transportation and installation of equipment and apparatus, their damage, deviations from the project, latent defects and, finally, just errors, especially when making connections in complex circuits, are possible. If you neglect the check, the result is likely to be a failure in work or a serious accident.
In commissioning, the sequence of operations is of great importance. First, they study the design and technical documentation for the electrical equipment of the launch complex, which is usually represented by the capital construction department of the customer enterprise. Then check the completeness of equipment delivery, compliance with its design. At the same time, the installers do not just get acquainted with the design solutions, but also identify shortcomings and errors of the circuit diagrams and correct the wiring diagrams if they are not consistent with the principal ...
About electricians from the Absurdopedia
Electrician - the master of darkness, the thunderstorm of all Odminov, the only creature in the world that can twist a light bulb alone. In Egyptian mythology, the hard worker Krabu is opposed. Summons the Evil Spirits from the Shield to help. Incinerates eyes at preliminary preparation of a metal rug under your feet.
Electrician's Way
Elected become the elect, so if you are not knocked 220, do not even think about the profession of the master of darkness.
A true Electrician from childhood has been studying motors from Chinese cars and licks batteries like "crown". By the age of 12, an electrician goes to a radio electronics club, where his "inventions" are unsuccessfully scraped off the walls of a cleaning lady. The electronics circle eventually goes bankrupt on fuses and sends the young Electrician to the aircraft modeling club. After that, silence occurs in the radio electronics club, and even sounds from the aircraft modeling circle do not come from behind the wall.
After receiving the First Electrical Education, the paths of electricians diverge and two types of electricians appear - the Chubais type and, in fact, the Electrician, which we are used to seeing.
An electrician can do anything!
Outwardly, it is no different from an ordinary person: he dresses like a respectable manager, he doesn’t solder anything, he doesn’t lead a transformer lifestyle (when he gets 220, brings 127, and buzzes the rest) and makes friends with people of intellectual labor. In the midst of true Electricians there is no reason why highly true Electricians are despised, and in the end they are declared real Electricians "who have gone out of the way of the true." Bureaucrats, in a word.
True Electrician
A true (or Tru, as Odminy say) electrician continues to mumble in the morning "ohmmm, oh volts to amperes! Ohmmmm!", Drink vodka, scold customers for improper use of equipment, do not use sockets and plugs at home, hate computer men, fight with a fitter key, etc. Romance! It is not forbidden to work, but only in the housing office, otherwise you can overwork.
Famous Electricians
Chub Ice - not Tru Electric. He dreamed of becoming the master of darkness, but lost his way and was mired in bureaucracy, bears and worn out equipment.
John Lenin - Tru electrician. He knew the Volt-Ampere characteristic of all devices and invented the Ilyich Bulb.
Tesla - Tru Electric.Invented the transformer, the Tunguska meteorite and many other useful things ...
About electrical protection devices for dummies: fuses
Fuses are designed to protect electrical networks from overloads and short circuits. They are very cheap and elementary simple in design. These devices are rightfully considered pioneers of circuit protection.
The fuse consists of two main parts: a body made of electrical insulation material (glass, ceramics) and a fuse (wire, metal strips). The outputs of the fuse-link are connected to the terminals, with the help of which the fuse is connected in series with the protected consumer or the circuit section. To do this, use special terminal holders. They must ensure reliable contact of the fuse - otherwise heating is possible in this place.
The fusible insert is selected so that it melts before the temperature of the line wires reaches a dangerous level or an overloaded consumer fails.
By design features distinguish between plate, cartridge, tube and plug fuses. The current strength for which the fuse is designed is indicated on its body. The maximum permissible voltage at which a fuse can be used is also specified.
The main characteristic of the fusible insert is the dependence of the time of its burnout on current. This dependency is the following graph ...
What tool should an electrician have, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers
Typically, an electrician going to a customer’s call takes a suitcase or a handbag full of various pieces of iron, screws and dowels, as well as an electrician’s tool in his handbag - the glands with which the electrician performs certain tasks. What tool should he be an electrician?
Rule of an isolated tool. The most basic association of an electrician with pliers. Pliers (pliers) must be with insulated handles. The insulation material for the pens can be either plastic or rubber. The main thing is that the insulation of the handles can withstand a voltage of 1000 volts. In practice, it’s convenient to have a pair of pliers with you — some medium or small, others large.
As well as pliers, screwdrivers will always come in handy ...
What do we take on a hike?
Collecting an electrician's suitcase is very similar to picking a backpack on a camping trip. It is necessary to foresee all the little things and take as many tools as possible so as not to get into the prosak on a call from a client. However, here, just as in a hiking trip, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can simply not bring a suitcase. So, what else does the electrician have in his bag, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers? ...
Which is better - do the electrical installation yourself or call professional electricians?
In bookstores and on the ruins, there are a huge number of books and brochures with titles such as “Wiring in 5 minutes”, “Your own electrician”, “100 tips for the home master - installation of wiring” and other similar publications. Looking at this “splendor”, you might think that wiring is a very simple task that you can really learn in five minutes. But this is not so.
This will be confirmed to you by any professional for whom the installation of sockets, automatic machines, electrical panels, etc. this is not a “hobby”, as the authors of books represent reality, but a profession. Not only does wiring require a mass of specific knowledge and skills, it also requires compliance with safety regulations. For this reason, following some of the tips from the compilers of Home Master collections is simply dangerous.
Any work with electric current is classified as dangerous to human life if the voltage in the line is more than a hundred volts.Therefore, it is only natural that only persons who have undergone special instruction and training and possess debugged skills in both electrical installation and first aid in case of electric shock are allowed to do such work. If we say the "letter of the law", then only people with a third qualification group for electrical safety meet these requirements.
And what can lie in wait for a layman? ...
How to find the right electrician to replace wiring in the house
1. The very first, a self-respecting master will take off his shoes and ask for slippers at the entrance to the apartment. Before starting work, he will warn you about places where, in his opinion, it will be dirty and will ask you to remove / hide objects that may get dirty.
2. The foreman (or foreman) who will work here directly should go for a measurement (initial inspection, budgeting). This condition will allow you to no longer repeat your conditions to each new representative, and the master will be able to take everything into account as correctly as possible and the error of the "third person" will be eliminated.
3. Electrician - a specialist does not start a conversation with money, but with the amount of work, conditions, your wishes.
4. A real electrician will find out ...
The story of how Alex Exler tried to call an electrician
The light bulb in the suspended ceiling burned out, knocking out a machine gun. He turned on the machine, replaced the light bulb - it again burned out. After that, it turned out that the switch of the entire series of bulbs stopped working - the entire line is on and on. Well, something was short, a clear stump. Usually in such cases, nothing is turned on, but here - nothing is turned off.
I called the local housing office (or whatever). Although Zhekovsky electrician to trust to do something in the apartment - obviously did not want to. They are usually rare morons (although there are happy exceptions), and they don’t know how to do a damn thing. Having learned about the problem, the Zhekovskaya dispatcher told me the same thing - they say they won’t figure it out. Uselessly. To the question of where to go, the dispatcher advised a rather large office, which has a website on the Internet and which solves a lot of all kinds of problems - directly Mr. Wolfe.
I call the office, please send an electrician. The dispatcher finds out what happened. I explain. Further dialogue. (Note that I haven’t said yet that an electrician should go specifically out of town - here usually good sums are still additionally covered up, but here it was immediately interesting even without a countryside.)
(Dispatcher) ...
Great electricians in the history of physics laid out by chickens to laugh
The first to discover was Luigi Galvani. This is what a funny incident happened to him. He, you see, was a foodie. However, there were enough gourmets without him, but Galvani was also a dude - this is the combination of the whole thing. He once demanded that to eat frog legs he was given not some silver knife and fork, but that the knife - okay, silver, but the fork is certainly platinum. The waiter, anticipating entertainment, did not argue. As soon as Galvani poked his guns on his unfinished paws, this delicacy made an attempt to stick from a plate. “What the ... what ... what?” Galvani was stunned. “Yes, you just galvanize them, señor!” The waiter explained to him, choking with laughter. So electrophysiology was born ...
In his anatomical Galvani, he killed an entire batch of frogs and set about scientifically set experiments. He made a stunning conclusion at that time - the frog, they say, has the same “animal electricity” as the electric stingray. “Oh, times, oh, morals!” Alessandro Volta, who loved animals, and frogs, especially moaned, learning about this. “It's not a frog, but two different metals!” To prove his words, Volta demonstrated an elegant experience in which, unlike Galvani, he wittily used his own language instead of a frog.
By the way, the language did not require cutting and dissection for this; it worked well already. “And yet unconvincing,” Galvani retorted, and in order to prove his point, he made a frog over such that the prepared sample fluttered without touching any metals there.This Volta could no longer endure, and therefore he invented his famous pole - a source of contact voltage. It is possible that this invention saved not one thousand frogs from a premature death, since Galvani was thinking about their quartering on an industrial scale in order to mount the world's first power station - at the court of the Pope. Nevertheless, the struggle between the “Galvanians” and the “Voltians” continued for quite some time. And only V.I.Lenin subsequently established that, not owning a dialectical approach to the issue, both of them flogged nonsense.
But the voltaic pole - this is not a glass disk with fur lining, you do not need to rotate it! In order to properly mark such a discovery, Volta invited his foreign friends Om and Ampere to a beer. Having drained his mug, Volta ...