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What tool should an electrician have, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers


What tool should an electrician have, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers? Typically, an electrician going to a customer’s call takes a briefcase or handbag stuffed with various pieces of iron, screws and dowels, as well as in his handbag electrician tool - those glands with which the electrician performs certain tasks. What tool should he be an electrician?

Rule of an isolated tool. The most basic association of an electrician with pliers. Pliers (pliers) must be with insulated handles. The insulation material for the pens can be either plastic or rubber. The main thing is that the insulation of the handles can withstand a voltage of 1000 volts. In practice, it’s convenient to have a pair of pliers with you — some medium or small, others large.

As well as pliers, screwdrivers will always come in handy. The screwdriver handles must also be insulated and withstand voltages of 1000 volts. Scratches, cracks and chips on the handles of screwdrivers (pliers and all that you will touch live parts) are prohibited !!! It is better to replace such a tool. In order to detect cracks that are not visible to the human eye, the instrument should be subjected to laboratory testing every 6 months or to be completely updated once a year.

There should be several screwdrivers - in size: small, medium, large, in shape: scapula, cross. It will not be amiss to have a screwdriver with you. Put the screwdriver shaft hot in the cambric, leaving only 10 mm open from the tip of the screwdriver.

How to check for voltage?

What tool should an electrician have, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers? To check for voltage according to the rules it is forbidden to use a control lamp (an ordinary bulb in the cartridge), however, it helps to check for bad contact and at the same time voltage. Take care of the lamp housing. Also useful voltage indicator - This is a screwdriver inside which a neon bulb and resistance are inserted. The indicator often shows what is not and therefore it is not superfluous to put a voltage indicator.

Voltage indicator - an indicator having two handles connected by a wire. A voltage indicator is used instead of a control lamp ...... more precisely together)))). To find out the amount of voltage put in your purse multimeter. A multimeter combines several devices, there is a voltmeter that indicates the magnitude of the voltage, and an ammeter that indicates the current (up to 2 amperes), as well as an ohmmeter, and in some high voltage megaohmmeter. Instead of a multimeter, you can take clamp meter with integrated multimeter. Such clamps allow you to measure currents up to 400 amperes without breaking the wires.

What do we take on a hike?

electrician tool Collecting an electrician's suitcase is very similar to picking a backpack on a camping trip. It is necessary to foresee all the little things and take as many tools as possible so as not to get into the prosak on a call from a client. However, here, just as in a hiking trip, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can simply not bring a suitcase. So, what else does the electrician have in his bag, except for pliers and a set of screwdrivers?

- Round pliers - so that the tips are round

- Nippers - take small for small work and large for rough.

- Tweezers - it is convenient to hold something small, to get out of hard-to-reach places.

- A set of hex wrenches - a lot of Euro - technology contains hexagon socket screws.

- A set of open-end wrenches from the 6th to the 19th. Starting from the 10th number, the keys must be repeated - sometimes it is necessary to untwist the attached nuts into two keys.

- A set of socket wrenches from 10 to 17

- What is an electrician without electrical tape? Take X / B electrical tape with you - black and several skeins of different colors of polyvinyl tape.

- Very often a mini-saw comes in handy.And when you have to cut something, you need a grinder with a metal disc with a diameter of 150-180 mm. It will not be superfluous to have a 150 mm concrete disc with you.

- An electrician often has to hang up something, then fixtures, then external sockets, then a hinged shield - and here you need a hammer drill. Drills for concrete of 6, 8.10 mm of small length and a drill of 16-20 mm with a length of 500-700 mm for the passage of walls are most often taken to a punch.

- A drill with a drill chuck - in this way, with a slight movement of the hand, we can turn our drill into a drill. Drills for metal 3-10 should be in each set of electrics, a set of pen drills 10 - 20 mm will not hurt.

- the skin will help you clean the soot and soot, and a set of small files will help restore contacts.

- We’ll also put a lineman’s knife, a mallet and a barb.

... you can still put a lot, but I think with this set you will not be lost and the work will be done))).

See also at

  • Electrician tool
  • What tools are needed to perform electrical work
  • Electrical tool
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    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    A very useful article, I can’t say that I’m such an experienced electrician, but I can completely replace the socket and the switch with the cartridge. Therefore, I believe that the rules you described should be followed by both beginners and professionals. Indeed, life depends on this, the most interesting thing is that experienced electricians often violate the safety rules.