After getting acquainted in the previous parts of the article with the K155LA3 chip, we will try to figure out examples of its practical application.
It would seem that what can be done from one chip? Of course, nothing outstanding. However, you should try to assemble some functional node based on it. This will help to visually understand the principle of its operation and settings. One of these nodes, quite often used in practice, is a self-oscillating multivibrator.
The multivibrator circuit is shown in the figure. This circuit in appearance is very similar to the classic multivibrator circuit with transistors. Only here, logic elements are used as active elements ...
Simple power control for smooth lamp on
An article on how to make a device for smooth turning on lamps using the KR1182PM1 chip.
Power controllers are widely used. The simplest of them can be considered a conventional diode, connected in series with the load. This "regulation" is most often used in two cases: as a means of extending the life of an incandescent lamp (usually on staircases in porches) and to prevent overheating of a soldering iron. In other cases, the regulators serve to change the power in the load over a wide range.
There are a lot of designs of regulators, from the simplest to the most complex. One of the ways to create simple, reliable and multi-functional controllers was the creation of a specialized chip KR1182PM1 ...
Indicators and signaling devices on an adjustable zener diode TL431
The TL431 integrated stabilizer is mainly used in power supplies. However, for it you can find many more applications. Some of these schemes are provided in this article.
This article will talk about simple and useful devices made using the TL431 chip. But in this case, you should not be afraid of the word “microcircuit”, it has only three conclusions, and outwardly it looks like a simple low-power transistor in the TO90 package.
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS was at the forefront of the semiconductor era. All this time, she has been in the first place in the list of world leaders in the production of electronic components, firmly holding herself in the top ten or, as they say more often, in the world ranking TOP-10. The first integrated circuit was created back in 1958 by Jack Kilby, an employee of this company.
Among the very first in the list of “magic” microcircuits, one should probably consider the adjustable voltage regulator TL431 ...
If physics was well taught at your school, then you probably will remember the experience that clearly explained the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
Outwardly, it looked something like this: the teacher came to the classroom, the attendants brought in some appliances and placed them on the table. After explaining the theoretical material, a demonstration of experiments began, which clearly illustrates the story.
To demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, a very large inductor, a powerful direct magnet, connecting wires and a device called a galvanometer were required.
The appearance of the galvanometer was a flat box a little larger than a standard A4 sheet, and behind the front wall, which was closed by glass, a scale with a zero in the middle was placed. Behind the same glass one could see a thick black arrow ...
In the second part of the article, we talked about conditional graphic designations of logical elements and about the functions performed by these elements.
To explain the principle of operation, contact circuits performing the logical functions of AND, OR, NOT and AND-NOT were given.Now you can begin to practical acquaintance with the K155 series microcircuits.
The basic element of the 155th series is the K155LA3 chip. It is a plastic case with 14 leads, on the upper side of which is marked and a key that indicates the first output of the chip.
The key is a small round mark. If you look at the microcircuit from above (from the side of the case), then the conclusions should be counted counterclockwise, and if from below, then clockwise ...
How to repair a burned out energy-saving lamp
Did the house lamp burn out? The easiest way is to throw it in the trash, but you can make it ... another, and if there are several lamps that have burned down, then you can do it .... by repair.
If you at least once held a soldering iron in your hands, then this article is for you.
You can turn on the fluorescent lamp up to 30 watts, without a starter and throttle, using a small scarf removed from our economy lamp. At the same time, it will light up instantly, with a decrease in voltage it will not ‘Blink’. This lamp burns out in two ways ...
Logical elements operate as independent elements in the form of microcircuits of a small degree of integration, and they are included as components in microcircuits of a higher degree of integration. Such elements can be counted more than a dozen.
But first, we’ll only talk about four of them - these are the elements AND, OR, NOT, AND-NOT. The main elements are the first three, and the AND-NOT element is already a combination of the AND AND NOT elements. These elements can be called "bricks" of digital technology. First you need to consider what is the logic of their action?
Recall the first part of the article on digital circuits. It was said that the voltage at the input (output) of the microcircuit within 0 ... 0.4 V is the level of logical zero, or low voltage. If the voltage is within 2.4 ... 5.0 V, then this is the level of a logical unit or a high level voltage ...
Introductory article about logic chips. Describes number systems and the representation of a binary number using electrical signals.
The modern digital integrated circuit is a miniature electronic unit, the housing of which contains active and passive elements connected in a certain pattern. These are transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors.
The number of elements in modern microcircuits can reach several hundred thousand and even millions of elements. It is enough to recall microprocessors, microcontrollers, memory chips.
To simply list all modern microcircuits, you will need not one article, but a whole rather thick book. In this article, we will consider microcircuits of small and medium degree of integration, mostly simple logic elements ...