Using the described construction, it is possible to determine whether or not a mechanism located in another room or building works. Information about the work is the vibration of the mechanism itself. The design is quite simple and contains a minimum of details.
In automation systems, it is often necessary to determine the state of a device or mechanism simply at the “on - off” or “working - not working” level. A fairly real and vivid example is a mini-boiler pump.
The boiler itself with a control device (controller) can be located in one room, and a pump that creates pressure in the heating system in another. How to inform the controller that the pump is turned on and running? ...
Quite often, not very pleasant things happen in the home workshop: home ones distract you from exciting activities, considering them a waste of time. Therefore, you have to drop everything in a half-step and run to do emergency housework.
If in the process of work a soldering iron and devices powered from the network are used, then in the process of such shoots the doubt often creeps in: “Did I turn off the soldering iron or some heating element with which I was debugging the thermostat?”. Indeed, such forgetfulness often leads to burns, electrical injuries, and even to a fire.
To avoid such doubts, a peculiar time relay is proposed. It can be used with other equipment, for example, with a TV ...
Spot welding in the home workshop
Varieties and classification of welding
Welding is the process of obtaining an integral connection of parts due to the formation of interatomic bonds in the weld. Such bonds arise under the influence of local or general heating of the parts to be welded, or under the influence of plastic deformation, or both.
Welding is most often used for joining metals and their alloys, for joining thermoplastics, and even in medicine. But welding live tissue is beyond the scope of this article. Therefore, we briefly consider only those types of welding that are used in technology.
The modern development of welding technology is such that it allows welding to be performed not only in production conditions, but also in the open air and even under water ...
The easiest twilight switch (photo relay)
The modern elemental base of electronics greatly simplifies circuitry. Even a normal twilight switch can now be assembled from just three parts.
Quite often, situations arise when, after dark, the inclusion of lighting is required. This may be the entrance to the entrance of the apartment building, the porch and the courtyard of a private household, or simply lighting the house number. This inclusion is usually carried out using a twilight switch.
There are a lot of similar schemes developed, both in amateur and in industrial conditions. Like everything else, these designs have their positive and negative properties. Some of the negative properties are such as the need for an external constant voltage source (+12 V), or the complexity of the circuit ...
Thermostat for electric boiler
Description of a simple and reliable temperature regulator circuit for a heating system.
Russian winter is harsh and cold, and everyone knows about it. Therefore, the premises where people are located must be heated. The most common is central heating or individual gas boilers.
Often there are situations when neither one nor the other is available: for example, in a clean field there is a small room of a water pumping station, and there the driver is on duty around the clock. There are many such examples.
In all these cases, it is necessary to arrange heating using electricity. If the room is small, then it is quite possible to do with a conventional oil electric radiator for domestic use ...
Thermostat for welding plastics
Description of the simple and robust design of a temperature controller for welding plastics, such as plastic frames.
It would seem that a simple thing is a temperature regulator, and its main purpose is to maintain a given temperature. But there are many areas of technology or simply households where a stable temperature should be maintained, and in a fairly wide range.
For example, it can be a warm floor, an aquarium with goldfish, an incubator for removing chicks, an electric fireplace or a boiler in the bathroom. In all these cases, the temperature must be maintained different. For example, for aquarium fish, depending on their type, the temperature of the water in the aquarium can be in the range of 22 ... 31 C °, in the incubator in the range of 37 ... 38 C ° ...
Logic chips. Part 10. How to get rid of the bounce of contacts
Using a trigger as a switch
In the previous parts of the article, triggers like D and JK were described. It will be appropriate here to recall that these triggers can work in counting mode. This means that when the next pulse arrives at the clock input (for both triggers this is input C), the state of the trigger changes to the opposite.
This logic of operation is very similar to an ordinary electric button, as in a table lamp: pressed - on, pressed again - off. In devices on digital circuits, the role of such a button is most often performed by triggers operating in counting mode ...
Logic chips. Part 9. JK trigger
Story about JK trigger and simple experiments to study his work.
In the previous parts of the article, triggers such as RS and D were described. This story will be incomplete if we do not mention the JK trigger. Like the D trigger, it has extended input logic.
In the 155 series, this is a K155TV1 chip manufactured in the DIP-14 package. Its pinout, or as they say now, the pinout (from the English PIN - pin) is shown in Figure 1a. Foreign analogues SN7472N, SN7472J.
The K155TV1 trigger has direct and inverse outputs. In the figure, these are conclusions 8 and 6, respectively. Their purpose is the same as for the previously considered triggers of type D and RS. Inverse exit begins in a small circle ...