Logic chips. Part 5 - One Vibrator
The scheme of a single vibrator and the principle of its operation according to the time diagram.
In the previous part of the article, multivibrators made on the K155LA3 logic chip were described. This story would be incomplete if not to mention one more kind of multivibrator, the so-called single-vibrator.
A single vibrator is a single pulse generator. The logic of his work is as follows: if a short pulse is applied to the input of a single-shot, then a pulse is formed at its output, the duration of which is given by an RC chain.
After this pulse ends, the single-shot goes into the standby state of the next trigger pulse. Because of this, a single vibrator is often called a standby multivibrator. The simplest single-shot circuit ...
Wiring in the attics and basements
Long gone are the days when basements and attics were left empty or, in the best case, used them as technical rooms where various communications were installed - sewage, ventilation, heating.
But all the same, there are situations when it is necessary to install wiring in the attics, in basements, cellars. In this article we will try to figure out how to properly install the wiring.
So, before you begin installation, it is necessary to determine what type of premises the basement and attic belong to. Let's start with the basement. Basements belong to rooms with high humidity, therefore, to the wiring in this case, increased demands are made ...
A regulator that supports mains voltage within 190 ... 242 V.
It is known that voltage in domestic power grids often goes beyond tolerance limits. In the days of tube TVs, ferroresonant stabilizers were very common. Modern TVs are operable with changes in input voltage within 110 ... 260 V.
The same can be said about computers, CD players, and generally about all the equipment in which switching power supplies are used. But for equipment that feeds directly from the network, the limits of voltage change are much smaller.
A vivid example of such a technique is a refrigerator, an electric coffee grinder, a food processor, a soldering iron, an incandescent lamp ...
New Year's garlands - the main safety!
What is the very first harbinger of the new year? Right! New Year's garlands.
Santa Claus and SnegurochtoBut they come a few minutes before the new year, they decorate the Christmas tree a few days before the holiday, and New Year's garlands create a festive mood for several weeks or even months, before the holiday. And they remove the New Year's garlands only after all the celebrations have ended, the Christmas tree has been dismantled, New Year's toys are hidden, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have left for their winter residence.
So, you decided to buy New Year's garlands in order to decorate your home, office, shop or stall. What to look for when choosing New Year's garlands, first of all? What to be guided by? ...
The use of the chip KR1182PM1. Soft start of the electric motor
Soft start of the electric motor has recently been applied more and more often. The fields of its application are diverse and numerous. This is industry, electric transport, utilities and agriculture. The use of such devices can significantly reduce the starting load on the electric motor and actuators, thereby extending their service life.
Starting currents reach values 7 ... 10 times higher than in the operating mode.This leads to "subsidence" of voltage in the supply network, which negatively affects not only the work of other consumers, but also the engine itself. The start-up time is delayed, which can lead to overheating of the windings and the gradual destruction of their insulation. This contributes to premature failure of the motor ...
Quite often you have to observe the work of electricians, who, how and with what tool works. And sometimes you see a woe-electrician with a tool that can only, except that, hammer nails and poke around the walls ... After all, electricians are the intelligentsia among builders, white bone, so to speak ...
In this article, we will try to “assemble” an electrician’s suitcase, which we will equip with the most necessary electric installation tool that every self-respecting electrician uses in everyday practice.
So, the choice of an electrical installation tool for work is purely individual, but there is a universal set that is necessary for daily work. The following tools can be safely added to this set ...
After getting acquainted in the previous parts of the article with the K155LA3 chip, we will try to figure out examples of its practical application.
It would seem that what can be done from one chip? Of course, nothing outstanding. However, you should try to assemble some functional node based on it. This will help to visually understand the principle of its operation and settings. One of these nodes, quite often used in practice, is a self-oscillating multivibrator.
The multivibrator circuit is shown in the figure. This circuit in appearance is very similar to the classic multivibrator circuit with transistors. Only here, logic elements are used as active elements ...
The range of application of LED equipment is extremely wide. Lighting equipment based on LEDs finds new niches in the market every year with the development of technical means.
For example, until recently, neon prevailed in outdoor advertising, primarily because of its excellent qualities - vibration resistance, insensitivity to temperature extremes, and extremely low energy consumption indicators.
It turned out that neon-based advertising is very economical, and has a large number of color shades, which gives creativity to skilled designers. However, LED equipment has all the advantages of neon in its account, and another indisputable plus is the ability to control the flow of information coming into an advertising medium ...
How to connect copper and aluminum wires
It's no secret that it is not recommended to connect copper and aluminum wires. But many, even knowing this, still neglect it, hoping for the Russian "maybe it will pass."
As a result, such a twist of a pair of copper-aluminum will live very briefly. And if the connection is on the street or in a room with high humidity, then the life span of such a pair is several times shorter.
But quite often, situations arise when we need to connect copper and aluminum wiring. Often this situation occurs when repairing electrical wiring in houses where aluminum wiring is laid ...
Simple power control for smooth lamp on
An article on how to make a device for smooth turning on lamps using the KR1182PM1 chip.
Power controllers are widely used. The simplest of them can be considered a conventional diode, connected in series with the load. This "regulation" is most often used in two cases: as a means of extending the life of an incandescent lamp (usually on staircases in porches) and to prevent overheating of a soldering iron.In other cases, the regulators serve to change the power in the load over a wide range.
There are a lot of designs of regulators, from the simplest to the most complex. One of the ways to create simple, reliable and multi-functional controllers was the creation of a specialized chip KR1182PM1 ...
How does electromagnetic radiation of electrical appliances affect a person?
Everyone knows that many appliances have a negative effect on health. This is especially true for devices with a wave principle of operation.
We all know that in addition to the visible benefits, many electrical appliances can imperceptibly harm human health. This primarily relates to devices based on the operation of electromagnetic waves.
One of such devices is a microwave oven, which is a source of medium-frequency waves. The permissible radiation level of the furnace is 10 μW / cm2.
Usually at a distance of half a meter for all products this level corresponds. But it can increase due to improper transportation or factory defects. Waves can pass, for example, through the gap between the door of the stove ...
Indicators and signaling devices on an adjustable zener diode TL431
The TL431 integrated stabilizer is mainly used in power supplies. However, for it you can find many more applications. Some of these schemes are provided in this article.
This article will talk about simple and useful devices made using the TL431 chip. But in this case, you should not be afraid of the word “microcircuit”, it has only three conclusions, and outwardly it looks like a simple low-power transistor in the TO90 package.
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS was at the forefront of the semiconductor era. All this time, she has been in the first place in the list of world leaders in the production of electronic components, firmly holding herself in the top ten or, as they say more often, in the world ranking TOP-10. The first integrated circuit was created back in 1958 by Jack Kilby, an employee of this company.
Among the very first in the list of “magic” microcircuits, one should probably consider the adjustable voltage regulator TL431 ...