The basics of electrical safety. Top articles
This collection contains the best articles on on electrical and fire safety in the operation of electrical appliances and electrical wiring in everyday life.
Electric current is life threatening! Moreover, his main danger is that he does not see and do not hear. The degree of its influence depends on many factors: on the type and magnitude of the voltage and current, the frequency of the electric current, the path of the current through the human body, the duration of the electric current on the human body, environmental conditions. It must be remembered that the human body is not affected by stress, but by the magnitude of the current. Under adverse conditions, even low voltages (30 - 40 V) can be life threatening!
In order to minimize the possibility of electric shock at home, it is necessary to make the rules of electrical safety known and understandable to everyone and everyone ...
Corrugated pipe for electrical wiring
One of the simplest, but at the same time brilliant inventions of mankind is a corrugated pipe (corrugated pipe). Why is she so wonderful?
Corrugated pipe - this pipe with a variable cross-section. Short sections with thin walls and a small diameter are interspersed in it by sections with thicker walls and a large diameter. At the same time, thick-walled sections give the pipe rigidity in the transverse direction and the ability to withstand impacts and loads, while thin-walled sections allow the pipe to bend at almost any angle and even stretch within limits depending on the type and total length of the pipe.
The corrugated pipe can be metal, but most often it is made of plastic. Flexibility and durability of a corrugated pipe predetermined its wide distribution. For the installation of cable lines for electrical wiring and various other networks, a special electrotechnical corrugated pipe is used ...
How to choose a soldering iron and organize a soldering workstation
Soldering iron is the main tool for soldering. The convenience with which you solve the tasks depends on its correct choice. Soldering irons vary in design and power. Rod sticks are available with ceramic and spiral heaters. Soldering irons with spiral heaters are practical and durable, but they warm up for a relatively long time. Ceramic soldering irons heat up much faster, but at the same time require careful use and a very careful attitude, since any blow can damage such a soldering iron.
According to their power, soldering irons can be different. Traditional soldering irons have the following capacities: 3 - 10 W soldering irons are designed for desoldering very small microcircuits, 20 - 40 W soldering irons are considered household and amateur radio, 60 - 100 W soldering irons are used, for example, car service employees use for soldering thick wires, 100 - 250 W soldering irons use for sealing ...
What is soldering? Soldering Safety
One of the most useful skills of any person professionally associated with the maintenance and repair of various electrical and electronic devices and devices is the ability to solder. In this article we will consider the basic concepts and rules that you must know before proceeding with the soldering itself. The main emphasis in the article is made on the consideration of safety rules when soldering.
Brazing is a method of joining metals using another, more fusible metal. The soldering process is the penetration of one substance (metal) into another at high temperature, which provides after hardening of the solder mechanical strength and high electrical conductivity of the connection. Soldering usually occurs at high temperatures of soldered surfaces and molten tin (from 180 to 250 ° C). In this process, one of the metals is the welded conductors, the second is solder ...
How to repair a do-it-yourself microwave oven
A microwave oven has long settled in the kitchen of every home, in a cafe and even in an office. The ability to quickly warm up your favorite dish will not surprise anyone. But not so long ago, the microwave was a curiosity. Unfortunately, like any other technique, microwaves do not rarely break. This happens for many reasons. The fault can be caused by marriage in production and improper operation and unstable power supply.
When household appliances break down in a house, most people turn to repair shops. But far from everything - there are those who like to do everything with their own hands, and this article is for them. As you probably understood from the name, it will focus on the repair of microwave ovens.
If the circuitry for you is a dark forest, do not rush to close the page. This is much simpler than it might seem at first glance ...
Among the whole variety of cable laying methods and wiring devices, wireline wiring stands apart. The need for it may arise if the surrounding building structures have a very complex terrain and are interspersed with large voids. This is possible, of course, only in production and storage facilities, as well as in the open air. After all, the inner walls of comfortable houses, offices and apartments are always more or less even, and you do not want to disfigure them with a string or cable with a bundle of wires, although the rules do not prohibit this.
So, cable electrical wiring is, as the name implies, wiring for which the supporting element is a cable or string made of galvanized or dyed wire rod. This is the fundamental difference between cable wiring and overhead power lines. In overhead lines, the supporting element is the wire or cable itself ...
7 Ways to Charge a Mobile Phone on the Go
Overview of portable chargers with prices, a detailed description of each charging method in the field, advantages and disadvantages, models.
Technological progress, which presented us with wonderful and sweet things — cellular communications, mobile Internet and GPS navigation, putting them all together in a magic box called a smartphone or mobile phone, puzzled us with such an urgent problem as battery charging.
Of course, this is a bit of a sorrow - not sorrow if we are at home and a trouble-free outlet is at hand. But what about the one who is on the way? Especially in the woods, on a hike, fishing, on a deserted track or in an unknown country where no one understands your language and wonder at the color of your skin. The question of how you ended up in an unknown country will be left to your conscience, but now our goal is to be in touch in any situation! The most radical way to solve the problem is with a spare internal battery ...
Encyclopedia "Effects of home lighting"
Good coverage books are very rare. I already have a dozen books on this subject on my bookshelf, but only a few books are worthy of attention. One of the books on lighting that I found very useful is Lucy Martin's book, The Effects of Home Lighting.
This year I started a major overhaul in my apartment. Repair is very large-scale and complicated. When planning the repair, I provided for the replacement and modernization of not only all engineering networks, but also a complete alteration of the lighting system. Moreover, I borrowed interesting lighting ideas for each room in the apartment from the book "Effects of Home Lighting".
The book was bought by me in an online store shortly before the repair and fully met my expectations. In fact, this is an encyclopedia for organizing home lighting. Released by publisherstvom "Art spring". The book is translated from English. The author of the book is Lucy Martin. She is a lighting designer by profession ...
Why are the "goat" and a homemade boiler dangerous?
As a rule, many in the army or in their student years learn various ways of “artisanal” use of electric energy. Such methods are the “goat" and a home-made boiler. The following description of these two very dangerous devices is not for you to “experiment” with electricity on your own, but to explain how rude and unprofessional electricity is in this case and what unpleasant consequences such inventiveness can entail.
In all cases, the thermal effect of electric current is used. As already mentioned, electrical energy can heat the conductor through which it passes. Therefore, if you let an electric current through the corresponding material, you can achieve a thermal effect. The “goat" and the home-made boiler work on this principle. "Goat" is a pipe made of asbestos ...
How to ensure fire safety of electrical wiring in an apartment and a house
According to any, even the most superficial studies, faulty wiring in a house or apartment is dangerous, first of all, not because of the risk of electric shock, but because of the prospect of a fire.
No, of course, the danger of electric shock is not excluded, but a fire is no less likely, and when it occurs, it can immediately take more than one life and bring great damage. Therefore, when designing, installing and operating electrical wiring, you must not forget about some measures that can ensure fire safety and protect people from harm.
Selection of the brand of cables and wires prescribed for use in installation. For stationary installation in residential and non-residential indoor premises, the use of VVGng or NYM copper cables is recommended.
Saving with a smart home. Is it possible?
It seems to many that the modern automation systems used in the "smart home" bear only costs to their owner. According to the majority, this is an expensive pleasure, not accessible to everyone.
Nevertheless, an “intellectually developed” house is not only comfortable and safe, but also able to bring significant savings, reducing the cost of electricity and maintenance. This point is especially noticeable when it comes to a large apartment or cottage.
Statistics are always right. Thus, statistics show that smart home systems provide an opportunity to reduce energy costs by 8-12%, control of electricity and lighting leads to a reduction in electricity consumption by 3-5%, monitoring the operation of an automated building leads to lower costs its content is 3.5 times in comparison with the usual one. An intelligent home requires a reasonable approach ...
Electric fireplace in the apartment, as an alternative to a living flame
The fireplace is always the center of the home, giving it both a special charm and the warmth of a real, living fire. Nevertheless, it is not possible to install a traditional fireplace model in every home, since a complex technical construction requires special devices (chimney, additional foundation, etc.). A classic fireplace can be replaced by an electric fireplace that can decorate every home or apartment.
Electric fireplaces have many advantages. Among them: there is no need to build a chimney and make other special connections, the picturesque flame effect creates a special atmosphere that promotes relaxation.In the warm season, you can enjoy playing the flames by turning off the heating mode. In winter, an electric fireplace is able to effectively heat a room of up to 15 sq.m. Electric fireplace is economical to use. It does not require a gas connection, does not need fuel ...