Capacitors for AC electrical installations
In the article "Capacitors: purpose, device, principle of action" was talked about electrolytic capacitors. They are mainly used in DC circuits, as filter capacities in rectifiers. Also, they can not do without decoupling power supply circuits of transistor cascades, stabilizers and transistor filters. Moreover, as was said in the article, they do not allow direct current, but do not want to work on alternating current.
Non-polar capacitors exist for AC circuits, and many of their types indicate that the operating conditions are very diverse. In those cases when high stability of parameters is required, and the frequency is high enough, air and ceramic capacitors are used. The parameters of such capacitors are subject to increased requirements ...
Modern Alchemy: Magnetization of Natural Gas
Imagine: they offer you a fairly simple equipment that quickly mounts and treats a gas pipe with a magnetic field. As a result, when burning, you get savings from 25 to 40% of gas. After reading such information, the leaders and energy companies of natural gas-consuming enterprises will lay their hearts for such equipment. The cost of this energy is now not small and continues to grow.
As always in such cases, information on the physicochemical processes is scarce and contradictory. There is a link to the patent of Ukraine, an illiterate description of the processes occurring in the gas, and a standard clause on the know-how of the manufacturer. The price of CIS patents is known nowadays: you can patent anything, just pay for registration and support of the patent. The gag in the description of gas processing technological processes can also be blamed on zealous marketers ...
Qi Electronic Power Wireless Standard
The ability to wirelessly transmit electricity has haunted scientists for over 190 years. In 1820, the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted in his experiments noted that the current flowing through the circuit causes the magnetic needle to deflect.
In 1831, Michael Faraday proved that a change in the magnetic flux passing through a closed circuit leads to the appearance of an electric current in it. Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century, on the basis of his experiments, first proved the possibility of wireless power transmission.
For more than a hundred years, scientists from different countries have conducted many experiments on the transmission of electrical energy over distances. In 2006-2007, WiTricity and Wrel wireless power transmission technologies were introduced. Since that time, companies have begun to introduce wireless recharging devices one after another ...
How to lay wires to fixtures in the absence of a false ceiling
Nowadays, rarely anyone uses for lighting only one lamp hanging in the center of the room. Everyone wants to have in their apartment, in addition to the main lighting, additional lighting to highlight individual local zones and recreation areas.
When the number of fixtures on the ceiling becomes more than one and they are located in the most unexpected places on the ceiling, the question immediately arises, how to bring wires to them?
In the presence of a suspended or suspended ceiling, there are usually no problems, but there are cases when a suspended ceiling is not planned, and fixtures are used in large quantities. What is the best thing to do in this case? There are several options. All of them differ in the complexity, reliability and beauty of the result. Let's look at the main ways of laying wires ...
The article discusses the current state of the field of organic LED panels and the prospects for their widespread use for domestic lighting.
"The hatch opened, and the walls of the corridor lit up with a soft diffused light." This is a generalized quote from numerous science fiction novels in which the authors, emphasizing the unusual atmosphere, describe luminous extended surfaces. And now from fiction to reality: those who wish can make luminous walls for themselves even today, but it will cost a lot and will be extremely inconvenient. We are accustomed to overhead lighting, and the side lights irritate the eyes and disorient the person.
We know quite a lot about inorganic light-emitting diodes (LEDs) - now you can encounter them at every step. The situation with LEDs on organic compounds (OLED) is different: they relatively recently left research ...
The phrase that learning is never too late is now more relevant than ever. It is no secret that in today's rapidly changing world, competition in the labor market is intensifying significantly. And now, when hiring, organizations require much more from their employees.
Already now the old scheme does not work, when, having studied once at the institute, you can work at one workplace almost all of your life. According to sociologists, in the next 40-50 years, a job change by one person will occur on average once every 10-12 years. And that means that you will have to intensively study, retrain, improve qualifications, competence in your field of activity.
How many middle and older people would like to study? Admit it - you want to keep up to date, do you want to learn and learn new things? This is where various techniques and ways of teaching adults come to the first place ...
A range hood is a fairly important appliance in the kitchen that allows you to cook and not worry that the whole room will be in smoke and burning. Therefore, an inoperative hood brings inconvenience and requires quick repair. Hoods are very diverse, but the malfunctions are the same for everyone.
Here are some common exhaust hood malfunctions we have encountered:
If the engine and backlight do not work, most likely the problem is in the power of the hood. It is necessary to check the machines in the electrical panel and the voltage in the power outlet. If everything is in order, the power at the hood terminals is checked, the cord or plug may be defective.
There are retractable hoods that turn on if you extend the bottom of them. In this case, the limit switch may not work ...
Proper operation of electrical equipment and wiring in a country house
All rules related to the safety of operation of domestic electrical equipment are of particular importance in relation to a country house due to its isolation. There is no operating organization, and the state of the electrical economy remains entirely the responsibility of the homeowner.
It turns out that in theory, the homeowner should have knowledge of electrical engineering at the level of the person responsible for the electrical industry, which corresponds to the fifth tolerance group for electrical safety. In practice, this, of course, is rarely achievable. However, everyone can remember and learn some rules. We’ll talk about them.
Changes in the wiring diagram and the composition of the home electrical panel should be made only after consultation with specialists. Additional sockets, stationary power consumers, entire newly attached rooms with their own lighting circuits ...
How to prevent power grid overload and machine shutdown
Many are faced with a situation where when turning on several powerful consumers in apartments, cottages, offices and country houses, the machine switches off when overloaded.
Until recently, a simple solution to this problem did not exist. It was required to buy additional electric power, which is very expensive, and often impossible. Or install a priority relay, which is associated with significant time costs for the device, for the alteration of the wiring, electrical panel and subsequent repair of the premises.
However, there are household appliances that solve a complex problem without extra costs. Network load optimizers, for example, OEL-820, is a new type of priority relay designed to effectively reduce the power consumed by energy-consuming household appliances, prevent overload and shut down the machine ...
High-power LEDs are used in practice in many fields, ranging from lighting residential, industrial, office premises to architectural and even street lighting.
It is noteworthy that over the past few years, the scope of LEDs has expanded significantly. And if earlier they were associated with indicators in electronic devices, now, where they just do not exist: road signs, traffic lights, indicators in the passenger compartment. In the automotive industry, you can’t do without them, they are actively being introduced into braking signals and parking lights.
This widespread use of LEDs is due to progress in the development of high-power diodes. It is worth noting that every year they are more confidently crowding out other, more familiar, but outdated sources of home and street light. List all areas where they can be used for a very long time ...
Capacitors: purpose, device, principle of operation
In all radio and electronic devices, except transistors and microcircuits, capacitors are used. In some circuits there are more of them, in others less, but there are practically no electronic circuits without capacitors.
In this case, capacitors can perform a variety of tasks in devices. First of all, these are containers in the filters of rectifiers and stabilizers. With the help of capacitors, a signal is transmitted between the amplifier stages, low and high frequency filters are built, time intervals in the time delays are set, and the oscillation frequency in various generators is selected.
Capacitors derive their pedigree from the Leyden jar, which in the middle of the 18th century was used in their experiments by the Dutch scientist Peter van Mushenbruck. He lived in the city of Leiden, so it is easy to guess why this bank was called. Actually, it was an ordinary glass jar ...
AQUAROBOT Turbipress - automatic pump control unit
The human need for water is very high. In the modern world, it is needed almost everywhere. Therefore, many problems are associated with the problems of water supply, with its correct and safe consumption.
Eternal problems with interruptions in water supply, the need to provide a small farm in the water, the need for a reliable irrigation system of vegetable gardens, gardens, increased pressure in the water supply system are just some of the problems that Russians face. All of them affect the desire of consumers in any way to ensure permanent access to water resources.
Each of the situations comes out differently. However, drilling the own well is considered the best solution to this problem. But in this case, there is a need for the entire water supply system to ensure safety and control its working pressure ...