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How to prevent power grid overload and machine shutdown


How to prevent power grid overload and machine shutdownMany are faced with a situation where when turning on several powerful consumers in apartments, cottages, offices and country houses, the machine switches off when overloaded.

Until recently, a simple solution to this problem did not exist. It was required to buy additional electric power, which is very expensive, and often impossible. Or install a priority relay, which is associated with significant time costs for the device, for the alteration of the wiring, electrical panel and subsequent repair of the premises.

However, there are household appliances that solve a complex problem without extra costs.

Power load optimizers, e.g. OEL-820 - a new kind of priority relay, designed to effectively reduce the power consumed by energy-intensive household appliances, prevent overload and turn off the machine.

New devices do not require a specialist to install and easily connects to the network.

An innovative idea of ​​the invention is to redistribute electric power between a pair of consumers, depending on their priority.

Priority Relay OEL-820

Priority relayOEL-820

The principle of operation is automatic remote shutdown of a non-priority consumer during the priority operation.

The device consists of block A for connecting a priority consumer and block B for non-priority.

Transmission of commands between blocks: over the air. It is important to note that the priority consumer never turns off, which does not interrupt the operation of its automation - thermostat, timer, etc. Only a non-priority consumer is disconnected.

OEL-820 - a new type of priority relay designed to effectively reduce the power consumed by energy-intensive household appliances

A few examples of use.

When the priority electric convector A switches to heating mode (in the first room), the non-priority electric convector B (in the second room) is turned off. As soon as the temperature in the first room reaches the set value, the priority electric convector will turn off the heating. In this case, the non-priority appliance will continue to operate.

The energy consumption of a couple of kilowatt electroconvectors is only 1 kW. Accordingly, four kilowatt electroconvectors will consume only 2 kW!

Connection of electric convectors in one room.

The circuitry of electrical appliances is the same as in the first example. The phases of the working cycles of electroconvectors are shifted relative to each other, and the total consumption will not exceed the consumption of one of them. Each electric convector heats its own zone, so their simultaneous operation is not required - alternating work is enough.

When the priority electric kettle A is turned on in the kitchen, the non-priority electric convector B in the room is turned off. As soon as the kettle turns off, the heater continues to work.

Priority Relay Example

When the priority well pump A is turned on, the non-priority storage water heater B is turned off while the membrane tank is being filled with water. This is usually less than a minute. When the pump is turned off by the automatic pump station, the water heater will resume operation.

Priority Relay Example

When the priority washing machine A is turned on, the non-priority electroconvector is turned off, releasing electrical power. At the end of the wash, the operation of the heater will continue.

See also on this topic:The method of connecting a water heater and pump with insufficient network power

Yuri Shurchkov

See also at

  • New appliance and new principle of energy saving
  • How to increase stress in the country
  • The method of connecting a water heater and pump with insufficient network power
  • How to provide comfort with insufficient power supply
  • An example of sharing a voltage stabilizer with an optimizer ...


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    This is a truly useful innovative solution. And what is the price of this device?


    # 2 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    The cost of the OEL-820 priority relay is about 5000 rubles.


    # 3 wrote: Andry | [quote]


    Compared to the cost of additional power in the electricity supply of 300000re. for 10 kW or for solar panels or a wind turbine - 5000 rubles - this is nothing. This is a true innovation for people.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    This is an alternative to replacing weak wiring in the apartment. Still there would be a 3 - 4 step priority.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: SoluS
    Still there would be a 3 - 4 step priority.

    A 3-level OEL-820, consisting of 3 blocks, is already being prepared for production, since in many cases this option will be even more convenient.

    Quote: Rustam
    And what is the price of this device?

    Currently, the price of the OEL-820 load optimizer, consisting of 2 adapter blocks, is 3800 - 4310 rubles. This is significantly lower than conventional outlets switched off by radio. For example, a Fibaro Wall Plug, containing similar components, but with a low-current relay, costs about 3200 - 3750 rubles for 1 outlet.


    # 6 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    The device is useful, but in most cases its use is not relevant. It sounds tempting: two convectors consume 4 kW, and using the optimizer, half as much, i.e. 2 kW.

    “Each electric convector heats its zone, so their simultaneous operation is not required” - this is a misconception.

    If a convector with a power of 2 kW is selected, it means that a heater of lower power will not provide heating of the room to the optimum temperature. If, when using the optimizer, that is, when both convectors work on the floor of power, the room is fully heated, it means that you can initially put convectors with a nominal power consumption of 1 kW each or put the thermostat of two-kilowatt heaters on the floor of power. Why complicate things and invent something new? In most modern heaters, including budget ones, it is possible to regulate power (heating temperature) in a very wide range, starting from the lowest. Accordingly, it is possible to change the amount of power consumed by electric convectors without the use of optimizers.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    For each outlet on the device?


    # 8 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    Sergei, Yes!


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: MaksimovM
    in most cases its use is not relevant

    Well, why stick it in all the sockets, you can turn it on if necessary. I would have such a device by the way. Before starting the circular, I turn off the water heater (with the machine turned on when starting up), I start the saw, turn on the heater and do not turn off the saw (I turn it off only after a long break) until I do all the work, otherwise I’ll run around. Since I do not use the saw all the time, at this time the device can be used in other outlets.