Categories: Interesting electrical news, Energy saving
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New appliance and new principle of energy saving


New appliance and new principle of energy savingThe issue of saving electricity and money to pay for it is becoming increasingly acute, especially with the introduction of social norms for electricity consumption. Therefore, citizens, homeowners and business leaders have to look for reserves to reduce electricity consumption.

However, it is impossible to completely abandon the use of energy-intensive electrical appliances - the traffic of which creates the bulk of the electricity bill. Therefore, you have to compromise in order to spend less energy (money) and maintain an acceptable level of comfort. However, one cannot deceive physics, and they have not yet learned how to get the energy of their air. And, therefore, the law of conservation of energy must be strictly observed. This means that if energy has increased in one place, then in some other place it has decreased by the same value.

More recently, we talked about a new energy-saving device, network load optimizer OEL-820. In fact, this is a new kind of priority relay, working in an unusual way.

In contrast to the advertised "miracle devices to save energy" (such as SberBox, smartBox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver and similar)that are sold online OEL-820 works on a completely different principle. It is designed to effectively reduce the power consumed by energy-consuming household electrical appliances, prevent network congestion and shut down the machine when there is not enough limit for the allowed power allocated to a house or premises.

The principle of operation of the new device is simple: the redistribution of electric power between a pair of energy-intensive consumers, depending on their priority. Automatic remote shutdown of a non-priority consumer during priority operation.

Thus, the device works on the principle of a swing: if a priority electrical device is turned on, then a non-priority one is turned off at that time. The leading and setting operating time of a non-priority electrical appliance is a priority electrical appliance.

In the examples of use, OEL-820 is usually considered in the context of solving one and the main problem - connecting additional consumers with insufficient permitted power. In this case, by reducing the total power consumption, it becomes possible to connect additional consumers without acquiring additional electric power. The issue of reducing energy costs was not put at the forefront ...

But it turned out to be in vain! The abnormal cold of late January confirmed this.

Consider the work of the OEL-820 with two electroconvectors in different rooms. At the same time, we believe that the parameters of the heating devices correspond to the parameters of the heated rooms.


When the priority electric convector A is turned on in the heating mode (in the first room), the non-priority electric convector B (in the second room) is turned off. As soon as the temperature in the first room reaches the set value, priority electric convector A will turn off the heat and finish the next work cycle. The duty cycle of non-priority appliance B.

After a while, the temperature in the second room will reach the set value and non-priority appliance B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the thermal insulation of the rooms, both electric convectors will be turned off. Then, the temperature in the first room will drop to the value set on the thermostat, and priority electric convector A will start a new duty cycle.

What about energy savings?

The power consumption of a pair of electric convectors of 1 kW is only 1 kW! Accordingly, the total consumption of four electroconvectors of 1 kW each is only 2 kW instead of 4 kW! Those. there is a decrease in the total power consumption of a pair of energy-intensive electrical appliances by 2 times!

This is energy saving. But, from the point of view - “so that the allocated energy resource is enough for a larger number of consumers, without buying additional energy resources”.

In the case considered, a decrease in power consumption will not be reflected in the electricity bill, because each heating device works as long as it needs to heat its room.

But, it turned out that in practice there are often "imperfect" operating conditions for non-priority heating electrical appliances, when due to the mismatch of their capacities with the operating conditions, an excessive consumption of electricity occurs. For example, if the electric convector installed in the vestibule, garage, utility room, etc. is not priority. with insufficient thermal insulation of the room. Or the power of the convector is insufficient.

Another case is a non-priority storage water heater with a long time for heating water or when the water flow exceeds the time of its full heating. Those. energy saving (including in monetary terms) occurs in cases where the duration of the non-priority consumer’s work cycle exceeds the priority work cycle. The more it exceeds, the greater the savings.

In such cases, the OEL-820 network load optimizer is able to really save up to 50% of the electricity bill consumed by a pair of energy-intensive electrical appliances.

If there are several such pairs in the house, then the material savings of each pair will be summed up in the total savings. Moreover, the figure of maximum achievable savings with the OEL-820 is greater than that of traditional switchgear devices for disconnecting non-priority loads.

For example, Legrand, on its Russian site, claims a theoretical maximum of 40% savings in electric convection heating (by turning off non-priority heaters in non-residential premises and lowering the average temperature).

An example from life. The cafe bought a coffee machine in the bar, but when it was turned on, the machine began to turn off. We put OEL-820 on a coffee machine and a storage tank of 100 liters. Life has improved - the machine does not turn off. It turned out that the water heater is switched on for heating almost constantly, because it has a large heating time, and the kitchen’s water consumption is even greater.

Counted. It turned out that the OEL-820 load optimizer saves about 5,000 rubles a year only by turning off the water heater for the duration of the coffee machine. Those. by reducing the on time of the TEN by about 10%. This practically does not affect the water temperature: it is not boiling, but hot.

As they say, there would be no evil, goodness would not happen.

Yuri Shurchkov

See also:Example of sharing a voltage regulator with an OEL-820 load optimizer

See also at

  • How to prevent power grid overload and machine shutdown
  • How to increase stress in the country
  • How to provide comfort with insufficient power supply
  • The most economical electric home heating
  • The method of connecting a water heater and pump with insufficient network power


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    I used these optimizers about five years ago, but this is actually a convenient device - its drawback is that you cannot heat the kettle if the air heater is on !!! As an alternative to this, a new optimizer was invented, which allows connecting from two to ten loads, but consumption is carried out at the maximum load of one consumption device. Those. We connect 5 devices of 2 kW and one device of 2.5 kW to the network, then the total consumption will be about 2.5 kW.


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: Igor
    Yes, this is actually a convenient device - its disadvantage is that you cannot heat the kettle if the air heater is on

    In your case, the electric kettle should be a priority load (connected to OEL-820 block A), and the non-priority heater should be connected to OEL-820 B block). Then, when you turn on the kettle, the heater will turn off for the duration of the kettle. If the electrical appliances are interchanged, as in the case described by you, then the logic of the system is violated. When the heater is switched on in the continuous heating mode, the electric kettle will no longer turn on.


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    There is no saving! You can turn off the water heater to save money manually. Or set a lower heating temperature.
    By reducing the maximum load, the overload of the circuit breaker can be eliminated. And also to reduce the loss of electricity in the supply cable to the meter. But these losses are already taken into account in the tariff, so it is not worth worrying about them.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: prartik
    By reducing the maximum load, the overload of the circuit breaker can be eliminated. And also to reduce the loss of electricity in the supply cable to the meter.

    You are absolutely right. Reducing the load on the power grid, wiring and circuit breaker is one of the main purposes of the OEL-820 power optimizer. With regard to energy savings, savings occur when the duration of the non-priority consumer’s duty cycle exceeds the priority duty cycle. The more it exceeds, the greater the savings.

    Quote: prartik
    You can turn off the water heater to save money manually.

    You are right here too. You can run into the bedroom and turn off the electroconvector before turning on the electric kettle, and after boiling water, you can run into the bedroom and turn on the heating. But, if there are several such pairs of electrical appliances in the house, then it becomes problematic for a person far from electricians to calculate the load on the network so as not to overload the input machine and not to be left without electricity. It is wiser to entrust this work to automation. For example, a panel relay for disconnecting non-priority loads or a household optimizer for the load on the OEL-820 mains.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    There is really no saving !!! The air heater was heating and here we turn on the priority load-kettle, while it was warming, the air heater was cooling ... Then the air heater turned on, but it would need more electricity to warm the room. And where is the savings ??? It’s a pity that you can’t place a link, but there is already a device that saves without any priority, because including, for example, a 2 kW air heater and a 1.5 kW kettle, the total consumption will be only 2 kW. Here is network unloading and energy saving !!!


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: Igor
    There is really no saving !!! The air heater was heating and here we turn on the priority load-kettle, while it was warming, the air heater was cooling ... Then the air heater turned on, but it would need more electricity to warm the room. And where is the savings ???

    Not really, Igor. We are talking about a constantly switched on non-priority electric convector or water heater. It doesn’t matter how long this appliance takes to heat the room or water after a short shutdown (for example, 10% of its operating time will be turned off by the priority appliance). Non-priority more time - will not receive! He is a follower! How much time the priority device will let him go, so much he will be turned on.

    Savings are possible only if the non-priority appliance works constantly or almost constantly, and the non-priority appliance reduces its working time, periodically turning it off, in accordance with its work cycle. In the normal mode of operation of the loads, the OEL-820 can reduce power consumption, prevent overload and shutdown the machine. This is his main "duty."

    An example from life.The cafe bought a coffee machine in the bar, but when it was turned on, the machine began to turn off. We put OEL-820 on a coffee machine and a storage tank of 100 liters. Life has improved - the machine does not turn off. It turned out that the water heater is switched on for heating almost constantly, because it has a large heating time, and the kitchen’s water consumption is even greater.

    Counted. It turned out that the OEL-820 load optimizer saves about 5,000 rubles a year only by turning off the water heater for the duration of the coffee machine. Those. by reducing the on time of the TEN by about 10%. This practically does not affect the water temperature: it is not boiling, but hot.

    Igor, instead of a link to your device, you can give its name so that it can be found on the Internet. It is interesting to know how it saves energy if it does not turn off anything, at least temporarily ...


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Very interesting. I just would like to know in more detail about the device of such a miracle device. It’s not how it works and what gives, namely, how it works, due to which there is an exchange of signals between the individual units, technical parameters, well, how much it all costs and where you can buy it.


    # 8 wrote: Valery | [quote]


    Saving energy when using the OEL-820 is only due to the deterioration of the regulation characteristics of the slave (or non-priority) device. If, when operating in independent mode, the convector maintained the temperature in the room, for example, with a scale of 5 degrees (even from +20 to +25), then when working with this “economizer” as a non-priority device, this convector will maintain the temperature with God knows what scale determined by the master, maybe from 0 to 20, maybe from 5 to 15, i.e. the convector ceases to maintain temperature, and works as it turns out. The same goes for the boiler. That is, it all depends on a couple of switched on devices, their cyclonograms of work. And there can be no real economy under normal, I emphasize, normal operation of two devices, it is a physicist in Africa too. Thus, the main benefit of the OEL-820 is only in maintaining a stable power consumption from the mains, i.e. inadmissibility of overloads, which is also, of course, not bad.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: Valery
    Thus, the main benefit of the OEL-820 is only in maintaining a stable power consumption from the mains, i.e. inadmissibility of overloads, which is also, of course, not bad.

    Valery, you are absolutely right! The main purpose of the OEL-820 is to reduce power consumption, reduce the load on the network, and prevent the circuit breaker from tripping. The ability to operate energy-intensive electrical appliances with insufficient network power or supplied power).

    Energy saving is achieved only in "imperfect" working conditions, which are discussed in this article. Under normal conditions, with correctly selected loads, for example, electric convectors (corresponding to heated rooms), the saving does not consist in “paying less”, but consuming less from the network, without compromising the comfort of using electrical appliances and electrical household appliances.

    Deterioration of the non-priority load in the normal mode of operation of the pair is not observed. For instance. When the priority electric convector A is turned on in the heating mode (in the first room), the non-priority electric convector B (in the second room) is turned off. As soon as the temperature in the first room reaches the set value, priority electric convector A will turn off the heat and finish the next work cycle. The duty cycle of non-priority appliance B.

    After a while, the temperature in the second room will reach the set value and non-priority appliance B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the thermal insulation of the rooms, both electric convectors will be turned off.Then, the temperature in the first room will drop to the value set on the thermostat, and priority electric convector A will start a new duty cycle.

    Quote: Sergey
    I just would like to know in more detail about the device of such a miracle device. It’s not how it works and what gives, namely, how it works, due to which there is an exchange of signals between the individual units, technical parameters, well, how much it all costs and where you can buy it.

    OEL-820 consists of two blocks. Block A contains through conductors from the plug to the outlet. The power supply to the load is never interrupted, which ensures the correct operation of the internal automation of the priority electrical appliance. The conductors have a power consumption meter connected to a threshold device and a microprocessor. The processor controls the precision transceiver used in medical equipment. Block B contains the same transceiver, microprocessor, and switching relay with a current margin of up to 25A. The microprocessor has security algorithms (these functions increase the price).

    Safety functions: monitoring the passage of the radio signal, automatically switching to a free radio channel in case of communication failure between the units, disconnecting the load when the radio connection is lost, self-recovery after the power failure, blocking of the buttons during operation, the possibility of group work, etc.

    Manufacturer Russian, ours. Programs were written by graduates of Moscow State University and MIREA.

    Despite its apparent simplicity, the OEL-820 is a technically sophisticated device, the blocks of which form a telemetric network, being both receivers and transmitters. This is important for the safe operation of the household appliance. You should not associate the OEL-820 with cheap Chinese radio-controlled sockets, based on receivers and transmitters from toys with a radio remote control. OEL-820 are two microcomputers with a set of programs and precision transceivers used in medical equipment. OEL-820 contains modern components, so the cost of manufacturing the device, at the initial stage, is high. However, Clustervin's policy is to provide customers with an affordable price for the OEL-820 today.

    Retail price 4310r or 3879 rubles. according to the manufacturer’s stock when buying two sets of the device. You can buy a device through the manufacturer’s website, or from its dealers and partners listed on the website. In stores, prices are different. Sales have just begun. The device is in demand. It will be sold where they will be asked in stores. Any store can order the device from the manufacturer. More detailed information is on the manufacturer’s website, which is easy to find in the search engine by the name of the device.

    Quote: Sergey
    how it works and what gives, namely, how it works, due to which there is an exchange of signals between the individual units, technical parameters

    The maximum load current of each unit is 15A / 220V. The threshold power of the priority load for switching non-priority - about 80 - 100 watts. The range is up to 30 meters in open space, indoors - depending on the materials of the walls and floors. Case material - nonflammable plastic. Child protection - curtains. Radio channel frequency: 868 - 869 MHz.

    The switch relay has a safety margin of up to 25A per pulse. Such a relay in Moscow costs 250 - 500r. The reserve is made to increase the reliability of the device with various powerful loads. The rest is on the OEL-820 website. The documentation for the device is registered by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization of Defense Products named after Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronstandart of the Federal Service for Defense Orders, which indicates the level of technology.


    # 10 wrote: | [quote]


    I read and laugh)))))))) For me, withElectroconvector example is not very successful, since everyone has a temperature sensor, even if not, you can always find an alternative)))) and spend 4-5 thousand on a relay - for me it’s a complete nonsense. And so I would not call it a relay. but "Sloth."Too lazy to go to another room and turn off the iron, buy a Relay))))))) Yes, and the meaning of the current in one thing is another duck for people))))) After thinking about it, I personally can save this “magic little thing” a year 100-200 rubles)))) - but it will burn the technology of 20-30 thousand)))) due to the constant shutdown and inclusion.


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]



    Quote: Serega
    I read and laugh)))))))) For me, with electroconvectors the example is not very successful, since everyone has a temperature sensor, even if not, you can always find an alternative

    You did not understand the purpose of the network load optimizer. The temperature sensor has nothing to do with it. The idea is that two convectors, the simultaneous inclusion of which leads to network congestion and shutdown of the machine, work and do not overload the mains.

    We are talking about reducing the total electric power consumed by the household, which is usually not enough. Instead of saving energy, in the sense of paying less for the spent.

    By the way, the prices for the optimizer have decreased compared to last year. This is always the case with new products. Even an iPhone at first costs 45,000 rubles, and in a year or two the same model costs 12,000 rubles. Now the optimizer is going to release the well-known European electrical company. Then the price will be even lower due to mass.


    # 12 wrote: | [quote]


    It is probably wrong to talk about energy savings, it is just about optimizing consumption, and in connection with this additional comfort. And the name of the device speaks for itself - OPTIMIZER. In all the above examples, if there was energy saving, it was only due to disconnecting the excess load. So, a boiler does not heat water to a boil - but in fact it is not necessary to heat a boil. This is where the savings are. And if we talk about the example with convectors A and B, then there is no saving at all. If the convector A cycle is turned on for 30 minutes and turned off for 30 minutes, then in the remaining 30 minutes, convector B will have time to heat its room, and if each convector has a power of 1 kW, then in an hour they will “eat” 1 kW * hour of electricity. And if you turn them on without an optimizer, then the total consumption will also be 1 kW * hour. The only difference is that the rating of the machine will have to be doubled. But if convector B has a cycle of 40 min + 40 min, then there will already be "savings" - due to the fact that in room B it will be much colder than in room A. In general, the device is interesting, very, very. Thanks for the information - there will be something to advise clients on occasion.


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    Great comments. These are theoretical considerations. And I completely agree with you. Perhaps the device has proven itself perfectly in a single-phase network, then how it behaves in a three-phase network, when in one phase 170, in the other 190, in the third 230 volts. Especially now, when the organizations are practicing three-phase supply to the consumer. You will have to purchase a voltage stabilizer and, or a phase stabilizer. And this is 5t.r. - 10t.r. The meaning of such savings. Add to this the pulsed voltage, which destroys the electronics in an instant. By the way, are there any devices that protect against impulses. Internet Rolters only fly this way especially after a thunderstorm. There are such devices - isolation transformers.


    # 14 wrote: | [quote]


    Dmitry, well, firstly, what are your three-phase electrical appliances? There are almost none. All household loads, as a rule, are single-phase. And then, a single-phase line is just part of a three-phase line. A three-phase eyeliner is used when the power supply company orders power in excess of 8 kW. And at the same time, as a rule, many who have a three-phase meter actually use only one phase through a switch, the so-called phase seeker. And if everyone used an automatic phase finder, there would be no bias, and manually everyone sat on the same phase and planted it. So do not talk about 170, 190 and 230 volts.In fact, you will connect your electrical appliances to any one phase. As for the stabilizer, first of all, the three-phase stabilizer costs a lot of money, and I have not seen it from any of my clients (apparently, the "toad" is crushing). Well, and single-phase ... If you have a phase of up to 170 volts, then, I'm afraid no stabilizer will pull it to you. Just plant the line even more. The way out is in an integrated approach. And the same optimizer can help. With it, you reduce your load on the phase, you lower the neighbors - you look, and the phase rises. In addition, to convince the neighbors not to sit on one phase, but to spread their loads evenly in three phases. Now about protecting devices from high voltage pulses. If we are talking about protection over the network (220 V), then even turning on the device through a conventional relay stabilizer protects the equipment from high-voltage pulses. So, for example, an ordinary gas boiler with microprocessor control must necessarily be connected to the network through a stabilizer (this is a requirement of the service department). Well, how to protect the Internet line itself (or telephone), then this is already a question for signalmen. As a rule, such lines are protected by varistors.


    # 15 wrote: | [quote]


    In this case, a device is proposed that automatically monitors connected consumers (electrical appliances) when there is a limitation on the maximum connected power.

    In principle, this can be done manually, but if it is more convenient with this automatic device, then why not?


    # 16 wrote: Shurik K | [quote]


    Yes, some nonsense. Even in our Kostroma region there was no longer a problem with energy supply. In reasonable aisles no one limits you in the nominal value of the machine. Installation of a new line (for connecting, for example, a house) costs only 600 rubles. And if you don’t ask for anything, they put a 32 A submachine gun on the water without any problems, and this is not enough. If you ask for more, then in principle no one refused (I have an initial 50 A on a 1-phase phase). If you want 3-phase, you want - 1-phase - the price is still 600 rubles. If the house is old and there is a desire to change the input, then you will be allowed to do this for your money. Amounts available (SIP, box under the counter, the counter itself - if necessary, the same machine). So what for optimizers in our time. And there can be no savings. The law of conservation of energy has always been and will be. (In the best case, gravity will win in 20 years). If you saved something somewhere, it means that you didn’t warm it up somewhere. And if water heating is also thawed.

    And if there is a limit, then for the money that this absolutely unnecessary device costs, they will review the limit (either officially or not officially, Uncle Vasya electrician), who will change your machine in the evening in his free time, and in the morning will bring the act and new seals . Now everything is possible for money, and even absolutely legally


    # 17 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    At the expense of the example of using this device for electric convectors, it’s not entirely clear why you can’t just use the built-in temperature controllers that are in every electric convector, including budget models. For example, in autumn, when the average ambient temperature has not yet dropped much, you can set the temperature control of the convectors to half, then the electric convector will periodically turn off and instead of the nominal 2000 W will consume, for example, 1000 watts. And if there is severe frost on the street, then in order to warm the room to the optimum temperature, the convector must work constantly at full power. At the same time, saving will not work. If the convectors are switched off alternately, the temperature in the rooms will be low. Typically, a power of 1500-2000 W of an electric convector is just enough for optimal heating of a room of a relatively small area.

    If you want to save money, you can turn on heaters at full capacity in those rooms where people are currently located, and rooms in which there will be no one in the near future, you can put convectors at minimum power.

    In any case, this device cannot be considered as a device for the automated control of electric heating, since when using it it is impossible to achieve the required temperature in the room. At a sufficiently low temperature, one convector will not turn off, and the second will not turn on at all. There is savings, but it will be cold in some rooms of the apartment.

    For automated control of convectors, it is better to install a temperature sensor with a relay (or several) and assemble a circuit for controlling convectors. Set 25 gr. on the temperature switch - convectors will work until the room temperature rises to the required temperature. The lower the temperature set, the more electric energy will be saved on heating the room.

    The latest example is a storage water heater. In this case, it is possible to set a lower temperature for heating water - energy will be significantly saved. Why invent something new if each storage water heater has a temperature regulator, which can be used to control the temperature of water heating and, accordingly, the power consumption in a fairly wide range. If the circuit breaker trips, then there is an overload. It is necessary to set the circuit breaker to the rated current, which corresponds to the switched load, in this case, the storage water heater and coffee machine.


    # 18 wrote: | [quote]


    What are you guys talking about? What is the saving here? It's about rational use of email. energy!


    # 19 wrote: | [quote]


    The organization providing this service should monitor the safety and proper operation of networks. Only, as always, they are reaching into the pocket of consumers. Buy it yourself. For this money, you can buy a 50 W solar battery and use it for 30 years. And I think the article is ORDERED !!! Although you need to know about new products, even if not mandatory. Fortunately, they described the principle of work, and let the buyer decide.


    # 20 wrote: Konstantin | [quote]


    I agree. The device is good precisely because it allows you to reduce the load on the flat wiring, the mains as a whole. I don’t think that it is possible to manually control the load switching processes (to comment # 3). Sometimes a second of simultaneously turning on powerful consumers is enough for an emergency situation up to a fire. No organization providing the service can and will not control user actions in real time (to comment # 19). And a solar battery bought for this money is unlikely to be able to work with an electric heater or an electric kettle. In addition, any solar battery without a controller-converter-battery system is nothing good (plus costs).
    The disadvantages of the device (technical), however, are also obvious. The first minus is the lack of intelligence in choosing a priority electrical appliance. The second minus is the shutdown of a non-priority device. And I consider the disparate blocks with wireless control the same way - a minus.
    I have developed and mounted a device (I have not yet come up with a name) for switching several (from 2) powerful electrical appliances without disconnecting them from the mains. The device, as well as the described device, is designed to save energy and unload wiring. The device is designed to work with an active load (incandescent lamps, electrical heating). It has a smooth adjustment of power, both common to all loads, and for each channel. It is possible to connect temperature or light sensors.In tests (which are currently being conducted), the real gain in consumption is from 1.6 times. That is, if only 1 consumer with a power of 1 kW is connected through the device, the consumption will correspond to the load power; when the second load of the same load is connected, the power consumption from the electric network will be 1.25 kW; when connecting a third similar device - 1.875 kW. And this is (1.6) in the worst case. While the device is made only in the 3-channel version, I still do not see the point of increasing the number of channels.