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How to lay wires to fixtures in the absence of a false ceiling


How to lay wires to fixtures in the absence of a false ceiling?Nowadays, rarely anyone uses for lighting only one lamp hanging in the center of the room. Everyone wants to have in their apartment, in addition to the main lighting, additional lighting to highlight individual local zones and recreation areas.

When the number of lamps on the ceiling becomes more than one and they are located in the most unexpected places on the ceiling, the question immediately arises, how to bring wires to them?

If there is a suspended or suspended ceiling, there are usually no problems, but there are cases when a suspended ceiling is not planned, and fixtures are used in large quantities. What is the best thing to do in this case? There are several options. All of them differ in the complexity, reliability and beauty of the result. Let's look at the main ways of laying wires to the fixtures in the absence of a false ceiling.

1. Laying wires in plastic boxes. This method relates to open wiring. With his lightness, he scares away many of the fact that plastic boxes despite their large assortment spoil the design of the room. But if your smart and creative designer can beautifully disguise and fit the box into the interior, then why not do just that? At least this way of laying wires is considered the easiest and most convenient.

2. Laying wires on the floor of a higher floor. The wire is laid on the floor, and then through the holes in the plates lowers to the lamps. This method is applicable only in private homes, and then if you decide to make repairs immediately in the whole house.

3. Ceiling chipping. If you have a normal tool, you can make a stroba on the ceiling in the same way as they do when installing the wires in the wall. This method, although it seems the simplest in our case, is the most dangerous and it is very undesirable to use it, because when the slab is chipped, the strength of concrete structures is violated (microcracks appear in the slab). Especially the ceiling after its gating with long longitudinal and transverse gates dangerous for those living in multi-storey residential buildings, as the ceiling is the supporting structure of the house.

4. Wiring on the ceiling under the plaster. To do this, all the plaster is removed from the ceiling, the route is marked, a flat wire is laid and fixed, which is then plastered from above. The ceiling is made of plaster, to which the fixtures are mounted. This method requires the correct observance of the technology of laying and securing the wire and a large consumption of plaster, but it must be used when the apartment does not use hollow slabs with channels, but monolithic ceiling.

5. Wire pulling between reinforced concrete slabs along the voids between them. This method is possible only when prefabricated floor slabs are used in the apartment for the ceiling. In this case, you need to find these voids (usually the seams between the plates are visible) and make a strob along them. The difference from the method with the gating of the plate itself is that here the strength of the ceiling plates is not violated, since the plates themselves are not ditched, and the wire fits into the void between them. Together, the wire exit on the wall for the switch and on the ceiling to the lamp are two holes.

6. Wire routing in channels of ceiling tiles. Channels for laying wires are made in floor slabs during their manufacture in enterprises. With the help of a puncher, there are channels, and then a rigid steel wire or cable is inserted into the channel, to the end of which a wire is tied. The wire is pulled to the place where it exits the stove. After drawing the wire, the wire is in the channel.If the canal is clogged with construction debris, then make additional holes and clean it.

The number of wires that can be laid in one channel depends on the diameter of the channel and the cross section of the cores. With a channel diameter of 15 mm, 3-4 wires can be laid in it with a cross section of 1.5 - 2.5 mm2. This is the most preferred way to lay wires to the fixtures, although it is the most time-consuming of all those listed.

What do you think about this?

See also: Ways to install fixtures on the ceiling

See also at

  • What method of laying home wiring choose
  • Protection of wires and cables from rodents
  • Lighting of suspended ceilings in the photo (+50 photo)
  • Ways to install fixtures on the ceiling
  • Ways of laying wires and cables for various building structures


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    I would like to draw your attention to the method of laying tires from foil plastic ...

    If you spread the thought of d ... y and begin to list the advantages and disadvantages of this method, then ....

    However, if you think about it, why is the conductor obliged to be round ???

    From experience: one rich hazyain, after sticking exclusive wallpapers, wanted to hang a sconce in the bedroom on the wall ...

    So we, yes, did everything to him ...


    # 3 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    Igor, if it's not a secret, what are “foil plastic tires”? What kind of new technology is this? It would be very interesting to read a more detailed description.


    # 4 wrote: dim | [quote]


    I think that under no circumstances is ceiling gouging unacceptable. We already fall at home. It is unclear how this method can be published at all.


    # 5 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    The most interesting thing is that most often the ceiling is dashed. If this was not written in the article, then it would not be complete. And the fact that you can’t ditch the ceiling - I completely agree with this. I wrote in the article "very undesirable."


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Point 6. Well, let's say we dragged the cable in one channel. And if, say, next to this lamp there are 2 more and they are shifted along this axis to the right or left and belong to this line? I understand that partitions are breaking through. But at the same time, are the stiffeners of ceiling ceilings reduced? Indeed, according to architectural standards, the walls of the partitions between the penetrations act as stiffeners. Then how to be?


    # 7 wrote: Andrew | [quote]


    I do not think that if you carefully break through the partitions (even if in several places), then this will greatly affect something. In any case, this is much safer than the most common operation, such as ceiling chipping. If this bothers you with something, then in an extreme case there still remains a worthy option No. 4 (laying wires on the ceiling under the plaster).


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Thank you very much for the answer on item 6. Why did I ask this? It was just that not so long ago we carried out installation of wiring in a house under construction for rich Pinocchio. And those supervision has forbidden to carry out this type of installation. Therefore, the flat cable was glued to the draft ceiling, and then the stucco guys already covered the ceiling with plaster. And so they fought. Thanks again for the answer.


    # 9 wrote: Const | [quote]


    Quote: Igor
    I would like to draw your attention to the method of laying tires from foil plastic ...

    As I understand it, we are talking about foil getinaks (textolite, fiberglass, etc.)? “Wires” can be wide enough not to get warm. And the thickness is even on the order of 0.2 mm. Interesting idea. I think it’s worth adding an article to it.


    # 10 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    I changed the wiring several times in the apartments of brick houses 70-90gg several times, while in all cases the same floor slabs were found in which there were voids along the entire length at a certain distance from each other.Most likely, they were made in order to save material in the manufacture of plates. So in these voids almost all electrical wiring lines were laid, including those designed to power outlets. At the expense of laboriousness, this method greatly simplifies the process of installing electrical wiring as a whole, since many electrical wiring lines were laid in these channels. But this is if the holes in the plates are parallel to the proposed paths for laying the wire. In this case, it was necessary to penetrate the wall to the ceiling plate, punch a hole in the channel from two sides and stretch the wire. If the location of the plate openings is perpendicular to the wiring lines, then they were used exclusively for laying the wire that feeds the lighting equipment.


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello. Wiring can be made very hidden even if you do not want to touch the ceiling. And it is advisable not to touch him at all. It is enough to take the cable ducts and gently stick them on the ceiling with super-glues or attach to the cement mixed with glue. You can make a very decorative pattern of channels for wire and cement or even gypsum and put all the wires in them. Here it all depends on your imagination and if anyone is interested, you can tell in more detail.