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The principles of operation of grounding systems for buildings TN-C and TN-C-S


The principles of operation of grounding systems for buildings TN-C and TN-C-SThe issues of safe use of electricity continue to become increasingly relevant for the entire population. The requirements of an international electrical company, implemented by regulatory documents in our country, have tightened the rules for the operation of electrical equipment. After that, state standards in force since Soviet times with simplified rules for grounding electrical circuits for residential buildings were revised.

However, a large mass of buildings continues to be operated according to the old TN-C scheme. To re-equip it with the TN-C-S system requires enormous material costs, it is not easy to accomplish all this nationwide. Therefore, such work is carried out gradually, but systematically.

In the article "Classification of grounding systems of electrical installations" the definition of electrical circuits for power supply of residential buildings and industrial facilities is given, a description of the TN-C and TN-C-S systems is given. Let's consider them a little more in detail.

Old circuit

Schematic diagram of the building's power supply system TN-C

Schematic diagram of the building's power supply system TN-C

The picture shows that PEN conductor ground (color yellow-green) is made by a circuit located at a transformer substation, and nothing more. Nowhere else are any land connections applied.

Each apartment receives only zero, which is actually the same PEN conductor and phase. That is, only two wires from the distribution panel, located on the floor for several apartments, come into the apartment.

Between the switchboards of the floor and the house, four-core power cables are laid, transmitting three phases along the wires and one common zero. The same power cable, only of greater power, connects the electrical equipment of the transformer substation with the switchboard of the building.

Modified circuit

Schematic diagram of the building's power supply according to the TN-C-S system

Schematic diagram of the building's power supply system TN-C-S

The cable laid from the transformer substation to the switchboard at the entrance to the building remained unchanged in it. Everything else has been revised. The PEN conductor connected to its bus is divided into two lines: PE (yellow-green) and N (blue). In practice, this method is called by electricians “splitting”.

It is shown in the picture below.


Schematic diagram of the splitting of the PEN conductor
Schematic diagram of the splitting of the PEN conductor

The splitting principle PEN conductor

It shows that the cable end of the PEN conductor from the TP is connected to the PE bus, which is re-grounded. All PE conductors in the building's electrical circuit depart from it.

The common zero bus N is installed on the insulators inside the switchboard of the building and connected to the PE bus with two jumpers located at the edges. N conductors are connected to their bus, and then go further from it to the circuit.

The correct implementation of such a circuit eliminates the loss of the PE ground conductor due to damage to zero or any manipulations with it both inside the building and at the transformer substation.

Common mistakes and advice to the home master

The good intention of owners of apartments equipped with wiring operating according to the TN-C scheme to comply with the recommendations on the grounding of electrical appliances is often accompanied by serious violations of the rules that can cause great harm to people around. Consider the typical errors of self-connecting devices.

We will immediately agree that we will not consider the issues of using protective devices and automation here. This is the topic of a separate article. She set out here.

Connecting electrical appliance housings to zero

This method is called zeroing.It was widely used as a protective device when performing short-term work with an old power tool equipped with a metal body with poor insulation. Modern industry does not produce such devices.

Principle of operation: in the event of insulation failure and the appearance of a phase potential, a short circuit current occurs on the case, which is quickly turned off by circuit breakers.

The dangers of grounding:

  • the absence of well-tuned protective devices in case of damage to the device does not exclude the appearance of a dangerous potential in a person in contact with the body;

  • sometimes "electricians" make mistakes by confusing phase with zero. In this case, the phase will be deliberately brought to the housing;

  • in cases of damage to zero, the circuit does not work.

Connecting electrical appliance cases to metal building structures

Water supply networks, water heating mains, elevator equipment shaft housings and some other elements are permanently located in the ground. Folk "craftsmen" use them for grounding.

Method Risks:

  • electrical contact with earth is not controlled;

  • in case of repair of pipelines, the circuit breaks;

  • plastic pipes mounted by sections work as insulators;

  • when the potential appears on the device’s case, an accidental person in any apartment may be injured, touching the heating battery, water tap and finding himself in the path of current passage.

Connection of electrical appliance cases to the water supply network

Unauthorized splitting of the PEN conductor on the floor shield

At first glance, this method seems to be the most optimal solution. The electrical wiring of the apartment is redone according to a three-wire scheme for connecting zero and PE conductor in strict accordance with the rules. It remains only to connect to the ground loop and the "home electrician" independently does the splitting on the floor distribution panel.

This is dangerous because:

  • the approved and completed electrical wiring project of the entire building is grossly violated;

  • prerequisites for electrical injuries, threats of equipment damage are created;

  • in the event of any malfunctions in the wiring of the building, representatives of utilities can “appoint” the owner of the apartment as guilty, which will result in scandals, fines, checks by various commissions and other troubles;

  • housing and communal services electricians involved in building maintenance will not take into account the peculiarities of the modifications made during the work. This can be the cause of emergency situations.


It is not so difficult to carry out the process of transferring electrical equipment to a safe power supply circuit for owners of cottages and private houses. Enough for this create a separate ground loop, preferably from modern modular designs and connect to it via the TT system.

Residents of multi-storey buildings are more difficult to correctly resolve this issue. Splitting the PEN conductor into two components of the line is the task of the energy supply organization. It will be completed, but at different times.

At this point, during the repair of the premises, it is necessary to replace the old wiring with a new three-wire inside the apartment and prepare for the transfer of the circuit to the TN-C-S system. Leave the conductor removed from the apartment PE in readiness for connection to the housing and communal services electricians.

Read also on this topic:How to determine the type of grounding system in the house

See also at

  • How to determine the type of grounding system in the house
  • What is the danger of self-grounding in the apartment (alteration TN-C ...
  • How to install a block of electrical switches with a socket
  • TT earthing system - device and features of use
  • Classification of electrical system grounding systems


    # 1 wrote: Dmitriy | [quote]


    At this point, during the repair of the premises, it is necessary to replace the old wiring with a new three-wire inside the apartment and prepare for the transfer of the circuit to the TN-C-S system. Leave the conductor removed from the apartment PE in readiness for connection to the housing and communal services electricians.

    It seems to be beautiful and correct. Only one significant BUT! With this scheme, a potential with potential can be created on an unconnected protective ground wire up to 80 V! (verified personally). And from the body of the appliance with a protective earth connected, it tickles very significantly! And here it is VERY DANGEROUS!
    In the section "Unauthorized splitting of the PEN conductor on the floor board," in the paragraph "

    This is dangerous because:

    did not find anything dangerous in theoretical statements about splitting. I think it will be much safer than constantly getting your 80V, thinking at the same time that according to theory everything is correct, that means it should be so.

    Are these articles written by a pure theorist or did he not encounter similar situations?


    # 2 wrote: Alexei | [quote]


    Cleavage with TN-C is possible, but:
    Do not set the equalization system in any case and the use of RCDs is mandatory.


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    I do not agree with Dmitry a bit.

    1. In my opinion, the article is written by a person who not only worked as an electrician, but also knows that he writes and writes in a fairly understandable and clear language.

    2. With the unauthorized splitting of the PEN conductor and unauthorized interference with the electrical wiring of the house, apparently you have not yet been assigned an extreme and have you paid a fine for the whole house?

    3. Regarding the tip.

    Where does the tip on the device come from looking at this picture? You as a specialist should know this. All this is connected after the power supply system is redone in the house. And in his article, the author had in mind this.

    Unfortunately, the drawing did not pass, but its meaning is as follows. On the side of the electrical panel, the yellow-green core and, for example, from the side of the outlet, the same yellow-green core are not connected, but are isolated on both sides.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    PUE 1.7.119 the use of aluminum tires is NOT ALLOWED.

    What we see in the "model photo" - aluminum!

    A quick break in zero. Are saboteurs trained here?


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    Thank you, a very interesting article - I could not find a photo of the driveway with the TN-C-S grounding system. It turns out that the zero bus stands after the PE bus.


    # 6 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    Residents of multi-storey buildings are more difficult to correctly resolve this issue. Splitting the PEN conductor into two components of the line is the task of the energy supply organization. It will be completed, but at different times.

    That is, translating into Russian the language of our bureaucratic realities, an apartment in the old fund (Khrushchev, nine-story building and others) with TN-C = no alternative pain, decay, and suffering and there is nothing to be done about it. The only way to resolve the issue is to sell this apartment and buy a new apartment in a new building.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Something I didn’t quite understand is this: If N and PE are galvanically connected, as shown in the figure, by a jumper and are actually the same conductor, separated only conditionally, then how does the RCD work if the working zero contacts the protective zero at the outlet? Not at all.


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: George
    PUE 1.7.119

    This is a TN-S circuit. When grounding the working zero in the main switchboard or in the water shield, the ouzo should be placed after the jumper. And it, accordingly, will control the site after itself.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Igor, thanks for the detailed and very detailed answer. I was looking for the answer to a simple question: What is the RCD tripping algorithm in the TN-CS system, not during the breakdown of L1,2,3, on the consumer's case, but on the condition that there is a contact between the working and protective zeros (between contacts N and PE in the socket) .


    # 10 wrote: Jacob | [quote]


    The TN-C grounding system has been distributed until recently. Electrical safety with indirect contact in the TN-C network is low, as it is ensured by switching off the currents of single-phase short circuits to the case by circuit breakers or fuses.The magnitude of the currents of single-phase circuits is often not enough to quickly turn off the protective devices. In a TN-C network, with a single-phase short circuit to the chassis, potential is transferred to the chassis of undamaged equipment, which greatly increases the risk of damage. Particularly dangerous in the TN-C network is a break in the neutral wire, in this case all the metal enclosures of the electrical equipment connected to the PEN busbars behind the break point will be energized, the magnitude of which depends on many factors. According to the PUE, it is not allowed to use RCDs that respond to a differential current. In four wire three-phase circuits (TN-C system). If it is necessary to use an RCD to protect individual power consumers receiving power from the TN-C system, the protective PE conductor of the power receiver must be connected to the PEN conductor of the circuit supplying the power receiver to the protective switching device.


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    But only in your apartment (after the counter), is it possible to “split” the N-PE zero?


    # 12 wrote: | [quote]


    The brave man again had a math lesson. Once again, I remind the author and some of the commentators: in electrical engineering, “zero” can only be 0 volts. And the N-conductor is called "zero".


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    Unauthorized splitting of the PEN conductor on the floor shield

    prerequisites for electrical injuries, threats to equipment damage are created

    In order to be shocked by a person, two application points are needed, between which a potential difference is formed. In the cases you describe, between what and what will the dangerous potential appear?