PID (from the English P-proportional, I-integral, D-derivative) - a regulator is a device used in control loops equipped with a feedback link. These controllers are used to generate a control signal in automatic systems where it is necessary to achieve high requirements for the quality and accuracy of transients.
The control signal of the PID controller is obtained by adding three components: the first is proportional to the value of the error signal, the second is the integral of the error signal, and the third is its derivative. If any of these three components is not included in the addition process, then the controller will no longer be PID, but simply proportional, proportionally differentiating or proportionally integrating. The output signal gives a proportional component. This signal leads to counteraction to the current deviation of the input quantity ...
Design, configuration and use of the multifunction timer TE 15
In everyday life, we use many electrical mechanisms, the regularity of use of which suggests the automation of the process. For example, controlling outdoor lighting or a well pump. This idea is not new, and there are a lot of devices of this purpose, which have received a common name - a time relay.
The programmable weekly timer electronic TE 15 is a device that can control many household devices. He is a vivid example of the benefits of modern technology. To verify this, just remember what devices had to use before. Previously, a mechanical timer was popular. Built-in power outlet, he could turn on household appliances for a certain time. In fact, it was a countdown timer; accordingly, its scope was limited. One of the works of Chinese industry - "Kitchen timer." In fact, this is a regular outlet with a timer ...
How modern automatic watering systems are arranged and work
The time has come when knowledge of electricians has become necessary for people of all specialties. New technologies based on the use of electronics, microprocessor developments have firmly entered our lives and everyday life. Even ordinary plant care can now be automated, entrusted to robots and automatic systems that, after setting user parameters, will maintain a microclimate, provide strictly metered watering, and create optimal conditions for growth and development.
The main elements necessary for the operation of the automatic plant watering system are shown in the picture explaining the principle of automation. The main objective of such a system is to provide plants with the amount of water they absolutely need, taking into account the actual precipitation. To this end, numerous scientific studies have already been carried out. ...
Using ARIES PLC in automatic lighting control systems
Home automation often starts with the simple, urgent task of controlling lighting. It is often necessary to control the on and off light from different places or from a common remote control or a set of buttons. Moreover, the number of lighting fixtures, rooms, switches is always different. And the control scheme is different from task to task.
In this material we will consider a universal tool for solving such a problem - a freely programmable controller Aries PLC. With this device, you can automate the lighting of almost any complexity. At the same time, intermediate contacts are not needed, switching of electric circuits occurs using built-in electromagnetic relays. The creation of the work algorithm begins with the download of the CoDeSys program. It is free and is included in the scope of delivery of the PLC ...
Popular Z-wave smart home device devices
Wireless automation systems based on Z-Wave are confidently strengthening their positions in the areas of home and office optimization, which is not at all surprising, because these systems are flexible and affordable. And the operating frequency of 869 MHz is allowed, and will not bring any trouble to the owner of such a system (radio frequencies, frequencies of cellular networks and Wi-Fi will not cause interference). Thus, the wireless standard Z-Wave allows you to automate the control of home and office equipment, bringing only additional comfort to the everyday life of a modern person.
The technical side of the technology is very attractive: indoor communication at a range of up to 25 meters and up to 50 meters in open space. Moreover, the use of routing through network nodes allows the user to eliminate the need for direct visibility between the sources and receivers of signals ...
What would you say if you knew that the bulbs in your apartment are capable of something more than just turn on and off at the touch of a button? But what if the color of the glow of the lamps could be independently selected and adjusted? What about controlling the light directly from your smartphone? All this is possible with Philips Hue lamps. These LED lamps will shine in exactly the color that you choose, and with the brightness that you adjust by simply using the application for iPhone or Android. Interesting, isn't it?
The Philips Hue kit includes 3 LED lamps and a wireless controller for them with its own power supply. The lamp bases are the most common E27, the maximum brightness of each lamp of 600 lumens approximately corresponds to a 50-watt incandescent lamp, and the consumption of each Philips Hue lamp is 5 times less than that of an incandescent lamp of a similar brightness ...
What are microcontrollers - purpose, device, software
A microcontroller is a special microcircuit designed to control various electronic devices. Microcontrollers first appeared in the same year as general-purpose microprocessors (1971). The microcontroller developers came up with an ingenious idea - to combine the processor, memory, ROM and peripherals inside one enclosure that looks like a regular microcircuit. Since then, the production of microcontrollers annually many times exceeds the production of processors, and the need for them has not decreased.
Microcontrollers are produced by dozens of companies, and not only modern 32-bit microcontrollers are produced, but also 16, and even 8-bit ones (like i8051 and analogues). Within each family, you can often find almost identical models that differ in CPU speed and memory size ...
Smart home - what modern automation systems can do
Automation is increasingly being introduced into the everyday life of modern people. And if earlier, automated production could be considered the peak of progress, now even life, an apartment or a private house can be quite dramatically improved by bringing the concept of “smart home” there. Indeed, today the “smart home” systems are designed not only to optimize energy costs, but first of all - to make a person’s life more comfortable. The capabilities of modern smart home systems will be discussed in our article.
Combining home cinema, lighting control, water supply, video surveillance system, climate control, fire and security alarm systems, power supply and access control, gas supply and multi-room into one system is the task that the smart home system solves today. Let's go through each of the items sequentially, consider what they can ...