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The main mistakes when installing sockets and switches, how to prevent them


Wanting to install a socket or switch during repair or just intending to replace an obsolete model with a more modern one, we usually decide to do it ourselves. As a rule, such a decision is connected with a very misconception about what and how to do, with absolute confidence, however, in their abilities and strengths.

In real, not experienced in installing sockets or switches, no beginner is safe from error. Due to the lack of proper experience, he can simply ruin the device or even damage the wiring, without paying attention to some important nuances that professionals know about.

Meanwhile, frenzied zeal in such situations can end tragically, - from electric shock to fire. In order to somehow prepare a beginner and warn him of possible failures, let's look at some important aspects of installing switches and sockets.

The main and main thing is to choose the right socket or switch. This should be a proven manufacturer, and not a cheap fake, which can crack corny even during installation or even on the way from the store. It’s better to buy the device in a store with a proven and reliable reputation.

Errors when installing sockets and switches, how to prevent them

So, before you start working with wiring, you must completely de-energize it. To do this, just turn off the corresponding circuit breaker in your electrical panel. The switchboard can be installed both on the site at the entrance, and in the dwelling itself (usually in the hallway).

After the wiring is de-energized by switching the machine to the “off” position, you need to verify this for sure, it is best to do this with indicator screwdriver or in extreme cases - by connecting to the circuit of any household appliance.

If the circuit is definitely de-energized, then the indicator will show it (will not light up), and if testing is carried out by a device (or a lamp), then it will not work. And now, when the power supply is exactly turned off, and we are convinced of this, we can move on.

If your family has small children, be sure to ensure that they did not distract you during installation. In any case, explain to relatives that you will now perform serious responsible work that requires increased concentration of attention, and your goal is to do everything efficiently and reliably, because the socket (or switch) is installed once and for many, many long years.

And in no case do not let the children begin to play in the shield, trying to turn on the light. It’s better to make sure once again that there is no power supply, for this, keep the indicator screwdriver at hand all the time.

Prepare some box or jar in advance for installation and fasteners, put them there so that in no case is lost. After all, repairing an old outlet or installing a new one, you can easily lose one fixing screw and, due to this, ruin everything that was conceived at once. Especially if you are doing the installation in a poorly lit room. If necessary, prepare a flashlight or a candle, as an option - ask someone to illuminate you using your phone.

When starting stripping wires, pay attention to ensure that their length is sufficient. The wires should not be stretched, this will eliminate harmful mechanical stress in the metal conductors.

Strip the wires properly, there should not be a piece of insulation at the connected ends, otherwise you run the risk of getting a loose contact, which will burn out over time due to overheating from some significant power-on load, and will damage part of the wiring together with the installed product.

To connect stranded wires, use crimp sleeves, so the contact will be more reliable and durable. In general, today often on sale you can find high-quality sockets and switches with self-clamping terminals, but if in your device the wire is still fixed in the old fashion with screws, then fix it tightly enough so that you can’t just pull and pull it out. Check it out, make sure.

Sometimes during installation it happens that the individual pieces of conductors need to be securely connected to each other. Copper with copper can be soldered without fear using refractory solder. In any case, always avoid twisting, especially - twisting of various metals (aluminum and copper). If this is unavoidable, it is better to use additional self-clamping terminal blockspecially designed for such situations, or put at least a connecting sleeve.

See also:

How to remove a wall outlet and disassemble it

How is the design of expensive sockets different from cheap

See also at

  • How to remove a wall outlet and disassemble it
  • Installation boxes for sockets
  • How to replace an external outlet with an internal
  • How is the design of expensive sockets different from cheap
  • How to fix a power outlet
