How to repair electrical appliances
Your household appliances, faithfully served before that suddenly stopped working? If we are talking about something inexpensive (a radio, a hairdryer, an electric kettle, a charger for the phone), then you have a choice - go buy a new one, or try to reanimate your household appliance on your own.
Trying to repair a broken household appliance is definitely worth it, as it will not be any worse, and extra money does not happen in principle. To begin with, you should arm yourself with a minimal gentleman's set consisting of a screwdriver, a pliers, a multimeter and a soldering iron.
Whatever you repair, everything will happen according to the same scheme, consisting of the following steps. Use a screwdriver of suitable length and width to unscrew the screws that connect the case. It’s good if there is a place nearby where to put them ...
What to do with a broken household appliance
The reliability of modern household electrical appliances is clearly poor. The older generation recalls with a sigh the iron that was ironing for 10 years, the TV, which worked for 15, and the refrigerator, which also served as a grandmother. Examining objects of past years in the museum, their massiveness and strength are striking in comparison with the current flimsy and graceful.
It is difficult to say why the reliability of household appliances is decreasing every year. Probably because manufacturers choose cheapness between low-cost production and quality, even the most famous and trusted companies sin by using components from other manufacturers or even transferring production to Asian countries.
Thus, the purchase of a household appliance has long turned into a lottery. If you are lucky, it will serve for a long time, but if not? ...
How to repair a New Year's garland
New Years is soon! Christmas trees, toys, all kinds of lights ... cheer up. But how “happy” the situation is when we take the ingenious invention of mankind - the Christmas tree electric garland, plug it into the network, and it does not fully or partially work. What to do?
The easiest way to solve the problem is to go buy a new garland! But if you don’t want to spend money, believe in your strength and patience, then you can try to become a “resuscitator” of the New Year’s beauty.
Let's start with the fact that we recall: the simplest garland consists of a certain number of bulbs connected in series. With this connection, the operating voltage of the consumers is summed. And we can, for example, turn on 55 light bulbs rated for 6 V each into a network with a voltage of 220 V ...
How to repair an extension cord
If your electric extension cord stops working, do not rush to throw it away. It can be easily repaired without the knowledge and diploma of an electrician.
First you need to determine what the malfunction is, in the plug, in the cable or in the block with sockets.
Most often in extension cords, a strand breaks in a cord. In order to find the location of the fracture and repair the extension cord, we need any consumer that shows when it is turned on, when not. It can be a table lamp, a radio receiver or the same charging to a mobile one if it has a power indicator (most often a red LED). We turn on the consumer, and begin to bend the wire in different directions every five centimeters, starting from the plug ...
Electricity and electrical safety: educational program for beginners electricians
Each of us, of course, had to turn on the light bulb, repair the burned cord on the iron, and tighten the contacts in the outlet. Moreover, it is not necessary to have a special electrical engineering education.About the same as it is not necessary to know to the smallest detail the device of an internal combustion engine in order to become a car enthusiast.
It is exactly the same with electricity: it is completely optional to invite an electrician from the ZhKO to replace an unusable switch or socket. But at the same time, one must know the danger of electricity, and what rules must be observed so as not to lose forever the desire for such work. First you should get acquainted with the rules of electrical safety. So why is electricity dangerous to the human body? ...