In energy, electronics and other branches of applied electrical engineering, a large role is given to transformations of electromagnetic energy from one type to another. Numerous transformer devices, which are created for various production tasks, deal with this issue.
Some of them, having the most complex design, perform the transformation of powerful high-voltage energy flows, for example. 500 or 750 kilovolts in 330 and 110 kV or in the opposite direction. Others work as a part of small-sized devices of household appliances, electronic devices, automation systems. They are also widely used in various power supplies of mobile devices. Transformers work only in alternating voltage circuits of different frequencies and are not intended for use in DC circuits that use other types of converters ...
Why do we need switch disconnectors?
A brief overview of the functionality of the Compact INS / INV range from Schneider Electric. What are switch disconnectors for? This switching device is primarily intended for switching rated currents in manual mode. The main difference between switch-disconnectors and circuit breakers is that they do not protect the circuits from emergency operation - overload and short circuit. What are the functions of these switching devices?
In this article, we briefly characterize the switch-disconnectors on the example of electric devices of the Compact INS / INV series of the well-known manufacturer Schneider Electric. The main advantages of this type of circuit breaker are its simplicity of design, wide range of applications, compliance with international standards, as well as the possibility of expanding functionality by installing various additional devices ...
How to use current measuring clamps
When assessing the status of existing electrical installations or performing repair work under voltage, electricians have to measure and compare the values of currents flowing through different circuits. This allows you to analyze the operational scheme, timely eliminate the arising malfunctions. Quite often, all this must be done without breaking the electrical circuits so as not to disrupt the technological process of power supply to consumers.
Measure currents of loads without interrupting power supply using a tool specially designed for this purpose. - current ticks.The device of various models can vary significantly depending on the timing of their manufacture and the complexity of the internal circuit. But the principles of measurement and controls are almost everywhere identical.The basis of the work adopted an ordinary current transformer with a detachable magnetic circuit ...
What determines the long-term permissible cable current
What determines the long-term permissible cable current? To answer this question, we will have to consider transient thermal processes that occur under conditions when an electric current flows through the conductor. Heating and cooling a conductor, its temperature, connection with resistance and cross-section - all this will be the subject of this article.
The figure shows graphs of the current and temperature in the conductor over time. From time t1 to time t3, current I flowed through the conductor. Here you can see how, after turning on the current, the temperature of the conductor gradually rises, and at time t2 it ceases to increase, stabilizes. But after turning off the current at time t3, the temperature begins to decline gradually, and at time t4 it again becomes equal to the initial value (T0).So, we can write the heat balance equation for the process of heating the conductor ...
What are wiring diagrams and where do they apply
Modern electrical equipment in its work uses numerous technological processes that proceed according to various algorithms. An employee engaged in its operation, maintenance, installation, commissioning and repair must have reliable information about all their features. Providing the events in graphical form with the designation of each element in a specific, standard way, greatly facilitates this process, allows you to transfer the intentions of the developers to other specialists in an understandable form.
Electrical circuits are created for electricians of all specialties, have various design features. Among the methods for their classification, the division into principal and assembly is used. Both types of circuits are interconnected. They complement each other’s information, are carried out according to uniform standards ...
How to measure grounding resistance
The safety of using electric energy depends not only on the correct installation of the electrical installation, but also on compliance with the requirements laid down in the regulatory documentation for its operation. The grounding circuit of a building, as part of protective electrical equipment, requires periodic monitoring of its technical condition. In the normal power supply mode, the ground loop of the PE conductor is connected to the housings of all electrical appliances, the potential equalization system of the building and is inactive: through it, roughly speaking, no currents pass, except for small background ones.
In the event of an emergency related to the breakdown of the insulation layer of the wiring, hazardous voltage appears on the body of the faulty appliance and flows through the PE conductor through the ground loop to the ground potential. Due to this, the value of the high voltage transmitted to the non-conductive parts should decrease ...
The name of this device is made up of three words: “mega”, denoting the dimension of a measurement (thousand thousand or 106), "Ohm" is the unit of electrical resistance, "meter" is the abbreviation of measuring. Immediately it becomes clear the technical purpose of the device: the measurement of electrical resistance in the range of megaohms. Often, connoisseurs of the Russian language correct this word, excluding the letter “a” from it under the pretext that two vowels in a row during pronunciation are dissonant. But this technique distorts the meaning embedded in the device in the same way as the slang of individual electricians - “meger”.
The device is based on the famous Ohm's law for a section of the circuit I = U / R. For its implementation inside the case, any modification has built-in: a constant, calibrated voltage source, current meter, output terminals. The design of the voltage generator can vary significantly and can be created on the basis of simple ...
Industrial temperature sensors
Numerous technological processes requiring temperature control occupy not the last place in industry. Temperature measurement of gases, liquids, bulk powders and solid surfaces - each of these cases has its own characteristics, and for correct measurements it is important that the measurement method is consistent. There are many temperature sensors created on the basis of various physical laws and used for these purposes. There are both special and universal sensors.
The most widely used in industry today are thermoelectric sensors capable of operating in the temperature range from -200 ° C to + 2500 ° C and even higher.These are reliable, high-precision devices, often used to automatically control processes. The operation of the first type of such sensors - thermocouples, is based on the phenomenon ...