Electronic oscilloscope - device, principle of operation

Electronic oscilloscope - device, principle of operationAmateur radio, as a hobby, is a very exciting activity, and, one can say, addictive. Many come into it in the wonderful school years, and over time, this hobby can become a profession for life. Even if you can’t get a higher radio engineering education, independent study of electronics allows you to achieve very high results and success. At one time, Radio magazine called such specialists engineers without diplomas.

The first experiments with electronics begin, as a rule, with the assembly of the simplest circuits, which begin to work immediately without adjustment and setup. Most often these are various generators, calls, unpretentious power supplies. All this can be collected by reading a minimal amount of literature, just descriptions of repeatable patterns. At this stage, as a rule, it is possible to do with a minimal set of tools: a soldering iron, side cutters, a knife and several screwdrivers. Gradually, the designs become more complex, and sooner or later it turns out ...


Wiring diagrams in an apartment and a house - the best articles

Wiring diagrams in an apartment and a house - the best articlesAnother selection of the best home electrical wiring articles from e.imadeself.com. The selection included articles that examined various electrical wiring diagrams for electrical wiring in an apartment and a house, wiring diagrams for switches and sockets, and lighting network organization. All information in these articles is for informational and educational purposes only..

Despite the popularity of the topic "electrician in an apartment and a home with your own hands", you can independently engage in the installation of home electrical wiring if you have an electrical education, have real professional skills in this area and clearly understand the danger to yourself and others of poorly done work.

Otherwise, the best option would be a decision to entrust this work to professionals. And the information from the articles will serve as an example for you how everything should be arranged correctly ...


How to upgrade the electrical panel in a private house

How to upgrade the electrical panel in a private houseDespite the fact that the regulatory requirements for the rules for operating electrical installations in residential buildings have changed a long time in the countryside, there are still many houses that are powered by the old TN-C circuit through an electric panel with an induction meter with an accuracy class of 2.5%, protected by fuses with fusible inserts. Such a scheme has long required modernization.

Even the reconstruction of overhead lines by the power supply organization and the replacement of obsolete open wires with self-supporting insulated models does not always push owners to change the electrical circuit.

Old electrical panels are now operating at the limit of their capabilities and do not fully provide electrical safety for residents and equipment. To perform the modernization of the electrical panel in a private house, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors ...


How to choose a thermostat for an electric heating boiler

How to choose a thermostat for an electric heating boilerThere are two ways to maintain the temperature of the coolant in a house heated with electricity: in manual mode, using automation. Nowadays, most people refuse manual control, choosing the second method. To use it, you must have a device that constantly measures the temperature and, depending on its value, turns off or turns on the heating.

To this end, devices are used that constantly perform the following functions: monitoring the temperature of the working environment, transmitting and receiving signals through communication channels, processing information and forming a team for the executive power unit, switching electrical circuits, feedback.Structurally, such devices can be performed: mechanical autonomous direct-acting devices, electronic automatic installations. Direct thermostats operate on the principle of ...


Ultra-thin multilayer solar cells based on nanostructured materials

Ultra-thin multilayer solar cells based on nanostructured materialsScientists all over the world are paying great attention to improving solar energy conversion systems. In an effort to increase their efficiency and reduce, as much as possible, the cost of producing solar cells, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology decided to go down the path of reducing the thickness of solar cells.

The new type of panels can surpass any such solutions, and in terms of electricity production per kilogram of material used, it will be inferior only to uranium. Such panels can be made of sheets of graphene or molybdenum disulfide folded into many layers, the thickness of which is only one molecule (stacks of monomolecular sheets). Scientists argue that this approach will ultimately become the best possible approach to the development of solar energy. Jeffrey Grossman, Assistant Professor, Department of Energy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...


How to check the diode and thyristor. 3 easy ways

How to check the diode and thyristor - 3 easy waysAmong home masters and craftsmen, the need periodically arises to determine the operability of a thyristor or triac, which are widely used in household appliances to change the speed of electric motor rotors, in power regulators of lighting devices, and in other devices.

Before describing the verification methods, we recall the thyristor device, which is not for nothing called a controlled diode. This means that both semiconductor elements have almost the same device and work in exactly the same way, except that the thyristor has a limitation - control through an additional electrode by passing an electric current through it.

The thyristor and the diode pass current in one direction, which in many designs of Soviet diodes is indicated by the direction of the angle of the triangle on the mnemonic symbol located directly on the case ...


How to enter electricity into a private house

How to enter electricity into a private houseMost often in settlements where private houses predominate, overhead power lines are used. However, cable underground lines can also be used.

Part of such a line from the nearest support to the entrance to the house is usually called a branch. It can be laid through the air or underground. Legislatively determined that the branch is owned by the owner of the power line. Maintenance, operation and reconstruction of the branches are his responsibility. Independent work without the consent of the owner of the power transmission line is prohibited.

To create a new branch and connect it to the input of the building, you must have a project that must be agreed with the representatives of the line owner before starting work. The document should reflect a list of all technical solutions and materials ...


Which is better to use: loop-through switches or bistable relays

Which is better to use: loop-through switches or bistable relaysConvenience of lighting control is one of the basic rules that guide the installation of electrical wiring. If the room is relatively small in area, then to control the various lighting devices mounted in this room, one light switch is enough.

In the event that the room is large enough or extended, then for the convenience of controlling the fixtures installed in it, it is more expedient to provide for the possibility of their inclusion from two or more places. To realize this possibility, passage and cross switches or bistable relays are used.Below we briefly describe both methods of controlling lighting devices, and give their main advantages and disadvantages. Through and cross switches have the principle of work similar to traditional switches of lighting. Switching lighting circuits ...

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