The device of a flowing water heater, principle of operation, scheme, varieties
Hot water supply of a house or apartment can be centralized, or it can be individual. Even if you have a centralized hot water supply system, you should take care of a backup solution in case of its termination. There are several ways to solve this problem: installation of a water-heating gas column. It requires coordination with a gas supply organization, hoods, the installation of a storage water heater. Great solution, low power consumption. They usually have TENs of 1-3 kW, which will allow them to be connected in an apartment with a standard amount of allocated power (about 3.5 kW in Khrushchev).
But there is a huge drawback - the storage water heater itself is not heavy (20-30 kg), but depending on the model, it can accumulate from several tens to several hundred liters of water. This can cause problems in the installation of such a heater, for example, in an old brick or wooden house ...
The thermal relay performs the function of protecting against prolonged overloads, their operation is similar to the operation of the thermal disconnector in circuit breakers. Depending on the magnitude of the overload (deviation from the nominal mode - I / Iн), it is triggered after an appropriate period of time, which can be calculated from the time-current characteristic of the thermal relay. Let's take a closer look at what a thermal relay is and how to choose it correctly.
When the motors are overloaded, the current consumption increases, and its heating increases accordingly. If the engine overheats, the integrity of the insulation of the windings is violated, the bearings wear out faster, they can jam. In this case, the thermal release of the machine may not protect the equipment. To do this, you need a thermal relay. Overloads can occur due to phase imbalance, obstructed movement of the rotor, due to both increased mechanical load ...
The whole truth about dimming LED lights: dimmers, drivers, and theory
Adjusting the brightness of light sources is used to create comfortable illumination of a room or workplace. Adjusting the brightness, it is possible to arrange several circuits that are switched on by individual switches. In this case, you will get a stepwise change in illumination, as well as separate luminous and off lamps, which can cause inconvenience. Stylish and relevant design solutions include a smooth adjustment of the overall illumination, provided all the lamps are lit. This allows you to create both an intimate setting for relaxation, and bright for celebrations or working with small details.
Earlier, when the main light sources were incandescent lamps and spotlights with halogen lamps, there were no problems with adjustment. The usual 220V dimmer was used on the triac (or thyristors). Which was usually in the form of a switch, with a rotary knob instead of keys ...
Why wire twisting is prohibited
According to clause 2.1.21. PUE, connection of wires and cables should be carried out in one of the following ways: by welding, crimping, using screw or bolt connections, or by soldering in accordance with applicable instructions approved in the established manner. As you can see, the "twist" is not mentioned here at all. We can safely conclude: twisting is practically prohibited by PUE.
However, let's see why the official attitude to twisting is so unambiguous, what could be the reason for its exclusion from the list of allowed methods of connecting wires, because it is clear that this was done for a reason.Allowed: crimping, soldering, welding and screw connection. To begin with, we will consider what are the features of the allowed connection methods, and what is their difference from twisting. Soldering and welding require solidity and the highest possible conductivity of the created permanent connection ...
Motor and servo control with Arduino
In simple designs of automation systems, it is often necessary not only to read the readings of sensors, but also to set in motion mechanisms. For this, a variety of electric motors are used. The simplest and most popular option is a DC motor. He won the love of lovers with his accessibility, ease of speed adjustment. If the task is to move any mechanism to a given angle or distance, it is convenient to use a servo drive or a stepper motor.
In this article, we look at servos and small DC motors, connecting them to an Arduino board, and adjusting the DCT. The most common electric motor that is used in portable devices, toys, radio-controlled models and other devices. Permanent magnets are fixed on the small electric motor on the stator, and a winding on the rotor. Current is supplied to the winding through the brush assembly. Brushes made of graphite, sometimes found ...
How is a computer power supply and how to start it without a computer
All modern computers use ATX power supplies. Previously, AT standard power supplies were used, they did not have the ability to remotely start a computer and some circuitry solutions. The introduction of the new standard was associated with the release of new motherboards. Computer technology is rapidly developing and developing, so there was a need to improve and expand motherboards. Since 2001, this standard was introduced. Let's look at how the ATX computer power supply works.
First, take a look at the picture, all the nodes of the power supply are signed on it, then we will briefly consider their purpose. At the input of the power supply there is an electromagnetic interference filter from the inductor and capacitance. In cheap power supplies it may not be. The filter is needed to suppress interference in the power network resulting from the operation of a switching power supply.All switching power supplies can degrade the power supply ...
Field effect transistors: principle of operation, circuits, operating modes and modeling
We already examined the device of bipolar transistors and their operation, now let's find out about what field-effect transistors are. Field effect transistors are very common in both old circuitry and modern. Nowadays, devices with an insulated gate are used to a greater extent, we will talk about the types of field effect transistors and their features today. In the article, I will make comparisons with bipolar transistors in separate places.
A field effect transistor is a semiconductor fully controllable key controlled by an electric field. This is the main difference from the point of view of practice from bipolar transistors, which are controlled by current. An electric field is created by a voltage applied to the gate relative to the source. The polarity of the control voltage depends on the type of transistor channel. There is a good analogy with electronic vacuum tubes ...
How to choose a magnetic starter and a circuit breaker for an induction motor
For starting, reversing, forcibly stopping countercurrent asynchronous electric motors, electricians use contactors and magnetic starters. The reliability of the system as a whole, as well as the electrical safety of the service personnel, depend on the correct choice of switching equipment.
Choosing a starter and excess switching current leads to large financial costs, when it is switched, flip flops of a higher volume are heard than those produced by small starters. Inadequate switching power starters will not last for a long time, they will warm up, and burn terminal blocks and contacts. As a result, the transition resistance of the contact will increase until the contact disappears completely, which will lead to premature replacement of the device. Circuit breakers must also be correctly selected, especially when starting the engine hard ...