Power Engineer. To be or not to be?
What awaits you when getting an energy education.
In order to become an energy engineer, one must spend five years in the walls of his native university. If you do not know who you want to be in the future, or your parents cannot decide on the choice of your profession.
I want to give some advice. Do not panic at economists, programmers, and others of this kind. There are not so many energy faculties in our big country, economists at every turn.
And now, if you still decide to choose this particular faculty, then I will tell you a little how the training in this specialty goes ...
Modern wind generators are "preparing" for the reception of wind long before it appears
The article describes new equipment that allows wind generators to automatically adjust to air flow.
It would seem that collecting wind energy is a simple matter. Air passes through the turbine blades, causing it to rotate. The turbine drives the generator. A generator produces electricity. But, in fact, not everything is so simple.
Wind generators without fail are installed in the area where storms often rage. A strong wind can damage or even destroy air turbines if they are at the wrong angle. They should be fine-tuned so that powerful gusts rotate, not destroy the blades. Such adjustment is a common thing in working with turbine equipment.
This process can greatly facilitate the technology created Torben Mikkelsen and his colleagues from the Danish National Laboratory of Sustainable Energy Sources Risoe DTU. Dr. Mikkelsen is working on a system that allows each generator to scan upwind and pre-adjust the blades ...
Any leak is an undesirable occurrence. In the normal mode of operation of any electrical system, the current should flow only along the electrical circuits relative to the phases and zero (figuratively speaking). The resulting current relative to the ground will be this same leak. It can occur as a result of a breakdown on the case, which is initially grounded, if a person accidentally touches a person carrying parts (leakage current will pass through the body of this person), obsolescence of the wiring, etc.
The best option for connecting an RCD (residual current device) is the maximum proximity to the power input. Since the gap between the electric network and the electric meter is subject to strict control of electric power organizations, it is nevertheless more correct to install an RCD immediately after the electric meter. This ensures complete protection against all kinds of earth leaks throughout the circuit ...
Turin LED luminaires operate continuously up to 100,000 hours
Technological advances in the LED industry. What is the secret to the longer life of the new LED lighting fixtures for indoor lighting?
The market for LED technology is growing rapidly and the range is filled with various new products. In general, for LED lighting, this market niche is an unplowed field. After all, the elements themselves, LEDs, are practically durable, mainly due to low heat transfer and low consumption, they work on average 50,000 hours, namely 5 years. This makes it possible to assemble ready-made equipment, where it is not necessary to provide the dimensions of bulbs or the possibility of replacing light elements, so that LEDs can be turned into bulbs, searchlights, lamps, in a free art form and format, you can combine colors, enhance the precision with optical lenses ...
I AM ITSELF: Blonde and Rosette
How can a girl replace an outlet on her own.
Even the most fashionable interior can spoil such a trifle as an old outlet. Most often, the hostess notices them last, and changing it is simply scary, because you still have to deal with electricity.
Of course, you can call a specialist, ask a neighbor, and the husband probably understands them. But what to do for a young and active girl who still lives without a husband, ends up working simultaneously with those services that can help, and the neighbor does not cause any trust.
In fact, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Of course, we are not ardent feminists, but we can easily cope with such a trifle as a socket. So, step by step instructions for replacing the outlet ...
Home-made step-down transformer for damp rooms
In damp rooms, garage boxes in the "pit", and other safety rooms, it is required to install lamps with 12 Volt lamps. To power such lamps, a step-down transformer is used.
In addition to conventional transformers, electronic pulse transformers have recently appeared on sale. However, when used to power the luminaires, a voltage of 12 volts with a long wire length of the lamp starts to burn dimly, at full heat. Let's try to solve this problem.
Recall physics. The power of an incandescent lamp is 60 watts, the voltage from the transformer is 12 volts, from here we calculate the current: 60/12 = 5 amperes. If a current of 5 Amps flows through 220 Volts, then the power will be 1.1 kW. With a large current, a voltage drop occurs, the voltage drop depends on the length of the wire and its cross section. A voltage drop of 5-6 volts at a voltage of 220 volts is not so noticeable, but at 12 volts this is half the voltage ...
LED lamp for the needs of housing and communal services ALZ series
What advantages can the housing and communal services get when switching to energy-saving LED products? Comparison of a conventional NBP lamp with an LED analogue.
Housing and communal services is one of many enterprises, which will necessarily have to soon switch to energy-saving technologies, and the transition will be guaranteed by the State, which is strictly aimed at radical measures, namely the transition to energy-saving LED products.
Our topic will be related, first of all, what energy-saving products are offered for this sphere and what benefits can be obtained when using these products? ...
Connection diagram for circuit breaker, sockets and lamps
This figure shows a simplified wiring diagram for connecting a switch, outlets, and lamps. It is quite common and is widely used in the electrification of residential apartments, basements, garages, industrial, construction objects, etc. And now let's deal with this scheme in more detail.
For a better understanding, the connection diagram of the switch, sockets and lamps is drawn as it is usually located during its installation.
Let's start with the electrical panel. In every house and apartment there is always a shield to which the input from the main power line (from the nearest power pole or from the main distribution panel on the site) is suitable ...