You connected your mobile phone to the charger and, having inserted it into the socket, you found out that the battery is not charging. There may be many reasons, but most often it is:
1. BAD CONTACT between the plug and the connector - the socket may be loose (due to the “careful” handling of the phone) or its contacts are dirty.
This is a very common reason! It is enough to wipe the contacts of the charging connector with a piece of bandage soaked in PURE ALCOHOL (you can buy at the pharmacy) when the battery is pulled out of the phone, DO NOT under any circumstances use solvents, etc. active substances ...
Thermostat for electric boiler
Description of a simple and reliable temperature regulator circuit for a heating system.
Russian winter is harsh and cold, and everyone knows about it. Therefore, the premises where people are located must be heated. The most common is central heating or individual gas boilers.
Often there are situations when neither one nor the other is available: for example, in a clean field there is a small room of a water pumping station, and there the driver is on duty around the clock. There are many such examples.
In all these cases, it is necessary to arrange heating using electricity. If the room is small, then it is quite possible to do with a conventional oil electric radiator for domestic use ...
Homemade solar panels and their industrial counterparts
Nowadays, people can not do without gadgets about which their parents did not even have an idea. Even when going on hikes and picnics, they take laptops, camcorders, gps navigators, televisions, music centers, etc. with them.
Electric sockets have not yet been integrated into the surrounding trees, and batteries have the ability to discharge. Therefore, renewable energy sources are becoming especially relevant. One of them is solar panels.
Choosing a home-made or industrial solar panel is a choice of cash expenses and a hobby. A man or woman whose hands are attached to the right place is quite capable of making a home-made solar battery in one two weeks ...
What to save, electricity or eyesight of the child?
An article on the negative impact of energy-saving lamps on child health. Proper lighting of the workplace of the student.
Solving the problems of organizing a student’s workplace is of paramount importance because schoolchildren, especially elementary school students, spend a lot of time at their workplace.
The main element of the student’s workplace, ensuring its convenience and practicality, of course, should be recognized as general and desktop lighting. There are a lot of options for such lighting, and advertising and cunning managers are particularly persistent in using energy-saving lamps as such ...
Thermostat for welding plastics
Description of the simple and reliable design of a temperature regulator for welding plastics, for example, plastic frames.
It would seem that a thermostat is a simple thing, and its main purpose is to maintain a given temperature. But there are many areas of technology or simply households where a stable temperature should be maintained, and in a fairly wide range.
For example, it can be a warm floor, an aquarium with goldfish, an incubator for removing chicks, an electric fireplace or a boiler in the bathroom. In all these cases, the temperature must be maintained different. For example, for aquarium fish, depending on their type, the temperature of the water in the aquarium can be in the range of 22 ... 31 C °, in the incubator in the range of 37 ... 38 C ° ...
Practice gaskets electrical wiring for wooden buildings with wet rooms.
Increasingly, in order to equip everyday life in the country, people build not only residential buildings, but also farm buildings, saunas and gazebos. In the 21st century, no one can do without electricity, but the wiring in a wooden house and bathhouse has its own characteristics compared to a brick building.
In the bathhouse, if it is a separate building, it is advisable to extend your line from the main switchboard, which is usually located in the house. This line should be protected by a separate machine. There are two ways to run the power cable into the bathhouse ...
Several ways to control a single-phase asynchronous motor
Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of controlling asynchronous motors. Conclusions from practical experience.
Currently, squirrel-cage induction motors are widely used. This is due to the fact that such machines do not have a brush assembly, their rotor is made of aluminum and is technologically very simple, which means that the design itself is very reliable. Consider several ways to control a single-phase asynchronous motor.
The most common type of asynchronous single-phase electric motor is a motor with two stator windings. The first and second windings are identical in the number of turns, but in series with one of the windings include a capacitor ...
Infrared film underfloor heating
The appearance of infrared film underfloor heating in the services market is a clear example of how innovative technologies are becoming bolder in our lives, helping to create coziness and comfort in the house quickly and easily.
The fundamental difference and the main advantage of the infrared floor from other floors is the use of infrared radiation.
An ordinary warm floor, heating the air, creates convection currents in it, which rise up. As a result, you spend electricity to create a warm layer of air under the ceiling, and not in the part of the room where you are ...