Retractable Outlet Blocks: Usage and Connection Practices
Socket blocks are used for the good organization and convenient functioning of various workstations equipped with various office equipment for information and electric power networks.
An important role in these matters is played by retractable outlet blocks with various options for the execution of their housing, the aesthetics of placement in the interior of the premises and their types of attachment to furniture.
Today, the Russian market, both simple modular and built-in retractable sockets, is represented by products of such world-famous "brands" as the Spanish company Simon Connect, the German EvoLine, the Russian company Ecoplast. The installation of various outlet blocks, including retractable ones - any of us is able to perform independently. There are many types of modern outlet blocks, both for their installation in racks and cabinets, and wall-mounted ...
Correct connection of powerful power consumers
One of the distinguishing features of household electrical networks of large country houses is the presence of a large number of powerful power consumers. In addition to the traditional electric stove, it can be various hot water boilers, ventilation and pump installations, and some in the common house economy can even find professional stationary machines or other industrial units that operate on electricity.
Powerful receivers can be considered those devices whose current rating exceeds the limit for the most powerful 220 volt sockets. This limit is 16 amperes, which corresponds to approximately 3.5 kilowatts for a single-phase network. Not so little, if you look. Indeed, for example, quick-boiling kettles have an average power of only two kilowatts, and most other household appliances - even less. But the fact is that the socket can be used to connect, but not to turn on the device ...
T5 fluorescent lamps: prospects and problems of application
The appearance of T5 fluorescent lamps on the market marked a new era in the development of gas-discharge light sources. With a small bulb diameter, these lamps have very high efficiency and a long service life. But the main news was their complete incompatibility with existing lighting fixtures. Is such a decision justified in relation to hundreds of millions of luminaires for T8 lamps, and what are the reasons for this approach?
The electrical and structural parameters of T5 lamps are such that it is impossible to ignite or maintain operating parameters using traditional ballasting equipment (ballasts). For example, the operating voltage of a lamp with a power of 80 W is 152 V, and for a lamp of 35 W at a current of 0.175 A, the operating voltage is even equal to 205 V. With a network voltage of 220V, no electromagnetic ballasts can provide such operating parameters - the lamps will inevitably go out ...
Once again about entering the power supply into the house. Deadly mistake
The reason for writing the article was my viewing of several projects for the power supply of private houses. Designers are highly qualified specialists (he worked as a designer for 17 years), so I think that this is just a misunderstanding, which should be IMMEDIATELY corrected.
Now essentially the problem. In connection with the new requirements, the connection of private residential buildings should be done through the metering panel, which is installed outside the house. In all projects, this was done according to the scheme shown in the figure.
The analysis of this scheme does not withstand any criticism from the point of view of electrical safety of the residents of such a house.In case of malfunctions No. 1 and No. 3 (no contact) and malfunction No. 2 (PE wire break), the power supply to the apartment building will not be interrupted, and the protection circuits along the PE conductors will not work ...
Wiring problems: what to do and how to fix them?
The article discusses the most common causes of problems in the wiring, and talks about how to deal with them yourself.
Why suddenly the lights go out in the apartment and the appliances stop working? There may be several reasons for this. Contact is broken at the junction, mechanical damage to the wires when drilling the walls to install any fasteners, short circuit or wire break in the wall.
The machine on the landing is the first device that protects the common network from the wiring in the apartment. If the machine’s flag is in the “on” position, and there is no voltage at its output contacts (checked by a tester or indicator), then the reasons may be as follows: short circuit, damaged machine, current leakage through RCD, problem with wiring ...
The practice of wiring and connecting a TV cable in an apartment - features of the process
In today's article, we will consider laying the TV cable to the apartment, its wiring to the television signal receivers, and the main points and rules that must be taken into account in this, so that in the future, the image and sound quality on your TVs are excellent.
For successful installation of a TV cable, it is necessary to take into account some rules, the specifics and features of this type of work, which we will now consider.
What are the general rules and features of the process of laying and connecting a TV cable in an apartment? We will consider the most difficult version of the work - this is the supply of the TV cable from the staircase (interfloor panel board) to the apartment and its subsequent wiring to the television signal receivers in it. When laying a television cable, you need to remember the following ...
5 unusual ways to produce electrical energy
Where to get energy? It is no secret that sooner or later people will run out of oil, gas, coal, and even uranium, which are still left on the planet. A reasonable question arises: "What to do next?" Where to get energy? " After all, our whole life is based on the use of energy. It turns out that after the hydrocarbon reserves run out, the existence of civilization will end too?
There is an exit! These are the so-called alternative energy sources. By the way, many of them are used, and successfully, already at present. The energy of wind, tides, the sun and geothermal sources ─ is successfully used and converted by people into electricity. But these are “official alternative sources”. Currently, there are hundreds of theories and developments on the creation and use of unusual alternative energy sources. The alternative energy sources described in this article are ...
Cable lighting systems for your home
When we hear the phrase "track lighting", we most often imagine large, bulky and ugly metal paths cluttering up the room.
Such a purely negative view of track lighting is erroneous, since, at present, manufacturers of this type of lighting equipment produce hundreds of decorative track systems. They allow designers to correctly organize lighting in complex interiors and get both general lighting and additional interior lighting. Thanks to this, track systems are most often a very economical option for lighting rooms.
There are several device options for track lighting systems - on one and two pendants of various shapes, on a monorail, busbar, track lights on separate brackets. One of the new options is the use of special cable systems. We will talk about them in this article ...