Installation practice and modular grounding features
Modular grounding is a project created specifically for the installation of grounding conductors in residential facilities, for example, such as suburban private houses, country houses, as well as for industrial and administrative facilities.
The modular earthing switch is a prefabricated structure consisting of steel pins specially treated with copper, each 1.5 meters long. These pins are combined into a single grounding ground loop of the object.
The length of the prefabricated grounding pin can reach a depth of about 30 - 40 meters. The grounding 1.5 meter pins have threads at the ends, through which the couplings between them, it becomes possible, as the precast grounding pin moves in depth, to increase it with the next pin, etc. The installation of the vertical grounding pin in depth is done as follows ...
Energy saving appliances: myth or reality?
Not so long ago, in our markets, on the Internet, in some print media and even on television, an advertisement for a miracle device appeared, which, according to advertisers, can save up to 30-35% of electricity. What kind of device is this? How is it arranged? And is it really true that he is able to save so much energy?
At about the same time, in different regions, these devices appeared under different names. Here are the approximate names of these devices: SberBox, smartbox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver, Saving-box, Economy, etc. According to manufacturers, and accordingly distributors, it is enough to simply plug the device into a power outlet, and it starts to work, that is, save our hard-earned money.
The cost of this device, depending on the region of distribution and the "generosity" of sellers, ranged from $ 10 to $ 70. So, we purchased one of these devices in order to try to deal with it ...
How to choose circuit breakers and RCDs?
When repairing or replacing wiring, the question necessarily arises of the choice of protection devices - circuit breakers, RCDs and difavtomatov.
Circuit breakers protect the line from overload currents and short circuit currents. For example, you turned on an overly powerful heater or electric oven in a conventional outlet, the current in the line exceeds the value acceptable for it, the wire begins to heat up and, in order to prevent overheating and melting of the insulation, the circuit breaker trips and disconnects this line after some time. In the event of a short circuit in the line, the circuit breaker trips almost instantly, disconnecting the protected circuit.
Residual current devices (RCDs) are used to protect a person from electric shock when touching live parts and to prevent dangerous leakage of current if the insulation is damaged ...
How to make sure when buying a machine in a store that it is working?
Modular circuit breakers can be found in every switchboard: at least in the apartment and entrance, at least in the workshop or office. Compact, easy to install, relatively inexpensive, reliable ... but how to make sure that they are really reliable?
Even the most eminent manufacturers of modular circuit breakers do not exclude a certain percentage of defects among their products that fall on store shelves. The situation is aggravated by the fact that machines are a pretty hot commodity, which is why they are willingly forged by various artisan workshops. The owners and workers of such workshops, usually located in China, have peculiar views on electrical safety and the principles of maximum current protection. The most unobvious malfunctions of defective and fake modular equipment are associated with the incorrect operation of the releases ...
Checking transistors has to be done quite often. Even if you have a knowingly new transistor in your hands, it is better to check it before installing it in the circuit. There are frequent cases when transistors purchased from the radio market turned out to be worthless, and not even one single copy, but a whole batch of pieces of 50-100. Most often this happens with powerful transistors of domestic production, less often with imported ones.
Sometimes in the design descriptions some requirements for transistors are given, for example, the recommended gear ratio. For these purposes, there are various transistor testers, of a rather complicated design and measuring almost all the parameters that are given in the manuals. But more often it is necessary to check transistors on the principle of "good, bad". It is precisely such verification methods that will be discussed in this article. Often used transistors are at hand in a home lab ...
Highlights of using safe voltage in everyday life
The risk of injuries to humans from electric shocks, both in production and in everyday life, is very high. It is a direct result of non-compliance with safety measures, as well as failure or malfunction of electrical equipment and household appliances. Therefore, the use of safe voltage for our domestic needs is difficult to overestimate. In today's article, we will consider the practice and the main possibilities of using tension safe for humans in our house, cottage or apartment.
What is an electrical voltage safe for humans? Now it’s considered safe for humans to have a voltage of 42 Volts (until recently - 36 V), used for portable lighting and household appliances in the air and in the house and 12 Volts, subject to the use of portable lighting fixtures and appliances inside boilers ...
Electronic amplifiers. Part 2. Audio Amplifiers
There are so many different amplifiers that in one article, even very briefly, it is impossible to describe them, but sound amplifiers cannot be ignored. Of course, we will not write about tube monsters here, but several semiconductor structures suitable for independent manufacture will have to be remembered.
One of the most popular designs for beginner hams is UMZCH. With the seeming simplicity, well, there, just to play the music, it is these UMZCHs that are one of the most complex devices in the repair and independent manufacturing and adjustment. It is enough to take the old Radio magazines and get acquainted with the methodology for setting up amplifiers. But, in fairness, it must be said that some schemes work completely without adjustment. True, there are not very many of them. In modern conditions, if you do not want to be killed by the pangs of creativity, painstakingly establish a obstinate scheme ...
Smart home on the LOGO controller from SIEMENS
From a letter from a reader of the mailing list: “Using SIEMENS LOGO! Controller, I want to practice learning how to program controllers, automate different processes and in the future create a comprehensive smart home system. Tell me if this is possible and what additional modules you need to buy for a LOGO controller for organization smart home? "
In this article, we will try to answer the question of the newsletter reader - we will consider the possibility of using programmable logic controllers for home automation and for creating a "smart home" system.
Before considering the use of automation tools, let's understand what is generally meant by the concept of "smart" house? Is it possible to consider a dimmer installed in the circuit of one of the lamps as an intelligent home? If not,then from what moment does the “intellectuality” of the home begin? After all, even with an abundance of various devices ...