Categories: Controversial issues, Interesting electrical news, How does it work, Energy saving
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Energy saving appliances: myth or reality?


Energy saving appliances: myth or reality?Not so long ago, in our markets, on the Internet, in some print media and even on television, an advertisement for a miracle device appeared, which, according to advertisers, can save up to 30-35% of electricity. What kind of device is this? How is it arranged? And is it really true that he is able to save so much energy?

At about the same time, in different regions, these devices appeared under different names. Here are the approximate names of these same devices: SberBox, smartbox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver, Saving-box, Powersave, Economy etc.

According to manufacturers, and accordingly distributors, it is enough to simply plug the device into a power outlet, and it starts to work, that is, save our hard-earned money.

The cost of this device, depending on the region of distribution and the "generosity" of sellers, ranged from $ 10 to $ 70. In the simplest version, the device is designed for 15 kW of load for a single-phase network, that is, for an average house. There are also devices for three phase networks. For example, such a device for saving energy, designed to operate in a three-phase network, for a load of up to 48 kW, has the dimensions of an ordinary pack of washing powder.

The first acquaintance with the description of this device for saving energy causes delight among electrical engineers, mixed with a sense of their own incompetence. The device has a solid list of features realized with the help of mysterious, patented technical innovations.

It is difficult for specialists to imagine how it is possible to implement such functions as reactive power compensation, interference filtering, protection from phase imbalance and lightning strikes in one device. The revolutionary possibility of converting reactive electric energy into active energy has no analogues at all. Such a prospect immediately brings the power engineers of industrial enterprises into a state of ecstasy.

Let's take a closer look at the wonderful product and think about whether it is possible to realize all the declared characteristics in one device. And aren't they asking too little for him? Indeed, automatic capacitor units of comparable power are 4-6 times more expensive.

Stabilizers for balancing voltage imbalance in phases are also not cheap. Harmonic filters, bulky products containing a large amount of iron and copper, also do not suffer from a low price. Combining the capabilities of all these devices in one product is truly an impressive achievement.

Energy-saving Smart Boy

Energy-saving Smart Boy

In advertising articles, magnificent photos of the appearance of the device, connection diagrams are given. But images of devices with an open case are almost impossible to find. And you can understand why: instead of the declared 5 blocks and modules, such as a programmable controller and a control (?) Transformer, there is a simple, poor set of parts.

So, we purchased one of these devices in order to try to deal with it. What is he like? This is a small box that resembles an ordinary charger, on the front panel there are two LEDs.

Taking the liberty, we tried to look inside this miraculous device. What did we see inside? Inside was a diode bridge, a capacitor of indefinite capacity and a small power supply from which the LEDs were powered. And ... actually all. The most expensive part is a stylish case with a network plug. The total cost of components is unlikely to exceed $ 3-4, and the cheapest model is already sold for 40. What kind of energy savings can we talk about with such a scheme?

how Smart boy saves energy

So still, due to what happens energy saving when using this type of energy-saving appliances? And here it is necessary to plunge a little into the theory, without it anywhere. Let's try to explain everything in a simple, understandable language.

So, energy is active and reactive. We will not dwell on the higher harmonics, interferences in the power supply, phase shifts and other tricks, we will only consider what you can really encounter in real life, in everyday life, so to speak.

Ordinary household consumers of electricity, that is, you and I, pay for the consumption of active energy. Large enterprises also pay for jet energy. For this, they have special counters installed that count this very reagent.

In fact, they, enterprises, do not consume, they produce it. That is, equipment with a large inductive component generates reactive energy, which additionally loads the network. In order to "unload" electrical networks from negative loads, there are special devices - Reactive Power Compensators, that is, CRM.

These very KPMs, rather bulky and complex devices, moreover, they are initially calculated for a certain load. And this miracle device, which is actually being discussed now, if it can save something, theoretically, then only with a strictly defined load. And to calculate this very load is almost impossible.

Many modern devices are already initially equipped with devices to compensate for the reactive component. So, for example, almost all computer power supplies are equipped with Passive PFC, which reduces energy consumption by 5-10%. But in this case, the ratings of the capacitance, inductor and other iron were very carefully calculated, which allowed us to reduce electricity consumption.

From all that has been written above, we can conclude that it is pointless to compensate for anything at home or in everyday conditions.

But, for the sake of fairness, our experiments in production showed that, with the use of three-phase static CRM, it yielded some results. Namely, it allowed to stabilize the phase imbalance by 10-15%, that is, to evenly distribute the load between the phases. But this is in production, where the loads were relatively constant. So, draw your own conclusions.

Power Saver

How a miracle device converts reactive energy into active

We will separately discuss the conversion of reactive energy into active. Now only the energy-saving Smart Boy device declares a similar opportunity. In electrical engineering, there is neither theoretical justification for such an opportunity, nor practical implementations of devices. All attempts to obtain more detailed technical information from dealers about this amazing opportunity were unsuccessful. They either quoted advertising presentations, or referred to the "know-how" of the developers.

The triumph of modern technology or a grandiose scam?

What alarms specialists is completely incomprehensible to the rest of the population, far from electrical engineering. Well, how can you resist when a gray-haired doctor of technical sciences (and a doctor?) On the TV screen penetrates the profitability of acquiring a device at a discount for pensioners? Judging by the scope and duration of the commercials, sales are doing well.

From the advertising device to save energy Pover Saver

From advertising device to save energy Pover Saver

In conclusion, we can say that, unfortunately, a huge number of people, including those familiar with electrical engineering, were victims of a giant scam called “Smart Boy Energy Saving” and similar devices to save energy. These devices do not have any unique or revolutionary properties; they are absolutely useless in production and, especially, in everyday life.

References to the fact that the products are certified in the CIS countries (it is understood that consumer properties are confirmed by serious organizations) is just a guile, designed to ignore the certification procedures.The check is carried out only on the basis of product safety indicators; consumer properties are not considered at all. In other words: if you have purchased bitter, like wormwood, chocolate, then it can be absolutely safe for you, but for the taste - sorry.

See also:

Is reactive electricity available?

Options for reactive energy compensation in the home using the Saving Box

New appliance and new principle of energy saving

The most economical electric home heating

Electric sockets with a timer

Multi-tariff accounting: where are the problems “buried”?

See also at

  • Is reactive electricity available?
  • Options for reactive energy compensation in the home using the Saving Box
  • What is reactive power and how to deal with it
  • New appliance and new principle of energy saving
  • Multi-tariff accounting: where are the problems “buried”?


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Unfortunately, the construction of an explanation of the principle of operation of the devices indicated in the article did not convince me.
    Maybe we should build it according to this scheme:
    first, nothing comes out of nothing, and this is a fact ... (entropy)
    second - the consumer pays the amount of money for the consumed electricity, and this is fact number two (if we do not steal it from a neighbor through the wall, bypassing our meter ...)
    ... and here's the third - what does the counter think (where our money goes ???) ...
    According to physical laws, consumed electricity is the product of electric current power and time (kW x hour).
    And how does the meter count it? Does the result of energy counting depend on the shape of the current and voltage, and how does this affect the accuracy of metering? As modern counters take into account all these factors. THIS IS NOT IN THE ARTICLE.
    Maybe the devices mentioned in the article should be called Schniffers (deceivers) of Obsolete ferrodynamic Counters?


    # 2 wrote: Kirill | [quote]


    I can only notice that real savings depend only on you and me. No miracle devices can save your money. So take off the pink glasses and start saving.


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    I thought that one was in doubt (new technologies in the production of capacitors, etc.). But it is said very intelligibly and laid out on shelves.


    # 4 wrote: Yuri | [quote]


    Well looking for at least some advantages in this device, proudly called the static stabilizer, we can assume the following. In the home network, electrical appliances with non-linear load (computers, televisions, microwave ovens, inverter air conditioners) are increasingly found. Thanks to them, another power component can be distinguished - reactive distortion caused by higher harmonics. This device can be considered as the most primitive filter of higher harmonics. And the higher harmonics create additional losses in household electrical networks and partly through voltage increase the consumption of linear loads. Therefore, such a device can theoretically reduce active energy consumption by 1-2%, but no more. On the other hand, connecting such a device to the network increases the likelihood of resonance phenomena and can further degrade the quality of electricity in the home network (sinusoidality in particular).


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    I didn’t find how many I didn’t search the Internet for a device diagram to save energy! Well, there is no where. And this means that radio amateurs, and people versed in electronics and electrical engineering, simply do not pay attention to such devices, since this is complete nonsense from a practical point of view. It would be different - circuits would have been laid out on amateur radio sites a long time ago. It is equally impossible to find schemes for all kinds of miracles, bioenergy stimulants "from all diseases," which are widely advertised.

    And the point here is not at all in some sort of commercial secret or supertechnology that a radio amateur cannot understand. Just such devices are designed for "full dummies" in electrical engineering.Or, on the contrary, to theorists who have never once held a soldering iron in their hands.


    # 6 wrote: ytsuken | [quote]


    The Kapanadze generator actually reduces power consumption from the network.


    # 7 wrote: Andrey-h1 | [quote]


    And everything works fine for me!

    Probably the device is different.


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Need a device to save energy.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Thanks to the author for his unselfish contribution to protecting the population from the damned scammers! HURRAH!!!


    # 10 wrote: minbor | [quote]


    lech -->

    Just such devices are designed for "full dummies" in electrical engineering. Or, on the contrary, to theorists who have never once held a soldering iron in their hands.

    In the discussion it is not necessary to raise new questions - why should the theorist hold a soldering iron in his hands ?! Where nevertheless it is necessary, the wrong organization of labor is evident.
    Radio engineer


    # 11 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    The only interesting fact stated in the article is a description of the insides of this “device”. I would like specific numbers, not assumptions and general words like

    allowed to stabilize the phase imbalance by 10-15%, that is, to evenly distribute the load between the phases

    What does that even mean? The skew was of a different level, and now it has been stabilized by similar devices at the level of 10-15%?

    First, stabilizing the skew is stupid. Secondly, it is impossible to make it a capacity in a three-phase network. Thirdly, the bias should not be stabilized, but reduced or limited ... I suspect that the author has something similar and wanted to :) say, but said something incomprehensible with his mind :). I would like to know something more specific about the experience in a three-phase network and recall that the bias should not be measured on the condensers to compensate for reactive power, but on the remote load, where this bias affects most. It is also interesting to know what kind of load and why there is a bias in the three-phase network.

    There are common thoughts in the article, but obvious errors are also present, although in fact everything is said correctly - these household appliances complete and obvious money divorce.

    It is also a misconception that:

    So, for example, almost all computer power supplies are equipped with Passive PFC, which reduces energy consumption by 5-10%

    Firstly, not all, but a fairly small number. Maybe even a larger number of laptop PSUs, of those that are more expensive, are equipped with an active corrector (APFC). Secondly, such PSUs do not save energy in any way, the more they will not be able to do this by 5-10% :). Not in their capabilities, and it is not their task. The task of correctors (both passive and active) is to change the shape of the current consumed from the network, to bring this form closer to sinusoidal. Pulse PSUs consume current in short pulses, distorting the shape of the supply voltage. Hence the appearance of harmonics in the network, of which one third is the most dangerous. It is she in the three-phase network (to which we are all connected) that overloads the neutral wire, causing currents in it, which often exceed the operating currents in the phase wires. Hence the frequent burning of scratch. In addition, this harmonic overloads the transformers on the TP, heating their bodies (more about this in Kaminsky’s book “Star, Triangle, Zigzag”). Given that pulse PSUs are now used not only in PCs, but also in almost all modern household appliances, distortions in the electrical network sometimes cause accidents.

    Therefore, correctors do not directly save electricity, but make it cleaner, thereby facilitating the operation of electric networks.

    As for the energy savings with the help of capacitors in a single apartment - this is complete nonsense. And as harmonic filters - even more so.


    # 12 wrote: | [quote]


    All the capacitor can do in the described devices is to partially compensate for the presence of the inductive component in the load, reducing the reactive energy and thereby reducing the current consumption (but not the active power,which counts).


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    Nevertheless, the capacitor is able to reduce the readings of the active energy meter in the event that there are inductances in the load. These are different engines, coils, relays, chokes. Very often, cheap daylight throttle lamps come without a capacitor. If there are more than one active counter, it slows down noticeably. I was convinced of this experimentally. There are also measurements. In the right household appliances, capacitors corresponding to inductances are built in and additional compensation of inductive power is not needed. In general, the correct name for such devices is LOKHATRON.

    I dare to doubt the correct understanding by the author of reactive energy as generated. Nevertheless, this is additionally consumed energy that can be compensated for by the capacity of the capacitor installed at the consumer and thus reduce the load on the distribution network.


    # 14 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    to Sigis |

    I dare to doubt the correct understanding by the author of reactive energy as generated.

    To remove these doubts, it is enough to open a textbook on electrical engineering. Or for example, a book from the BEM series which is called Reactive Power Compensation, by Konstantinov and Zaitsev.

    It's just that the process is much more complicated than you imagine. No wonder the term "reactive power compensation" is used. The capacitance of the capacitor must be strictly defined and corresponding to the inductive load at a given section of the network at a given time. No more, no less. Overdo it - and you will have to compensate for the capacitive load with additional inductance :). That is, going too far with capacitors, we get the same effect.

    Another question is that your compensation is deeply indifferent to the active energy meter, it is configured in such a way that it considers only power in which the current and voltage coincide in phase - i.e. active power only.

    The fact that the counter seems to slow down if you use several LL lamps with inductive ballast without a capacitor is a hint. From your words, it turns out that the more such lamps the slower the counter rotates, which is complete rubbish.


    # 15 wrote: | [quote]


    As appeared in the comments :) the second Alexander, with a rather rude statement, would like to share our posts. Mine are numbered 12 and 15. The 16th is not mine, especially since I myself have problems with commas :)

    As for the technical literacy of the author of the article, I already spoke about this in comment No. 12.

    The author still has some misconceptions. But on the other hand, I can understand his desire to state the essence of the raised problem as simple as possible, which sometimes translates simplification into excessive primitivization of concepts.

    And again on the merits.

    1. There can be no talk of any compensation of reactive energy using this device in everyday life, and even more so, there is no talk of saving energy by such compensation. In this, the author is right.

    2. Regarding the correction of power factor using passive PFC in computer power supplies. The author is mistaken in this) and he is not alone :)) similar statements on the Internet are enough, where they confuse the correction of the power factor with the correction of the power factor of pulse PSUs.

    What is reactive load? The load in which the current is ahead or lagging in phase from the voltage. This happens in linear (sinusoidal) chains. Where current and voltage change in a sinusoid (or very close to it) and can lag or be ahead of each other.

    In pulsed PSUs this is not possible since it is a non-linear load. Look, for example, in this figure, the waveforms of the current and voltage of a pulsed power supply

    The upper graph is the current consumption, the lower graph is the voltage. Where is the shift between current and voltage? Where does reactive energy come from? For the main harmonic of the mains voltage, she has nowhere to come from.We see that both the current and the voltage of the fundamental harmonic coincide in phase, the current peak coincides with the voltage peak.

    But as for the higher harmonics, and the more distortion there will be, the question of reactive energy remains open. It is these harmonics that cause maximum damage to the electrical network. And the third of them is the most "evil" :)

    So what does this PPFC as a choke in some computer PSUs do? He is trying to the best of his ability to smooth out the current consumption, to "stretch" it as close as possible to the sinusoid, in general, without much success. The closer the form of the current to the sinusoid is, the lower the level of higher harmonics in the network is, the less is the loss and better is the electric power. Active power factor corrections make this much better than passive, but very expensive, since it is almost the second PSU, so to say, “two in one”.

    3. As for reactive generation. In part, the remark to the author of the article is correct. Non-inductive load produces (generates, releases) reactive energy. Here the author is not exact to say the least :). Of course, it generates all the electric power (both active and reactive), power sources - generators of power plants, and it is loaded with both of them.

    The role of the inductive load is that it "kicks off" part of the energy from itself, making it reactive. At industrial enterprises, electric motors are especially guilty of this, and the less the engine is loaded from its rating, the more reactive energy it “produces”, i.e. sends it back to the network to the source. Roughly speaking, the electric motor "pulled" from a source of 100A, and spent only 70A on useful work. The remaining 30A as a component of reactive energy went back to the network to warm the wires. Some of these "reactive" amperes went into useful business, because they are used to operate the electric motor, but the main one is sent to the source ... and back from it to the load, each half-cycle. If compensating devices are placed near the load (usually capacitors), then the exchange occurs between the reactive inductive load and the reactive capacitive load. Therefore, they try to position the compensating capacities as close as possible to the load whose reactivity they want to compensate for.

    Of course, my explanations are also primitive and you can just as easily find fault with them as with the author :), because I tried to simplify ... in my own words ... But I think mine is nevertheless closer to the truth :). Who doubts - I recommend referring to the book about which I already spoke: Zaitsev and Konstantinov "Compensation of reactive power".


    # 16 wrote: Victor | [quote]


    Alex Gal, thanks! I finally clearly understood everything for myself. More to such comments!


    # 17 wrote: | [quote]


    Quote: Alexander
    It's just that the process is much more complicated than you imagine. No wonder the term "reactive power compensation" is used. The capacitance of the capacitor must be strictly defined and corresponding to the inductive load at a given section of the network at a given time. No more, no less. Overdo it - and you will have to compensate for the capacitive load with additional inductance :). That is, going too far with capacitors, we get the same effect

    For this, there are Automatic installations that turn on or off steps (capacitors) as the network is loaded with inductance. Therefore, overcompensation in AUKRM does not happen. Additionally, you can consult the manufacturers of similar equipment or cosine capacitors.


    # 18 wrote: | [quote]


    I set myself 200 such devices, they really work! With 150 devices, the savings were 100%, and another 50 devices now generate light for free for me!


    # 19 wrote: | [quote]


    I know how to save energy by 100% !!!
    Cut down the bag in the shield and all things !!!


    # 20 wrote: | [quote]


    The article says that the device has a capacitor of undetermined power, that is, the savings are built on reducing the current strength, due to this the meter spins more slowly, but the capacitor must match the power of the consumer, otherwise there is no use.


    # 21 wrote: | [quote]


    These excellent “scientific” developments should positively influence the desire to study physics at school. The fight against scam lies only in the field of education. An increase in the number of fraudsters is a guarantee of youth's desire for knowledge. Something like that.


    # 22 wrote: Engineer | [quote]


    Any dubious “energy savers” that are simply stupid enough to plug into a power outlet, although they will save money and electricity if you don’t buy or connect to the mains.


    # 23 wrote: Engineer | [quote]


    A nightmare for RES controllers, well, just awful!

    My question is simple: -if one such miracle of technology, the “energy saver” allows you to provide a certain percentage (percentage) of energy savings when connecting it to one outlet, and if I connect several such “energy savers” to several outlets, (2, 3, 4, ..., 10 such devices or more), then what required quantity of such devices do I need to purchase and connect, so that at a profitability of 20% after one year of operation of these devices, they would begin to consistently bring me profit.

    The question is actually simple: -RES according to this logic should (if I have a conventional induction meter) pay monthly, or prepay (in advance) immediately for one year, so that they would not accumulate increased debt. And life was much better, to the delight of RES controllers!

    As Gennady Khazanov said, the state owes you. And another question: can I export an excess of kWh at a price half that of the market, for example, to my neighbor, since it is beneficial for him to buy kWh at a lower price from me. Is it possible in this case to install an additional meter of recovered electricity (the generator in this case is “miracle devices”, and the consumer is the same neighbor, or RES).

    The employees of RES, especially the controllers, who tighten their wide belts and tighten their deep pockets tightly, it is especially a pity.

    Thanks to the authors of this invention - the “know-how”, at least, to doctors of technical sciences, not only academicians, and, most likely, to Nobel or Shnobel Prize winners (I just can’t find the exact terminology for sure).

    And the plumbers were generally lucky — until similar figures invented a counter for the toilet, and a similar “know-how” for it, there is no need to keep records and pay for products consumed or saved by the toilet.

    As the postman Pechkin from Prostokvashino said: "Wow, what the technique has come to ...".


    # 24 wrote: | [quote]


    No matter how negative the specialists described the described devices, they really save. For 3 years I have been watching the progress of these devices. All new users buy and write reviews that there is a saving.


    # 25 wrote: | [quote]


    - RF patent for invention No. 2446549, registered on March 27, 2012.

    Real savings, confirmed by several organizations for which this device was put to testing - from 9% to 14%


    # 26 wrote: Alexander (Alex Gal) | [quote]


    It seems that the sellers of the device have become more active, since idiots ready to give money for their own deception quickly ended. For three years they were and bought, and then suddenly wiser ...

    Real savings, confirmed by several organizations for which this device was put to trial - from 9% to 14%

    Insolent lies. This is just patented nonsense. With some persistence, you can patent any idea that in practice turns out to be "zilch".


    # 27 wrote: NAU ERA | [quote]


    Energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear ...In a popular way: the device simply redirects your consumed electricity to the numbers on the meter ...

    Conclusion: you need to use not Sberbox, but Sberbank and pay bills on time ...


    # 28 wrote: Yuri | [quote]


    In mass advertising of such a device to save energy, anecdotal punctures are allowed - against the background of science-like broadcasting, a picture of a sinusoidal voltage is transmitted, which before the device looks like a “hedgehog” with interference needles that go into the ... past and future. You can see photos and videos of current measurements before and after turning on the device. And this current is really noticeably reduced. But to conclude that this saves active electric energy is the height of amateurism. It’s enough to take any analyzer of network parameters that measures active and reactive energy, as everything falls into place. He will not show any savings!

    The situation with the device intended for use in everyday life is absurd. Household electric meters only register the active component of energy, we pay for it. Therefore, all the declared advantages of the device are useless for saving energy in apartments. Compensation of reactive consumers in houses: refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, fluorescent lamps, which operate occasionally, require a load monitoring system and timely connection or disconnection of a compensating device. There is nothing like this in household models, and if it were, the meter will still not respond to reactive energy compensation.


    # 29 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello! The fact that this is a scam of pure water is understandable without terms! BUT! If the author started this article, then why didn’t he himself provide the autopsy photographs of this device? Where are the facts? The seller says this is know-how! And the critic says the opposite! And all without a photo. Was it really hard to do a short video review? Where on the screen everyone would see a real opening of the device! ...


    # 30 wrote: denyk | [quote]


    That this is a “clean water” scam is intuitively understandable (at least to an electrical engineer). But for people from the “doubters” group, an article without evidence speaks of the same empty sound as for us comments No. 24-25 (Crush such businessmen !!!). We look forward to continuing the article with the video.


    # 31 wrote: Watt | [quote]


    And why there are no photos of the insides, without them the article is only an argument, but a fact. One friend has a similar device, self-hypnosis is it or not, but the consumption of email. energy according to him decreased by 20%. Of course, I would like to take a look inside this box, but they will not allow me to do this, I would be grateful for the links with the insides of this device.


    # 32 wrote: | [quote]


    There is a photo of the insides of this device. All the details of this "Miracle" are designed to power two LEDs. Fool for stupid customers!


    # 33 wrote: herodont | [quote]


    After I installed this device, the power consumption decreased by 2 times. My wife began to cook well, and the children began to study better. At work, I was promoted to head of department. Now I earn 200 thousand a month. Thank you miracle device economical. With it, your life will become brighter.


    # 34 wrote: | [quote]


    Dear specialists! When you finally understand that when you call a HOOCH a person who is not knowledgeable in electrical engineering, you become HOOKS squared, because it’s not easy for ordinary people to understand when they are called suckers and many people go and buy entom gamma ... it’s boiling, which is not Narrow special surrounding suckers ... blah, the words are over. That's when the bargain shop (market) weighs on such specialists, then they do not even feel sorry ...
    But for a simple reason - devices can either reduce the load power, reducing voltage and current, or "trick" the meter, neither one nor the other is a saving. Before you buy something incomprehensible - ask understanding friends and acquaintances.And this Chinese fool is a Chinese fool.


    # 35 wrote: Hmmm | [quote]


    The specialists cleverly cleared everything, and gave the gruel for both advanced and "suckers."

    If even after this it is not clear that it will not work to heat up the state, then, as they say, a flag in your hands and a drum on your neck.

    Active consumers of dietary supplements eat this near-electric heresy. I have no doubt that there will be those that stick into each outlet with such a plug, hoping to save 100% arithmetically :))))))))


    # 36 wrote: Dickens | [quote]


    but you wouldn’t go to your site yourself ... there are enough of your scams in advertisements, you have also locked yourself here ...


    # 37 wrote: Wit | [quote]


    And where are the pictures of the insides then?


    # 38 wrote: | [quote]


    The guys are full of garbage, when connected, it is immediately visible that the lamp blinks faster, for the first hour of operation, the heater gained 30 watts more than without this garbage. My friend laughed, make a conclusion or try. It has two LEDs and a Conder and that's it. Now think. For Conder 240 UAH. They deceive everything, you don’t even have to think how it works, how it is done, etc.


    # 39 wrote: Seryoga | [quote]



    but in fact: if this crap worked - whole country I would use it !!!

    yes and the whole world!!!


    # 40 wrote: Novel | [quote]


    Would you see a diagram of what's inside and only then give a verdict to this "miracle device", is it really possible to save money or is it a miracle for gullible from hitrockers?

    Without feeling and not knowing such new products, I simply do not recommend buying!


    # 41 wrote: | [quote]


    Roman, inside there is a board with 4 resistors that creates a voltage drop on the LEDs (green and red), which is visible in front and the conder at 3.6 microfarads (working) and EVERYTHING. How can such crap respond to 3.5 kW I do not understand, and not even real.


    # 42 wrote: | [quote]


    I agree with the author, the divorce is complete. False advertising does its job. People do not get fooled by scam.


    # 43 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    Scheme in the studio! And then we'll discuss.


    # 44 wrote: | [quote]


    Watt, The circuit is very simple, the capacitor is 1 mF * 400 v, connected in parallel with the plug, and the power supply circuit of two LEDs connected in series, that is, four rectifier diodes connected according to the bridge circuit, conders and resistance. In short, he discovered, the spirit of knowledge is still alive, looked, and threw it into the attic. Fifteen hundred down the drain.


    # 45 wrote: | [quote]


    Who cares, read electrical engineering, and in particular about compensation for reactive energy. Compensate for purely active energy from the realm of shamanism. Look at the vector diagrams and everything will be clear that this is just a swindle. It is possible to compensate within small limits fluorescent lamps, where there is inductance. Well, maybe a refrigerator, a washing machine, but there it is already in place.


    # 46 wrote: | [quote]


    The glaring illiteracy of modern youth is surprising to me.
    We pay not only for active power, but for reactive power. Reactive power can reach up to 70%.
    And no instruments are needed to cut off unnecessary reactive power. A large capacitor is enough. Then yes! We will pay only for the energy used. Inductive meters can spin without load due to reactive power. And we cannot use reactive (inductive power). But pay.

    Learn physics. No devices are needed to cut off reactive power from active power. A large capacitor connected in series is enough. Parallel connection of the capacitor is for sure, a divorce.
    The capacitor is also used to separate active energy from reactive (inductive, frequency) in television antennas, to power the amplifier and to separate high frequency from the supply voltage.


    # 47 wrote: | [quote]


    catafot.It’s good that I’m not a power engineer and would never have been able to get additional free energy from existing energy supply networks. N. Tesla, the inventor of alternating current and transformer, in his articles reported, "there is a magnetic field around the conductor with electric current, the energy of which exceeds the energy in the conductor itself and whoever takes control of this will snatch a significant piece of the pie from energy companies." You can check this in any electrical laboratory in 5 minutes. True, the energy is small, but if you think about it well, then you can get it no less than in the conductor itself. But today it is not so expensive to do this.


    # 48 wrote: | [quote]


    I have this device for a month and there is no saving. Do not buy.


    # 49 wrote: | [quote]


    And everything works fine for me!


    # 50 wrote: Vlad | [quote]


    The lower the level of education of the population, the greater the opportunities for scammers. Thank you exam.


    # 51 wrote: | [quote]


    Article about the principles of work. Conclusions: Reducing power consumption when the devices are turned on, took place only for power tools. The largest decrease - a little more than 4 percent - was observed during the joint operation of the 40 kW device and the 1100 W electric drill. However, this cannot be considered a true energy saving, since it is caused not by a decrease in losses in the electric motor, but by the useful power on its shaft due to a decrease in the working magnetic flux due to the expansion of the hysteresis working loop under the influence of pulsed current modulations. Losses in the windings and in the magnetic system of the electric motor due to the action of higher harmonics of the current, on the contrary, increase, that is, its efficiency declining. In all other versions of the test circuit, when connecting “energy savers”, an increase in power consumption was recorded. The largest - almost 30 percent (!) - was observed during the joint operation of a 40 kW device and a low-power asynchronous electric motor with shielded poles (desktop fan). An almost equally significant increase - almost 20 percent - was observed during the joint operation of a 40 kW device and a lamp with an 11 W fluorescent lamp and a ballast choke. This suggests that the higher harmonics of the current generated by the "energy savers", spreading over other loads, significantly increase the loss of active power in the magnetic circuits. Thus, no real energy-saving effect from the use of "energy savers" was found.


    # 52 wrote: | [quote]


    I recalled a case. Somehow in the countryside, my grandmother turned to me with a request to fix her TV. Actually the TV turned out to work, but the stabilizer to which it was connected is not. Opening the stub cover, I found there a brick called up by wires about which the latter frayed. So I mean, the two situations are very similar.


    # 53 wrote: | [quote]


    there is no better comment than the 33rd at all! From laughter, the waist belt burst! Well, you and the bright head of the herodont, from the stunned my soul THANKS! I recognize you as the BEST Humorous EXPLAINER of this topic!
    I express my sincere thanks to the author of the article on this site!
    The article is smart, correct, in the sense of an energy-saving wallet, too.


    # 54 wrote: hoping | [quote]


    Why does everyone want to know how the device is arranged? Then everyone could do it, but it is not profitable for sellers.


    # 55 wrote: Valentine | [quote]


    Bought, tried, does not work: - ((


    # 56 wrote: | [quote]


    And why the inspection of RES is silent - do not confirm - and do not protest! What's the matter ! Or they share with the innovators! Please - inspection - ANSWER!


    # 57 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello to all participants in the topic under discussion!
    I read your comments and made sure once again that all people know what electricity is and that no one in the world knows what electric current is.
    I invite all curious and inquisitive to rummage through Google and expand their knowledge about the resonant phenomena occurring in electrical circuits. And then such discussions will not arise at all.


    # 58 wrote: | [quote]


    Guys, this is a real deal, nehera, this device is not economical, even in some points it does not meet its characteristics, it was SURE itself, so ignore it!


    # 59 wrote: | [quote]


    I collect CRMs myself, and I'm shocked by this device. He tried to theoretically explain for himself (a unique principle) his work ... and could not. Many of us know that a capacitor in an AC circuit creates a 90-degree phase lag in the voltage, while a choke in the same circuit creates a current 90-degree lag in voltage. Therefore, the reactive component of the circuit can be capacitive or inductive. The ideal load is active when the current and voltage coincide in phase. No device the size of a cigarette pack can cope with this task, which’s why the RES on the drum — what you plug into your outlet. Reagent control is a science. It’s too tough for many Major Power Engineers. Especially nowadays ;-)


    # 60 wrote: | [quote]




    # 61 wrote: | [quote]


    Having bought the device and immediately analyzing it, I can say the following - this KIDALOVO in the box I found 2 LEDs and a pair of resistors. This device serves to make the socket visible at night IF YOU WANT TO BE A HOOKS, BUY


    # 62 wrote: | [quote]


    Using the "economizer", you can slightly reduce the total amount of current flowing through the counter. But since active energy meters are installed in the apartments, which “calculate” the product of the active component of the current and the active component of the voltage, no decrease in the consumption of electricity (active) will occur. There will be some “relief” of the wiring by reducing the reactive component of the current. But this relief will be very insignificant, given that the reactive (inductive) component of the load in household appliances is a small percentage. 01/12/2014


    # 63 wrote: | [quote]


    if you have a modern meter, then it considers not only active, but also reactive power, which winds up the meter reading up to 50% from above! And it does not depend on you! It is up to you to only replace equipment with available reactive power with none, BUT .... it's very difficult! Reactive power is in any switching power supply, motors, even in the housekeeper it is 50% in excess of the one indicated on the package .. This device is not a scam _minimim_zakupka_com


    # 64 wrote: Alex | [quote]


    Can I see it taken apart? :)))

    Everywhere there is a photo, there is nothing but LEDs;))


    # 65 wrote: | [quote]


    Did everyone talk? On the webpark in the Science and Technology section, the device of the device is published - 2 LEDs and 4 limiting resistors on the board + 2 wires per plug.


    # 66 wrote: Vlad | [quote]


    Nobody has yet repealed the law of conservation of energy. Additional energy will not come from nowhere (to save).
    But in reality, in electric circuits, in addition to the active load, there is also reactive - inductive and capacitive load. On an active load useful work is done. This is heat or doing work. Reactive load stores energy in itself, and then gives it to the network. Due to the fact that the current is uselessly chasing the wires (from the generator and vice versa), there is a useless release of energy on the ohmic resistance of the wires (heat).To reduce losses and put different devices. Any savings are possible here. To compensate for the inductive load, capacitors are installed, but since the inductance can vary, the compensation must be different. And how does the manufacturer know about your load. As it is written here, they put special devices for this, but this is not bullshit. In electrical engineering, in this case we are talking about cosine phi (the shift between current and voltage). They struggle with this in production, in everyday life, as they say, the meter considers only active power. If you consider what kind of circuit, then you can’t talk about saving at all (LEDs, resistors). There are similar schemes with a capacitor, but the capacitance must be matched to the real load, then some effect is possible. All this is a scam.
    I admit, I myself came across a similar fishing rod with an ultrasonic washing machine. In this case, I relied on the opinion of a respected person. In addition, in Soviet times, there was a report that an ultrasonic washer was developed in Japan. But then it dawned on me that it was wrong and that was a divorce, the power was too low.
    Great desire of a person to get something on the ball, faith in a miracle ....


    # 67 wrote: | [quote]


    Not so simple. Companies give us an increased voltage of 230 volts instead of 220 volts. So the higher the voltage in the network, the more the counter counts pennies.

    The lower the voltage, the cheaper the electricity.

    According to GOST, we must go 50 hertz. If the frequency changes, then the count changes in a penny counter.

    Perhaps the device is doing something in this direction. But still, you need to know the parameters of the mains in advance.

    And in villages where 150 volts, such a fuck is not needed. There, and so complete savings.


    # 68 wrote: | [quote]


    Photos of the inside of the fake here:

    I am the "happy" owner of 2 such fakes

    Photo of what should be here: aving_Product.html

    But still, this is far from a new kind of smart and digital device, as described on the box. There is nothing smart and digital there.

    Capacitor 6mkF * 450V with a plug its analogue ....


    # 69 wrote: | [quote]


    What they sell is a myth!
    Instruments for saving energy a complete scam!
    I bought it in an Internet company, quickly issued, sent, checked - the result is zero on the counter. I opened the device, and there are two LEDs and four resistors (so that the LEDs do not burn out from 220). Just don’t know why four of them stumbled, maybe for solidity?
    In general - thanks to them for the science ...


    # 70 wrote: | [quote]


    Indeed, the device has paid for itself in three months.


    # 71 wrote: | [quote]


    Inside the "device" two LEDs and a pair of resistances, limiting the current of the LED.

    A neighbor bought it, and I opened it and looked ......... SCAM!


    # 72 wrote: | [quote]


    Really saves !!! Let's say you have 4 sockets in your room. You include this economizer in one of them. Thus, you have only 3 sockets left for future use. that is, you can turn on 1 less device at a time. To turn on the fourth device, you need to pull out one of the 3 others, but not an economizer ... That is, it works as a mandatory and non-removable plug for one (or even more) outlets. The more outlets you plug, the less extra energy you consume! Gradually, you will get used to consuming electricity only when you need it. I need a TV, watch the news, turn off the computer from the outlet, plug the TV ... Nefig computer at the same time eat energy ... Such things ...)))

    So you can even save 100% of electricity ... Plug into all sockets ... More than 100%, unfortunately, will not work. Here physics is against ... Even if you plug in a 5-hole surge protector into one outlet and hammer them with these economizers, it still won’t work out ...


    # 73 wrote: | [quote]


    Great result! It’s a pity, they won’t increase my pension (it is added to laws other than salary), otherwise I would have bought one myself.


    # 74 wrote: | [quote]


    Inside the "device" a scarf for powering the LEDs, a fuse and a capacitor of 5 microfarads. There are no miracles.


    # 75 wrote: | [quote]


    I saw a video on some site - they connect this device to a fluorescent lamp and the current decreases. The physics of this phenomenon is clear to me. I wanted to evaluate the quantitative side. Conducted an experiment. The refrigerator works, the current through the device (multimeter) is 1 A. I connect this “device” in parallel with the refrigerator, the current decreased to 0.8 A. That is by 0.2 A. The compressor is turned off, and the device shows a current of 0.3 A. I turn off the device - a current of 0.05 A - this works as a fan in the refrigerator. Thus, the appliance itself consumes energy in the pauses of the compressor of the refrigerator. If you are at work during the day or when you sleep at night and only the refrigerator is working in your apartment, then there will be savings, or vice versa, depends on how long the compressor works and how much it costs. If consumers with an inductive nature are also included, then in pauses of the compressor, the device can reduce the current consumed by them and, therefore, save something.


    # 76 wrote: | [quote]


    It seems that any electrician has long thrown this nonsense out of his head, you can save electric energy if you just bypass the meter in any way, there is no other option,
    Hello, Dmitry


    # 77 wrote: | [quote]


    The new divorce of the population. Type of economical electric heater "Good heat" or economical electric boiler "Galan". What would such a small thing cut off reactive power, and even real savings on consumption. But the joke in advertising: "In Russia you can find a huge number of fake stores selling Energy Saving! Be careful!" He laughed when he read it)). Well, it’s necessary, it turns out that it’s not only a real scam, but also a fake one.

    I remember the first step in fooling were "energy-saving lamps" Low-pressure mercury lamps have been known for many years, everyone knew the problems with these things and were afraid of them. And then there’s such a public relations campaign .... grandmothers faded from the word “energy-saving”. But although they do not bring harm to the frail, they give the economy the most effective. And energy-saving, this is a seven-mile step forward in the matter of combining.

    Sorry, I read in the comments here that the network has up to 50-70% of reactive power !!!

    Is this somewhere so awful network? Well ... if someone has it like that, then I will believe in the need for such a thing, and it’s even better to sue the energy supply organization for something to be done))


    # 78 wrote: | [quote]



    If you normally learned physics (related to electrical engineering) at school, then you will never even have the thought of buying this scam “device”. Such nonsense can give birth only to a former dvoehchnik-threesome from 10 years old, who of course has no higher education !!!!



    # 79 wrote: | [quote]


    --------- Quote to comment # 68 wrote: |  -------------------------

    Photos of the inside of the fake here:

    I am the "happy" owner of 2 such fakes

    Photo of what should be here: aving_Product.html
    --------------------- end of quote ---------------------
    What should be practically the same as what you bought


    # 80 wrote: | [quote]


    Guys, stop getting smart, everything that is open in the electric power industry is the development of the 30s of the last century. Since then, nothing has been invented in the electric power industry. I speak as an electrical engineer. If it were really possible to save up to 30% of electricity, then this would be an event of a PLANETARY scale! All of you long ago FORCED order would force to put these crap. Think about it!

    As for the measurement of reactive energy, then the meters you all measure ONLY active (!) its component.That is, no matter how much reagent you consume, you won’t have to pay for it. Your counter does not respond to it. Calm down!

    Conclusion - a beautiful divorce. And so convincing that even some seriously discuss the possible benefits of this device. Forced to grieve her NOT


    # 81 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    Fedgorcompletely agree with you. I would like to add that if it is necessary to save electric energy, it is better to pay attention to household electrical appliances in the apartment, namely their efficiency, operating mode. For example, you should choose electric heaters with a high efficiency. Without the need not to include household electrical appliances. Mobile phone chargers, power supplies for audio and video equipment, television antennas, tuners, routers, etc. - all these low-power consumers of electric energy in the aggregate consume a significant part of electric energy. If you make it a rule to disconnect from the network all household electrical appliances that will not be used in the near future, you can significantly reduce the amount of electrical energy consumed.

    It should also be noted the relevance of replacing conventional incandescent lamps with more economical ones - compact fluorescent lamps (housekeepers) and LED lighting. The use of these lighting devices saves a large amount of electrical energy. In this case, the cost of electric energy for lighting is reduced several times.


    # 82 wrote: | [quote]


    Respected MaksimovMThank you for supporting me, I basically agree with you. However, you wrote such a thing that it is impossible to pass by.

    “For example, high-efficiency electric heaters should be chosen.”

    I must report to you that absolutely ANY heater has an efficiency of = 100%. And it cannot be otherwise in principle. For ALL 100% of the electricity consumed from the network is converted into heat, as useful. As the most expensive and advanced, so the cheapest and junk. There are no losses, since it is also warm. If you do not agree, give me an example of a heater with an efficiency of less than 100%.

    And further. You stand for LED lighting. You probably know that in fiber networks it is LEDs that are the source of the signal. Do you know what frequency it is? This suggests that LEDs are very inertia-free electronic devices. Since in lamps for lighting they are powered by an alternating current network, and I can not vouch for smoothing, imagine what kind of light pulsation there is. We do not notice it, but it is harmful to the eyes. I have not fully studied the issue, maybe I am mistaken very much, but so far I have not decided to install LED lamps in my room. So far, only in the hallway and in the toilet.

    Finally, you write about low-power consumers. I agree that in the aggregate they eat decently if they are constantly on. But insert and pull into the outlet daily I don’t want charging for a mobile phone either. Let her have a power of 1 W at idle - this is about 3 rubles per month. I’d better pay them, but I’ll get the convenience of not pulling the plug every day.


    # 83 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    FedgorWell, even if you compare the fan heater and electric convector. To heat the same room, the fan heater will consume significantly more electrical energy than a convector. Verified by personal experience. If the efficiency of all heaters is equal, then why does one heater heat the room more efficiently, while the other needs to consume more electric energy to heat the same area? I think that the efficiency, although insignificant, is different, respectively, the amount of consumed electric energy for heating is different.

    About the LEDs. It seems to me that the LEDs used for lighting are not absolutely inertia-free light sources.In addition, the LEDs are powered from the rectified voltage, so low inertia in this case does not play a role, it is even an advantage, since the LED starts to shine at full power immediately after switching on, unlike, for example, fluorescent lamps.

    As for the chargers for mobile phones, disconnecting from the network when unnecessary is necessary not so much to save as to extend their service life. I also never disconnected chargers from the network before, until two chargers failed. In this case, the extra waste of a couple of hundred rubles.


    # 84 wrote: | [quote]


    Respected MaksimovM, they’ll drive us out of here, since we have left the topic of discussion of the main issue. In our discussion, I give an example for reflection. A typical 60W incandescent bulb. Measure its resistance in the cold state with an ohmmeter and calculate its power. Get about 600 watts. Why? Then it will be more clear with a fan heater, which cools the heating elements, and the heat dissipates throughout the room. In any case, all the electricity taken from the network is converted into thermal energy. No more - no less (we ignore the e-magnet at a frequency of 50 Hz).

    The rectified half-wave current still pulsates, if not smoothed and not stabilized. Imperceptibly to the eye, we need devices. I don’t have them, therefore, I can’t evaluate the pulsation of the LED bulb for the degree of harmfulness to the eyes, although I suspect it.



    # 85 wrote: Dmitriy | [quote]


    works for me too !!! the counter is generally worth it !!! I’ve been sending controllers for the fifth month !!!


    # 86 wrote: | [quote]


    I was immediately alerted by an advertisement about saving from 35 to 45% of electricity on an electric kettle, iron, electric stove. Indeed, in these devices only active energy is used.


    # 87 wrote: Fedgor | [quote]


    If this were true, then a third of the country's power plants would be unnecessary! This would have long been a STATE program, not a trick of petty crooks.


    # 88 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought at the beginning of last year two similar devices from a Chinese for 600 rubles. I guessed that it was a scam, but the money was small, I decided to check. BUT every month, 800 kW / hr runs up for me instead of 1000 before they are installed (and they stopped burning out energy-saving lamps, before I changed every quarter stably). Whether it is only in my case (I have a 100 liter 2 kW water heater). I can not explain. If there are really experts explain, I myself am interested.


    # 89 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought it yet did not understand how to spin the counter and twists. Divorce.


    # 90 wrote: fedgor | [quote]


    gskm, in order to look out the window, you do not need to be a specialist. Now July is in the yard. Therefore, you have a consumption of 800 instead of 1000 kW * h. Do you have that, the consumption does not depend on the season, in the winter and in the summer - was it always stable before every month in the year 1000? It’s strange somehow. Your water heater generated heat per 1000, and you took only 800 from the network. Do you believe in a perpetual motion machine? The counter cannot be fooled unless you do it on purpose. But this will be considered theft. At least here they assure that "everything is legal." And energy-saving lamps do not buy cheap.


    # 91 wrote: another | [quote]


    Disassembled. Two LEDs and four damping resistances. All. SCAM.


    # 92 wrote: Cool lawyer | [quote]


    I’m not Russian - I’m a lawyer, though with a MosEnerInth diploma, but in terms of industrial heat and power. The course in general electrical engineering tormented us all, especially the vector diagrams of electric machines, a transformer, synchronization of the network and generator, Leonard's circuit, Panasenkov's brake, etc. and so on. But we got inside the firebox of the steam boiler at the MPEI TPP, dismantled turbines, heat exchangers and distillation columns.
    As I understand it, for everyday life it’s enough to put a capacitor of a certain - large (?) - capacity, for example, some kind of electrolyte at 220-300 V at 200 microfarads (?). All kinds of light bulbs are useless and, especially, chokes, which worsen the already "reactive" part of the load.
    A specific question, in order for my method to save, do I need to carefully select the capacity of this compensating capacitor? Otherwise, if you overdo the phase shift, change sign, and, again, get the reactive parasitic component?


    # 93 wrote: Alexei | [quote]


    finally I don’t understand why we pay the money, voltage doesn’t go anywhere,
    both in an unused 220 V outlet and if the telly is included in it anyway 220 V

    how many amperes entered so much and it turned out otherwise the RCD would work ...

    It turns out that the power engineers do not disappear, but our money is bye-bye


    # 94 wrote: fedgor | [quote]


    Answer to#92.
    It doesn't seem like you studied at MPEI. Even a student will not stick an electrolytic capacitor into an AC network.


    # 95 wrote: | [quote]


    and what will happen? Perhaps even fireworks if the capacity is large and the voltage is small, in addition, among the electrolytes there are non-polar 300 volts, for the first time this device fell into my hands when disassembling a Japanese fax that had sunk into oblivion. This unit was part of the fax power supply.

    Of course, what can save a pair of diodes and resistors and yes lights also sparkle guzzle though, albeit little by little. In youth, dabbled with such energy-saving devices in the base of a conventional incandescent lamp of 75-100 watts, a diode was usually soldered, usually D226 or d 7 from a similar burnt lamp, a base was taken into the center of which the second output of the diode was soldered. The base was fixed on the old one with the help of 1-4 soldered wires. This unit was screwed into the lamp and received a dull flickering light, which was enough to illuminate the stairwell. In addition to saving, such lamps had a long service life of 2-3 years, the record holder worked for 5 years under conditions of unstable voltage supply from 150 to 230 volts. Yes, and such a unit bought for a soldering iron, the benefit was not expensive 50-80 kopecks were sold; no more there the soldering iron was connected directly to the network or by turning the ring on the socket, the D226 diode was supplied with power.


    # 96 wrote: | [quote]


    Generous land on scams, then "good heat", then boilers "golan", now this little thing. And after all people believe.


    # 97 wrote: | [quote]


    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen1
    As for the device, I read a little nonsense on the answers, I did not read further.
    1. A bunch of fakes devices, where in the case there is an LED and a small capacitor, which does not give anything of itself
    2. A bunch of scribble of the guys who pay grandmother and they write negative reviews
    3. about the phase imbalance is bullshit
    4. Actual operation of the device - the private sector is calculated according to the active energy meter, capacitor units are installed at industrial substations to improve the cos φ = 1, they are not available to the private sector, why? and so they will pay, so if you generalize, the device adjusts (cosine) to 1, thereby performing work in some way of energy sales, on the other hand, we can assume that approximately 5% is precisely taken by this device due to reactive energy, the device in the network eats less due to reactivity. There is still a nuance, on the other hand, we can assume that something is being availed at the power supply due to the calculation of active energy, although the device is not prohibited for sale.


    # 98 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    Vladimir, if you think that the use of these devices allows at least a hundredth of a percent to bring the power factor, that is, the cosine phi, to unity, then you are deeply mistaken. The share of electric energy consumed by household consumers is very small, most of the consumed electric energy is spent by industrial enterprises.Therefore, if we accept that these devices will completely compensate for reactive power in household electrical networks, then all the same, a significant part of the reactive power will be present in the total amount of consumed electric energy, to a greater extent from industrial enterprises (factories, mines, factories, etc. ) Well, and secondly, energy sales are calculated with other energy supply companies that feed household consumers only for consumed active electric energy, so there’s something stealing from the consumer, including household appliances that consume reactive electric energy into the network, into the network inappropriate.


    # 99 wrote: | [quote]


    The activation of sales and the effectiveness of the device are not the same thing. Well, for those who want to save money - save as much as you like!


    # 100 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought such a fool such a fool and in a month I wrapped only 2230 even more, threw it into the wind DON'T BELIEVE ANY DIVORCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


    # 101 wrote: | [quote]


    People who advertise these devices are either clumsy, or scum, making money on the incompetence of others! I have a desire that when they, for example, get sick - that they sell them the same scum of some chalk under the guise of a medicine. Let them put more XADO into their car in a car service, let them put magical (and therefore very expensive) magnets that ionize gasoline on the gas line, let their drinking water pass through silicon, put copper shackles on their legs and arms (bracelets for all diseases). By the way, it’s a good idea to bring bracelets to the current - to speed up the treatment process ...


    # 102 wrote: | [quote]


    The heater heats the water to some value. There is an initial value of the temperature which it flows through the pipes, in summer it is higher and in order to cover the delta to a predetermined one, energy will go less. Accordingly, in the winter this delta is larger and the flow rate is higher. I can clearly see similar in a gas water heater - in summer I reduce the flame to a minimum and still boiling water. Maybe your pipes were better insulated during repairs?


    # 103 wrote: | [quote]


    Reactive energy from household appliances in networks is not more than 2%. Home meters count only active energy, for which we pay. Reactive counters are not considered. The economizer reduces reactive energy by 30-50% on advertising. Where is the usefulness of the device? They started to fool the very illiterate youth!


    # 104 wrote: | [quote]


    45% savings, where ??? Net divorce, verified, if it saves, then 0.045% do not get fooled by scam. I personally checked. I guessed, but wanted to make sure. Convinced - a divorce on the headstock.


    # 105 wrote: Nikolai Anisimov | [quote]


    Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am a leading engineer for power supply systems and instrumentation, I declare to you that all devices of this type are a scam! Remember, electricity, this is not water for you. I will give you a little instructive what is active and reactive energy.

    The active component of the electric current power consumed by any load does a useful job and transforms into the types of energy we need (heat, light, sound, etc.). Individual appliances operate mainly on this component of power. These are incandescent lamps, electric stoves, heaters, electric furnaces, irons, etc.
    With the value of the active power consumption indicated in the passport of the device of 1 kW, it will consume the full power of 1 kVA from the network.

    The reactive component of the electric current occurs only in circuits containing reactive elements (inductances and capacitances) and is usually spent on useless heating of the conductors of which this circuit is composed. An example of such reactive loads are electric motors of various types, portable power tools (electric drills, grinders, chippers, etc.), as well as various household electronic equipment.The total power of these devices, measured in volt-amperes, and active power (in watts) are correlated through a power factor cos, which can take a value from 0.5 to 0.9. These devices usually indicate the active power in watts and the value of the cos coefficient. To determine the total power consumption in VA, it is necessary to divide the value of active power (W) by the coefficient cos.

    So, there will be no energy saving with this device, moreover, it still wraps itself up a bit to what you spend on your electrical equipment. Be prudent and do not get fooled by such scams.


    # 106 wrote: | [quote]


    Check out these videos:
    ash-ti-ti: // v = th9CXa6YofQ,
    al-ti-ti-pi: //tri- v = xalnKNw3IPE,
    everything is clearly shown here. I finally made sure that you do NOT NEED to buy this device!


    # 107 wrote: Oleg | [quote]


    Be sure to buy some pieces ..., then "sing" to all neighbors, and sell at a speculative price - by friendship.


    # 108 wrote: | [quote]


    Throw the antenna (wire) behind the meter and feed it from the transmitter (generator) by 0.5 W. 140-900 MHz. You can jam cell phones GSM range, and that’s it. The light does not blink, the display does not count, the counter chip from these frequencies is high - it has a microwave everywhere and it is not up to 50 Hz. All ingenious is simple !!! Save !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    # 109 wrote: | [quote]


    Eugene, describe in more detail how to properly connect the transmitter to the counter ...


    # 110 wrote: | [quote]


    Gentlemen, DO NOT BUY this device. I wrote out 2 of them, I gave 3800 to myself and my son along with the shipment. Both are now lying around, experimenting for 2 months. Moreover, if I paid 300 rubles a month, the last two months are 500 rubles each. In general, I am shocked by the fact that the money was thrown to the wind. Oh, what are NOT MANDATORY those who sell them over the Internet, and we peck fools.


    # 111 wrote: | [quote]


    Many thanks to everyone who participated in this thread. You saved me money. I read about this "saving device", and although I myself worked as a power engineer, electrician, I know what compensation for reactive energy is, I almost "bought" for "convincing advertising" and "positive reviews" about the device. To admit, I was in some perplexity, and felt like a truant of important lessons, where they explained the "physics of reactive energy compensation." Guys and girls, thank you and a deep bow. All lucidly and honestly told. God bless you and your children.


    # 112 wrote: | [quote]


    Saving electric energy in an apartment (house) is possible by including in the electronic circuit the so-called "phase inverter" essentially a transformer, but this already applies to the "theft" of electricity ....


    # 113 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    radydin, this device, if I am not mistaken, made it possible to rewind the readings of an induction type counter. Nowadays, almost everywhere electromechanical or electronic meters are installed, to which this "miracle device" does not work. Yes, and electronic meters retain all information, including the parameters of the electrical network. When checked by the accounting representatives, attempts to “trick” the electric meter will be immediately visible.

    It seems to me that the search and purchase of miraculous devices to save the amount of electricity consumed is a waste of time and money. For example, this device will be able to save a certain amount of electricity, but against the background of the total amount of electricity consumed, this will be a small part. Is it possible for this device to compensate for a significant amount of electricity, for example, consumed by an electric heater in one hour? This is nothing more than a myth. If you want to save money - turn off the same heater for one hour - this will really be a savings.If desired, you can save a large amount of electrical energy in other ways. For example, it is possible to conduct an energy audit at home and, based on its results, identify problem areas and warm them up. This in turn will significantly reduce the cost of electric energy for heating an apartment or house in a period of low temperatures. Another way to reduce the amount of electricity consumed is to switch to LED lighting.


    # 114 wrote: | [quote]


    Damn, guys - on fs your questions and mine in particular will be given by one photo - WHERE PHOTOS OF INTERNALNESSES
    phrase - "What did we see inside? " not satisfied
    with uv.


    # 115 wrote: | [quote]




    # 116 wrote: faust | [quote]


    I untwisted there a primitive board with several resistors and a pair of diodes. There is nothing more in the device at all. These are two diode bulbs connected to the network for 4 thousand rubles.


    # 117 wrote: janibek | [quote]


    If there is at least some opportunity on the part of the state to rip off the population, then this will certainly be done. We will pay more than we consume. And you can reason as much as you like. They don’t care.


    # 118 wrote: den | [quote]


    I can responsibly declare that getting electricity for free without breaking the meter or without installing a left outlet is unrealistic! As they say Qinput = Qoutput.


    # 119 wrote: | [quote]


    Theoretically and practically to create a device that will save money during the operation of electricity is not difficult. Yes, they have already been created on the basis of the well-known principles of theft: shunting current transformers, phase shift between current and voltage vectors, changing the connection diagram, violation of the mechanics of devices, and many other ways. It makes no sense to list them.

    All such devices, including the one under discussion, cannot SAVE, but allow to STEAL.

    The only question is: How long? Energy supplying organizations do not tolerate theft, suffer losses, take serious measures and not just fines. Modern accounting technologies (even the notorious power limiters) primarily solve fiscal problems that are skillfully disguised as consumer care.

    Save electricity bills by: reducing its consumption by voracious devices, but for this you need to strain your brains, spend time and money and new equipment, including alternative sources of energy, but how much it will cost ...



    # 120 wrote: Bogdan | [quote]


    I read the article, well, about 30% of the comments, either my brain doesn’t cook, or something else. But just as far as I know, reactive energy compensation is available, through capacitors, I don’t know how these devices look and how they work, but I would like to know. A teacher told us about this device about 3 years ago (in 2011), and he was a former graduate. I don’t remember the exact details, but the essence of its history is as follows: the graduate worked as a power engineer at a small enterprise, electricity bills were about 1800 UAH / month. This power engineer persuaded the boss to buy a certain device, as I understood from the gestures it looks like a computer system unit, which consisted of blocks of capacitors that were automatically connected based on the load, there was such a device somewhere around 4000 UAH. and at this enterprise he paid off in half a year. That is, the place 1800 paid 1300 UAH / month, that is, there is a saving, but I don’t remember what the device is called ...


    # 121 wrote: | [quote]


    This is now the second wave of the “invasion of miracle devices”, and without encountering any resistance on the Internet, the scammers are completely insolent. About 3 years ago, during the first wave, I published an article on these "miracle devices" on my site (I’ve closed it now). And at the same time, I did not need to buy anything from scammers to open the purchase, to make sure that you got divorced ... Once upon a time, after graduating from institute and having worked in production, I came to the conclusion that an engineer, both in production and in everyday life, had enough knowledge of an ordinary school course in physics. And in order to understand that you are being bred in an elementary way by inhaling an ordinary capacitor and a pair of LEDs with their own power in a beautiful box under the guise of "know-how", it’s enough to remember this very school physics course. Indeed, no one has yet repealed Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s laws, and without repealing the fundamental laws of electrical engineering, no new inventions will force the meter to take into account less electricity than you actually consumed. Of course, there are ways to trick the meter, but, firstly, it’s already a crime, and secondly, energy supply companies know all these methods and take all measures to exclude tricking the meter. As for talking about active and reactive electricity, First of all, household meters count only active electricity, and even assuming that someone in his apartment has turned on a bunch of reactive loads, his active meter will not notice this, and will continue to consider only ACTIVE electricity, and will not react to reactive energy. Moreover, only the energy supplying organization will be at a loss. So the household consumer is somehow “on the drum” whether there is a reactive component in his consumed electricity or not. And the last argument. If you really invented something that would make your meter not take into account half of the electricity you consumed, then believe me, the next month you would have a new meter that would be developed taking into account the know-how you applied. After all, these are losses of energy supplying organizations, and the losses are enormous. So if these “miracle boxes” would suddenly work, it would not make sense to buy anyway - you would not have time to “beat off” the money you spent. And in conclusion, I want to repeat once again that scammers are successful only with those who did not study well at school.


    # 122 wrote: | [quote]


    The Chinese like to sell air. On the same Ali, he purchased a car air ionizer. Well, it’s just become interesting to me how I can make an ionizer for one hundred rubles :) I got it and even without plugging it into the cigarette lighter I took it apart. The simplicity of the decision just knocked me down! LED with a quenching resistor and a worn-out transistor. Moreover, the transistor was soldered in one leg! The two remaining just hung in the air. Apparently, they were called upon to ionize the air :)))

    I was not particularly upset and introduced charging for the recorder into this beautiful case :)))


    # 123 wrote: | [quote]


    It’s just amazing how our people are free for free. They are selling another superhren cutter, such as with clever words they explained everything and immediately everything is clear to everyone. And here you do not have to be a professor, everyone taught physics at school, the meter counts consumed kW and a box that uses some watts with bulbs will not help to reduce the total consumption. When calculating the power consumed by the device, the so-called apparent power should be taken into account. Full power is all the power consumed by an appliance; it consists of active power and reactive power, depending on the type of load. Active power is always indicated in watts (W), and full power in volt-amperes (VA). Devices - consumers of electricity often have both active and reactive components of the load.

    Active load. For this type of load, all consumed electricity is converted into other types of energy (heat, light, etc.). For some devices, this component is the main one. Examples are incandescent lamps, heaters, electric stoves, irons, etc. If their indicated power consumption is 1 kW, a 1kVA stabilizer is enough to power them.

    Reactive loads. Other. They, in turn, are divided into inductive and capacitive.An example is devices containing an electric motor, electronic, and household appliances. The total power in volt-amperes and the active power in watts are interconnected by the COS (Fi) coefficient. On devices having a reactive component of the load, their active power consumption in watts and COS (Fi) are often indicated. To calculate the total power in VA, you need to divide the active power in watts into COS (Fi). For example: if 600 W is written on the drill and COS (Fi) = 0.6, this means that the actual power consumed by the tool will be 600 / 0.6 = 1000 VA. If COS (Fi) is not specified, for a rough calculation, the active power can be divided by 0.7.

    So it’s clear from this, without including the washing machine you won’t get a reactive component.


    # 124 wrote: | [quote]


    I will not discuss the theoretical issues of electrical engineering. But here it seems to know how to really save your money, and not electricity. He himself witnessed the following events. Somehow, working in one "desk" I had to connect the unit with an asynchronous motor through a chastotnik. They gave me a connection point - a separate three-phase direct current active energy meter + three-phase circuit breaker. Connected, hung a current clamp between his equipment and the connection point. Everything is in order - the ticks and the chastotnik show the same current consumption of the engine. We leave the equipment to work at night. We arrive in the morning, take readings from the meter, and they are at least one third less than the calculated ones. The customer says that the meter is junk (and it’s new). Buy another - the story repeats itself. They buy another counter and again the same thing.

    Later, I read on the Internet how one uncle suggests assembling a single-phase voltage converter and supplying it with an active load (comforts, kettle, iron, etc.). As he explained, modern electronic electricity meters do not have time to 100 percent monitor the power passing through them due to the high subcarrier frequency of the converter. But there is no law prohibiting the use of the converter, so it turns out you can legally save your money.


    # 125 wrote: | [quote]


    Guys! This is bullshit, not an economizer! The usual bred on the headstock!

    My friend bought this "device" and threw it in the trash a month later - its effectiveness was zero! Do not get fooled by this next scam! Do not believe the advertisement, no matter how attractive it may be! Please note that the reviews accompanying the advertising of this nonsense contain only sharply positive, laudatory reviews of supposedly "consumers"! Already this stroke alone makes us wary - but do we slip the next bullshit to us?


    # 126 wrote: Antonina | [quote]


    I ordered the device, believing the ads on the site. And in the morning I called my son an engineer. Said - a scam. The most interesting thing is that there is nowhere to leave my refusal ... Now I really believe that this is a scam.


    # 127 wrote: power engineer | [quote]


    Hmm .. To compensate for reactive power, I see Gulliver’s matchboxes in front of my eyes .. And they can’t cope, they need even more .. Everything is much more complicated with savings, but the rule is one - we consume less - we spend less!
    Again in the game a capacitor, how they like to make money on it! The debate among sound lovers has not yet subsided, when they are ready to pay $ 1000 for the "right capacitor" (!!!!!), and an ordinary Soviet capacitor cuts it both in terms of parameters and sound !!!!! But we do not believe that the money is paid mad!


    # 128 wrote: | [quote]


    Absolutely accurately, the NEGAL SCAM! Ordered for 1700rub. + 399 rub. for cash on delivery, + 300 rubles. collecting mail for sending money to SCAMMERS from MINVOD! Inside the fuse for the CAPACITOR = 4.7 MKF., LED and EVERYTHING !! NO "numbers", no logic, no "SCHEMES"! To save this scam is possible and will be when using refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, but HIS PRICE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 400 rub.


    # 129 wrote: Semen | [quote]


    I bought a couple of months ago on one site such a thing. Bills really began to come less, I don’t know how, but it works! Yes, and it costs fine, it works! Maybe just what kind of snowstorm did you get?


    # 130 wrote: | [quote]


    I would like to know about magnets.


    # 131 wrote: Victor | [quote]


    Saving electricity with such a device is not possible. All who say the opposite are mishandled Cossacks. It’s just that now everyone wants to make money quickly, so they came up with such a scam - a device to save electricity. In fact, at minimal cost (since the cost is almost zero), millions are earned. You can save electricity, but all sorts of "Housekeepers" and other similar devices and devices are useless here.


    # 132 wrote: fedgor | [quote]


    Stop here already writing about the reactive component! Whether it is or not - the counter still does not see it. You do not need to compensate for it; you do not pay for it anyway. What else do you want? The device is a scam for idiots.


    # 133 wrote: | [quote]


    I checked it with a separate counter for an hour and detected it with the device and without it, spent half a day on it. For some reason, with a device, it consumes more than 70-90 watts per hour than without it !!! IT'S HUNT, NOT SAVING! In vain thrown money!


    # 134 wrote: alibaba | [quote]


    I plugged this miracle device into all sockets. Now the power station pays every month. I’ll buy a new car with a tape recorder in Yalta.


    # 135 wrote: Curious | [quote]


    Is it a capacitor?
    Has anyone taken apart this thing drenched in epoxy?


    # 136 wrote: Master | [quote]


    I read all the comments.
    I draw such conclusions: do not invest in such a device. There are thoughts much better with a single-phase subcarrier or with a GSM jammer behind the counter.
    Now I’ll talk about legality or what they call theft: there is no theft with either a GSM jammer or a subcarrier converter, because NO CONTACT with the counter and or interference with the network. This is tantamount to the charge of stealing food in the dining room by inhaling the smell of food!
    Thank you all for the helpful comments.
    As regards counteraction to the Electric Grid, it is NECESSARY to fight against their unreasonably monopoly illegally (bonded) raised prices for electricity by any available means not prohibited by law - this is the civil law of all citizens of the Russian Federation (people)!


    # 137 wrote: | [quote]


    People far from electrical engineering! Appeal to you ! I am an electrician and I know what I'm talking about! Do not get fooled by this impudent scam! This is complete nonsense. You can write a lot about reactive power for a long time, but its compensation does not affect the active power that your meter takes into account, and this “crap” the size of a pack of cigarettes is clearly not able to compensate for it.


    # 138 wrote: | [quote]


    Real scam !!!!


    # 139 wrote: | [quote]


    Citizens, do not take this nonsense. This is money thrown away. A real scam. I got such nonsense, so the counter began to twist even more.


    # 140 wrote: | [quote]


    Andrey-h1I agree that all these devices are, of course, a complete scam, but with a better life I would really like to save some money, but unfortunately the dream is not a sale.


    # 141 wrote: | [quote]


    In general, 95% of everything that is spinning on flickering teasers and sold from single-page scammers or Chinese garbage bought on taobao or aliexpress for a penny and resold with 500-800% markup purely on the "Wow effect."
    Those who do this do not have any conscience. Their goal vparit, and there do not care.


    # 142 wrote: | [quote]


    This is called compensation of the reactive component, in this case inductive. On the nameplates of electric motors there is such a parameter cos f = 0.65, this is the indicator of the reactive component. At 100% of the active component of the current cos f = 1, choosing the right capacitor can reduce the current by 35% for such an electric motor.One problem in all of this, this will not affect the electricity bill. Email the counter only counts the active component, even if there is a reactive component, inductive or capacitive. From this it will be easier only to wires and switches. The use of "SberBox, smartBox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver, Saving-box, Economich" devices or the like does the same, but if there is no inductive component, then the connected device creates a capacitive component, increasing the load on the wires and switches.


    # 143 wrote: | [quote]


    I recommend sowing a miracle to stick the developer deep in the ass. Savings should be displayed on the face .......


    # 144 wrote: | [quote]


    I read and marvel ... People !!! The laws of physics have not been canceled by anyone .... These smart phrases are skew phrases in a three-phase network ... Reactive energy ... Harmonics ... Phase skew is the wrong distribution of loads. And it is treated not by devices from behind the hillock, but by the correct redistribution of loads in the ASU. Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency ... and how to suppress them can be saved, I don’t understand ... ordinary suppressors of these harmonics T filters are in electric razors, drills and other household appliances, so as not to introduce high-frequency interference into the network, but not how not in order to save electricity ... electric current is water flowing through pipes ... and why not filter it all one - how much has flowed in and will flow out ...


    # 145 wrote: ekektric | [quote]


    Whoever understands something will never buy it. ELECTRICITY SAVING BOX - divorce !!!


    # 146 wrote: | [quote]


    I have been working as an electrician for 25 years. People do not get fooled by this crap. This is a scam. Learn physics!


    # 147 wrote: | [quote]


    There is a whole article about this device, with a diagram. Inside the capacitor. It saves passive energy, but the counter considers only active, so the savings are zero.


    # 148 wrote: | [quote]


    Another Russian scam.

    Here is my proof.

    I live in a 6 driveway 80-apartment building. To supply all the electrical equipment of all the residents of our house, three phases are supplied from the common meter. The load on each phase is approximately the same. That is, each phase serves approximately 26 apartments.

    And then I have a question: How far will the “miracle of the appliance” action spread, given that all household appliances in all apartments are turned ON in parallel?

    Will the device smooth out ripples in one of the phases in only 26 apartments of our house, or is its effect so huge that the ripples will equally smooth out in one phase of all the happy residents of our street? Or maybe the whole city?

    Those who are not burdened with minimal knowledge of physics should at least understand that an apartment meter is not an obstacle to smoothing ripples in the network of your neighbors if they are connected to the same voltage phase to which the devices of your apartment are connected.

    To create such a device is simply unrealistic. I have already mentioned the reason above - all household appliances in all apartments, even though one of the network phases are connected in parallel through apartment meters. And to any house they bring only three pieces. The same phases lead to the neighboring houses of your street and city.


    # 149 wrote: | [quote]


    Good evening, I bought an energy saver, they promised 50% savings, on the contrary, I received 20% higher payment than there was, a complete deception, you pay them for advertising. I do not see a guarantee of return. Simulators, deceivers.


    # 150 wrote: | [quote]


    The device "Energy Saving" did not fully justify itself. Who the author is and what he was guided by is not at all clear. This device does not save any energy. It turned out that I threw 368 rubles into the stove.


    # 151 wrote: Yuri | [quote]


    How could an electrician of the 5th category buy such a thing? How could this story be told?


    # 152 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought this device and I want to note that this device is complete nonsense.He turned on a 1.5KV battery to detect how much it takes without and with the device. It turned out that this device does not save anything. The results are the same with the device turned on and without it. Thrown money down the drain.


    # 153 wrote: Svetlana | [quote]


    Once my friend persuaded me to buy a miracle washing machine from a matchbox. You plug it into an outlet, put dirty socks in a basin, pour powder and lie on the couch watching TV. And She erases, erases, erases. I bought for 1500 re, a lot of money, I received 12000 re per month. Spit long and hard. Threw it to the country. I want to cut it all and look - what's inside, but I forget it. Now I’ll break it and look. The same scam.


    # 154 wrote: | [quote]


    To compensate for reactive power, it is necessary to monitor the current in the load circuit. The industry produces household compensators BKM-03, BKM-10, BKM-20. These products work in the load range of 0-500 watts, 500-1500 watts and 1500-3000 watts with a reactive component. Selling economists plugged into an outlet are nothing more than a variant of a scam. The only thing that can be expected from such a device is the contemplation of the glow or blinking of the LEDs installed on the case.


    # 155 wrote: | [quote]


    Today I saw on the internet information that Energosbyt has banned since 2015. delivery of these energy savers to the Russian Federation. Why if they are complete bullshit?


    # 156 wrote: | [quote]


    Nata1956, Energy sales IT will not be prohibited because IT consumes electricity, and in those "fakes" where there are capacitors, they also compensate for the reactance, reducing losses in the networks. Infa about the ban - an advertising move.


    # 157 wrote: | [quote]


    1. An interesting box, but it has a few brains. Before you connect it, paint, tie a rope 1 meter long, etc.

    2. Further: similar regulators are now on a modern configuration with something from 500,000 rubles and sizes from 1 meter or more.

    3. Now take your purchased device (if you bought it) by a rope and as much as possible ...

    4. Pass this instruction to the same .... Goodbye.


    # 158 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    This highly publicized bluff device, nothing more. And absolutely useless. In advertising, supposedly a decrease in current consumption by almost a quarter is nothing more than a hoax. they simply secretly connect another circuit with an initially low current consumption. But none of the viewers sees this, and they are being conducted, laying out their money for a useless thing. To reduce the current consumption and remove reactive parasitic energy from the circuit. a converter of this energy is needed in antiphase. And this is done by rearranging the phase and zero at the meter input (which is itself illegal and entails penalties many times exceeding the consumer's benefit. Unless, of course, they get it). But even rephasing the counter will not cause the disk to rotate in the opposite direction, or noticeably slow down (that is, with a load of two kilowatts. It rotates as fast as if a bulb with a power of 100-200 watts was turned on). To do this, you need to assemble a device based on a conventional 220/6 volt transformer. It is plugged into a wall outlet, and one pin of the step-down winding is connected either to ground or to a battery. The second output of the lowering winding is connected to the "zero" wire of the outlet. It happens, it is necessary to interchange the conclusions of the lowering winding (rephase). Only in this case, reactive energy will be released in antiphase on the electric meter and brake the disk, reducing speed. But this, again, is against the law. But there are no other ways today. On electronic meters, an indication of rephasing can be entered, and the consumer will be hooked on the first visit of the controller.


    # 159 wrote: | [quote]


    It is ridiculous to read disputes about reactive energy in everyday life. It is so small that to give calculations with calculations is a waste of time.This is not industrial production for you, where electric motors of 500 kilowatts and above can be. A device for saving definitely bullshit, a divorce for suckers. Even a student who studies and understands physics well will never buy such a wiring. And the fact that the "designers" of the device have created and are selling an apparatus for the theft of electricity is poorly believed. Rather, this device is a dummy. And as for devices for theft: in the Soviet years, one of the newsreels "Wick" was dedicated to the exhibition (if I am not mistaken, in Kazan) of devices and devices for theft of electricity. What was there just not presented: right up to the devices that you insert into the outlet and the meter starts spinning in the opposite direction, reeling up the readings. But such devices were first cumbersome and secondly assembled on electronics, i.e. quite complicated. At that time, there were definitely more Kulibins. And modern scammers do not bother much and sculpt simple little schemes. The same tendency can be observed in "medical", home, "medical" devices. In all devices, the simplest schemes are outstanding for super-inventions. Even those that connect to computers, when "teardown" are dummies. They make people heads. Everything that is sold has nothing to do with medical devices, and therefore does not cure. When the device is recognized as medical (after passing the tests), it is assigned the code of the All-Russian product classifier for the medical device, as well as the type of medical device in accordance with the nomenclature classification of medical devices approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. If these data are not in the certificates, then the device has no relation to medicine. And if it’s still written that the device is medical and treats a bunch of diseases, then the certificate and other documents are fake.


    # 160 wrote: | [quote]


    I ordered this miracle of technology. But I warned that I would check and if it does not work, then I will not take it !! They brought it today. It is checked elementary. Turned on the load in the form of an induction cooker. The pliers showed 8.8 A, connected the device to the nearest outlet from the meter, as written in the instructions, both LEDs light up. But as it was 8.8 A (although according to my estimates it should have shown 3 amperes less), it remained, I waited 5 minutes for decency, refused to take it. You can argue as much as you like, but for this there are measuring instruments to measure them. He showed the one who brought that the device does not affect the readings in any way, the numbers on the scale remained unchanged !!


    # 161 wrote: Serg | [quote]


    Based on the description of the "insides" of this "device", then this is a complete scam: with this set of discrete elements, this is another energy consumer for the meter. And how can he save energy by filtering the reactive component, than? And in your house is full of appliances that create this very reactive component? And turning on this "device" in one place you will save at least the entire area, to the nearest TP of the area for sure. Bullshit! Another scam on the current energy savings.


    # 162 wrote: | [quote]


    The superlochotron, like the laws of physics, has not yet been canceled. The faith of the people in Freebie is indestructible. Anyway, we will put it and we will argue that “it” really saves. The power of faith is the most terrible force.

    The Chinese must have knocked out a UFO, and the aliens that were inside asked to save their lives in exchange for a secret device - a supernano-energy saver. Only with alien nanotechnology is it possible to shove the details of such a serious Locholizer into such a small casing. The design of the Loholizer is probably also done by aliens.

    In addition, “it”, like any electrical appliance, also eats electricity (though a little), but it’s so beautifully lit. In general, its circuit is designed to power two LEDs (I don’t understand why there are two, not one, three or more). If you want additional garlands for the Christmas tree for the New Year - be sure to buy it.Maybe the New Year's garland also has the properties of an economizer, but they are silent about this?

    I was smiled by one comment by Uncle Seryozha on a YouTube video: “This is all true. One device saves 30%, I stuck 10 pcs. around the house. Now I don’t want to pay, but to withdraw money from my electricity bill. They called from the power plant, they now have turbines spinning because of me, and as a result of this river flowed back! ”

    Think about it. One device - 30%. Two devices - 60%. Three - 90%. Four - 120% and then the state already owes you a coin. Class. No need to go to work. A freebie is complete. You live for your own pleasure, ride a cool car, relax in the Canary Islands. And such - the entire population of the planet. In a word - Paradise.

    Now back to reality. The easiest and most reliable way to save energy is to use it rationally in everyday life (solar-powered devices, energy-saving or LED bulbs, class “A” energy-efficiency devices, etc.). Be realistic, not suckers.

    Have a nice and healthy shopping.


    # 163 wrote: | [quote]


    Received by mail MALFUNCTION DEVICE: the plug sways, the pins of the plug are sunk inside and inside the appliance rattles. The packaging and box of the device are intact, so they put a deliberately defective device! There is no contact phone number, no one to consult .... I bought a “pig in a poke” -2233 rubles I gave for nothing. Pension is very expensive !!!


    # 164 wrote: | [quote]


    Why those who bought these "devices" in order to steal email. energy consider themselves cheated? After all, they sold hope ...
    I have a different question. Why does the government make decisions on the installation of individual water meters if they are inhibited in an elementary way, while prohibiting the spread in full of the difference in readings from the general house record? There are no such restrictions on electricity. The servants of the people are far from life.


    # 165 wrote: | [quote]


    "if I connect several of these" energy savers "to several outlets, (2, 3, 4, ..., 10 such devices or more). Well, for example, at the factory, to compensate the reactive component, I connected an installation of three three-phase capacitors each 3x1000 microfarads with an automatic switching device. So, the recommended bus cross-section was not less than 100 sq mm. Well, decide for yourself whether to connect or not. Although it’s pretty clear from the read that this is a “product” from a discharge without sucker life is bad ..


    # 166 wrote: | [quote]


    Voltage stabilizer to save energy
    I bought, checked
    12/30/14 counter 149436
    01/30/15 counter 150362 Total: 92.6 kW per month with the device
    02.16.15 counter 150842 without a device for a half-month 48.0 kW
    The difference is 4.6 kW, but also an extra day.
    Those. NO SAVING !!!


    # 167 wrote: | [quote]


    Do not know who to listen !!! All the crooks! I almost bought it! How can a person cheat a person in money ?! And one more thing: my husband and I live together. We save energy very, very much: everyone doesn’t boil tea for himself. Boil and pour into a thermos. We watch TV without light. Once again, do not turn on the light. I’d better turn on the flashlight at night. And still pay for the light of 500 rubles or more! Moreover, this damned ONE for the world is forced to pay 200 or more rubles. Why is that? Why is there such a large amount in the apartment? Tell me please! So I would have given this electric meter in the face! Joke! Thanks!


    # 168 wrote: | [quote]


    I’m not an electrician and I don’t understand the difference between the active and reactive components, but as an entrepreneur I can say for sure that to buy a device, there is enough housing with a pair of LEDs that light up when connected to the network.

    How it will work and whether it will work at all is ABSOLUTELY NOT IMPORTANT.

    The client will convince himself of the correctness of his purchase, and the faster, the more money he gave for it.

    Also a feature of such products is that people who are weakly exposed to the effect of auto-suggestion are screened out at an early stage, i.e.they just don’t buy it. Therefore, among those who bought in any case, positive reviews will prevail.


    # 169 wrote: | [quote]


    Fedgor, well done! I completely agree.
    For my part, I can add only one thing - all modern electronic work devices (TVs, video-audio players-DVDs, radios, computers ... even welding machines) work through built-in network filters. And it’s pointless to talk about energy saving (I have network filtering under inductive, capacitive and other loads). About resonance, it is necessary to try very hard to cause resonance in the mains with an electric drill or other engines, vacuum cleaners, although they give impulse noise in the wiring!
    But the quality of electricity from substations to houses needs to be addressed at the state level, there are not only phase imbalance, but also harmonics (up to the 13th), waveform distortion, impulse noise .... There are electric power quality control devices, we have work a business.
    For ordinary consumers, the above “SAVINGS” are scammers for additional money extraction. A beautiful box with a plug shunted with an internal capacitor of 0.1 microfarads x 450V and with an LED indicator is probably a blessing for a thrifty consumer for thousands of rubles!


    # 170 wrote: | [quote]


    This device is not a scam, but a well-designed action to destroy household appliances. It acts only on household electric motors (refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.), and it can even spoil and disable "energy-saving lamps." It does not have a DC filter, but there is a transformerless power supply for LEDs that produces a constant voltage component and a capacitor connected in parallel to the network and serving as a load. And we are talking about tenths of a volt of constant component. But this is quite enough for relatively low-power household single-phase motors. The resistance of the constant component of electric motors is extremely small and is purely active. As a result, a decent current starts flowing through the motor windings under the influence of a constant component in the mains voltage. Electric motors are magnetized and the operating point of the magnetization characteristic shifts toward saturation, the motor overheats and loses part of the active power, that's all the savings. This can be detected only with detailed testing of the device. Simply put, you bought a refrigerator or air conditioning with an electric motor power of 500 watts, plugged in an appliance, the refrigerator began to take 400 watts of power, while additionally heating up, and the insulation of the electric motor began to wear out rapidly. Soon you will need to buy a new refrigerator or change the compressor in it, but you kind of save energy, the power is now 400 watts, not 500. Thus, sales of household appliances increase. That technique that could last 15 years will last a maximum of 8-10 years or less. At the same time, sellers on the tidy will still earn money when selling it.


    # 171 wrote: | [quote]


    “SMART BOY” is the so-called “Energy-saving device that allows YOU to save up to 45% of electricity consumed legally!” About advertising engine trade! And after all, they buy without thinking that with the indicated power of 19 kilowatts (current 63 amperes) from a miracle, the device will leave one smoke. There is a truth and less power of 5 kilowatts (23 amperes) and it simply plugs into a power outlet. Touch the plug of the vacuum cleaner after cleaning - it’s hot, but it’s only 1.5 kilowatts.
    We were not too lazy and we sorted out this “device” from a friend and that: 2 LEDs, a diode bridge, a fuse, and ... a 3.7 microfarad capacitor. These were set to compensate for reactive power in fluorescent lamps of 80 watts, which is 62 times less than the indicated compensated power. Neither benefit nor harm. It’s like Vysotsky’s: “The truth, from him, was like a goat’s milk, but there was no harm, either.”None of this is inaccurate, your direct loss from the purchase of the “SMART BOY” device will be from 1200 to 1800 rubles.


    # 172 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought this notorious device for saving energy in Almaty in February.
    Subtotal: why is this all a hoax? Because there is no saving of electric energy. The people of Kazakhstan if they call you from a hidden number and offer these devices to order.
    Think about it. Why are they calling from a hidden number. Because they are hiding from the claims made by me to this device. If they are honest. Then they could indicate the return address or elementary cell phone number. Thus, be vigilant!
    If they call you from a hidden number. This suggests that these are scammers operating in the territory of the former USSR.


    # 173 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello!! I’m one of those who fell for this nonsense))) Well, I don’t understand anything in electricity)) So I bought this “miracle” device via the Internet with delivery, I was also told that for more efficiency you need to put at least two pieces. It’s not that it’s decreasing, but on the contrary, it has increased by as much as they promise to save. So I would like that on my mistake people would understand and not buy this device. By the way, after my experiment, I had the idea "maybe the whole SCAM was invented by the power engineers themselves," and that the people with us for such things are easily conducted))) there is no one to push claims against anyone without consequences. This device is not German, as it is advertised (I opened it) by real China, it costs mere pennies, they push us at a good price. Suppose a certain number of people (say 100,000 people) are led to this fraud, they pay about 30 bucks (on average) - that’s all arithmetic))) Three bucks bucks, "well done" what else to say.

    Now I sat and read the comments ...... it became sad and insulting, but not for myself no, I can afford such things for the sake of interest (I confess when I bought more I moved interest). I am offended that many retirees and poor people are being spent on such things, they are buying with the last money thinking that they will save, but here's a shit. The campaign will pour out tears and words of curse to those who started it. Dirty BUSINESS.


    # 174 wrote: | [quote]


    All that is written about this device for suckers !!! I personally opened this device, and what do you think there? This is an ordinary surge protector, such filters are installed in televisions, microwave ovens, in switching power supplies, such a filter does not save .... so it makes no sense to discuss the topic ... the red price of the device is 30-50 rubles, and do you need this surge protector ?!


    # 175 wrote: | [quote]


    I have not bought this device yet, but I’m really tormented by a couple of questions - how does the RES look like or is it for plus someone bought it and caught a slam like a leftist and everything’s fine or how to understand a tax organization that issues a trade license how does this look according to the law, even if this device gives savings why they don’t advertise on ort or some other channels so that the whole world sees, write about the law.


    # 176 wrote: | [quote]


    How hard it is to be stupid! Everyone strives to deceive ...


    # 177 wrote: | [quote]


    We ordered this device. The girl called back and began to persuade to take 2 or 3 devices, because the effectiveness of only 30 m2 applies. We got the device well packaged, but clearly second-hand. The body is scratched. Perhaps they are already returning them in bundles. Or just such disrespect. I will not talk about the effectiveness of the device. But one thing is for sure, decent companies don’t behave like that. And draw further conclusions yourself. By the way, they do not even have feedback information on the site, only for ordering, convenient!


    # 178 wrote: | [quote]


    Ready to give you this typewriter, played enough! Zaporozhets 200 tons are not lucky! Eeeh!


    # 179 wrote: | [quote]


    Better buy yourself energy-saving light bulbs!


    # 180 wrote: | [quote]


    If you want to save energy, then the best method is not to turn them on unnecessarily.


    # 181 wrote: | [quote]


    I must say right away - I was skeptical of advertising, but I like to check everything myself before drawing conclusions. The device worked for me for exactly a month. According to the results - instead of the usual 180 - 190 kW, only 110 kW burned out per month. Used all the electrical appliances and lighting as usual. specially saved nothing. I don’t know how this works, but the effect is clearly there, because significant energy savings!


    # 182 wrote: | [quote]


    phase distortion, even a kilowatt of power pulled out by this device - this is just for those who do not know anything about this SCAM !!!


    # 183 wrote: | [quote]


    Alexei, please kindly your address for sending the Nobel Prize ...


    # 184 wrote: | [quote]


    In short, this bullshit apparatus is garbage, there is no saving. I bought as much as 2 pcs. and then there is no use. I advise you not to take it!

    At the end of August I ordered 2 pcs. brought delivered at home, waited a month at the end of the month to receive an invoice 40% more than usually paid. In short, there is no saving, this bullshit is all garbage. I advise you not to take, of course, you decide.

    At the end of August I ordered 2 pcs. brought delivered at home, waited a month at the end of the month to receive an invoice 40% more than usually paid. In short, there is no saving, this bullshit is all garbage. I advise you not to take, of course, you decide.


    # 185 wrote: | [quote]


    Lord! No need to peck at this bait, it's all crap. I bought such a device, watched it for several months at work, no saving. Then he opened the device, it has 4 resistors and 3 LEDs. I advise you to learn from the mistakes of others. Best regards, Sergei.


    # 186 wrote: | [quote]


    I ordered this device on the Internet. It’s a pity I was not immediately convinced what kind of reviews he had! And what a scam! If he hasn’t arrived yet, or is already on his way, can I not pay for him at the post office? And in general, do not pick it up?


    # 187 wrote: | [quote]


    Look at YouTube, there are a lot of revelations about this piece of plastic with bulbs!


    # 188 wrote: Evgeny | [quote]


    In vain you pounced.
    I bought such a device and pay less.
    For electricity 2 times.
    Rental bill decreased by 1.5 times
    All mosquitoes and rodents died :)


    # 189 wrote: | [quote]


    I met supposedly professional disassembly, sketching of the circuit diagram of the device from the board. Even a photograph of the device’s display with the readings of the capacitor capacitance installed in this miracle device is provided. On it, the capacitor capacitance readings are slightly more than 5 mF, and the author says: look at how large the capacitor is, it is 5 farads. A capacitor with a capacity of 5 farads for a voltage of 250 volts does not fit into a kitchen cabinet, and not that in a small box. The circuit there is only for powering LEDs, nor is there any other benefit from it. Even worse, she consumes email, though a little. energy. I’ve installed 0.5 mF capacitors in 10 sockets in my house for about 30 years, but they are more likely to suppress interference and today they all cost no more than 50 - 100 rubles. Capacitors are already installed on modern refrigerators and washers in their manufacture to compensate for reactive energy. If people who do not distinguish microfarad from farad impersonate electrical engineers, it is difficult to imagine who they are holding us for, not professionals. Do not buy any economizers of any type of product. This is a lie. The calculation of greed and non-competence of people. And I think it will always work. Mavrodi is not in poverty yet, and not a little time has passed, but people still believe him.


    # 190 wrote: | [quote]


    Well done! Well, you have nerves, I almost burst out of laughter.

    Does it really work?


    # 191 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought the device for 1700r + forwarding and such a divorce. How many electronic meter counted, so much counts. When will our people cease to deceive ...


    # 192 wrote: | [quote]


    Teach a physics physics school course. Then you will not fall for a scam distributing these dope.

    LoveWhen these people will at least at school normally study physics.

    Vladimir, 5 farads, if according to modern technology, it can get in, but it will burn out plugs instantly, because this is a short circuit for 50 Hz :)


    # 193 wrote: | [quote]


    Read the comments and laughed!

    And here’s another riddle ... At the cottage, electricians demanded to ground the neutral wire after the two-phase meter Mercury, i.e. on the consumption side (the legality of the requirement is not discussed). I didn’t use it in winter, Idled 7 sq / h for 4 months ... Disconnected from the ground, winter 0.7 sq / h?

    Electronic meters are considered very interesting, even the consumption of neighbors through my neutral wire, if it is grounded ... Fact!


    # 194 wrote: | [quote]


    "Economizer" itself consumes electricity 34 W / hour. Connect via a wattmeter or electric meter so that it increases energy consumption.


    # 195 wrote: Baby doll | [quote]


    Yes, everything is already, this lohotron is not relevant. Matches are on sale now, which set fire to a gas burner, and lo and behold, your gas burns 40% more efficiently.


    # 196 wrote: | [quote]


    Thanks for the comments on this scam ... I have not dealt with 220 Volts for a long time, but still I was immediately alerted by 2 things: active and aggressive advertising of the product, as well as the fact that my comment asking to explain all this in more detail from the point of view of electrical engineering is nowhere set off.


    # 197 wrote: | [quote]


    Today this device came in the mail, it’s a shame, but it's all a hoax - DO NOT BELIEVE, THROW OUT MONEY ON THE WIND.


    # 198 wrote: | [quote]


    Bought 2 pcs stood in the outlet 3 months already do not work.


    # 199 wrote: | [quote]


    I bought for shameless advertising and ordered on the Internet one "economizer" Electriciti saving box for 7100 tenge. + 1000 for delivery from the online store "Home Catalog" in Almaty. Brought in two days in a sealed bag with the return address Astana, st. Kenesary 65 Home Catalog Delivery Department. A beautiful box. Both bulbs glow, but a very light box caused suspicion, as if it were completely empty, I decided to open it and see what energy was saved there by as much as 30 or 40% ... Inside was a board with 4 resistors and 2- me LEDs! This is nano-technology! All my attempts to get through or somehow reach them were unsuccessful - the dispatcher’s phone turned out to be “non-existent”, and the store’s website was blocked. You can try to find the address of the store, but judging by the reviews, my money was crying ... So I warn you - ON THE “HOME CATALOG” ONLINE STORES --- SCAMS !!! Sell ​​empty boxes with 2 bulbs for 7 thousand per little thing! There is no discount for pensioners, as a very scarce product!


    # 200 wrote: | [quote]


    The article lacks metrological excerpts since electricity metering is their topic.
    Regarding the Saving Box - eu, but this is a scam, because the only way to save energy in this way is with batteries. To do this, the batteries themselves, a controlled voltage rectifier (RPC), and, most importantly, separate charging of night and day electricity, are needed so that the charge goes at night - during the day it will be discharged. But all this equipment will not be extremely cheap, and you will get the economic effect in 20 years, taking into account the average energy consumption of the apartment.
    Another option is solar panels, but for this you need to get permission for their placement and inclusion in the network, which you are unlikely to be allowed to do, and the roof farm will provide extremely little power. So all this is a fairy tale.

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