Copper or aluminum - which is more profitable?
Only two metals - copper and aluminum are widely used as conductors of electric current. Their use as such is determined by the complex physical properties of the metals themselves and their price.
As is known from physics, an electric current is an ordered movement of electric charges in a conductor, under the influence of electric field forces. When moving electric charges in a conductor, they undergo a counteraction, which is estimated by the value of electrical resistance and which is measured in ohms (Ohms).
The electrical resistance for cylindrical conductors is determined by the formula r =ρ* l / s, where r - electrical resistance of a conductor, Ohm,ρ - electrical resistivity of the conductor material, Ohm * mm2 / m,l -conductor length, m, s - cross-sectional area ...
The law of conservation of energy is truly unshakable, and the centuries-old experience of science and technology has taught scientists to rely on it as a basis. A huge number of technical devices, which could be endlessly enumerated, have been created by mankind at the moment based on the fundamental laws of nature and the whole universe. Only a few, out of a great many such devices, can be mentioned as an example.
Bow and arrow, wheel, oar, sail, lever, compass, gunpowder, microscope and telescope, steam engine, telegraph, dynamite, electric generator and electric motor, incandescent lamp, transformer, battery, atomic bomb, transistor, laser, artificial satellites and spacecraft.
Everywhere, the law of conservation of energy is strictly observed: pulling a bow string, a person does the work, while the bow arc stores potential energy, which is then converted ...
Electricity and health: how to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in everyday life
There is still a scientific debate about how our brain works, but researchers have already come to the conclusion that complex electrochemical processes between cells - neurons - are taking place inside us. For the exchange of information using short electrical pulses. They control all the muscles.
In this case, a person is constantly exposed to the natural magnetic field of the Earth and electromagnetic waves. He has developed protective reactions in his body to such an effect, but they ... are not unlimited.
Over the past two centuries, people have begun to intensively use electricity and the benefits of civilization, not really worrying about their health. But in vain. The effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the body is constantly increasing, various diseases appear: nervous depression, weakened immunity, problems with the reproductive system, causeless fear ...
Options for reactive energy compensation in the home using the Saving Box
Intrusive advertising on the Internet and even on state television channels through a television store persistently offers the public a device for saving energy in the form of "new products" of the electronic industry. Pensioners receive a discount of 50% of the total cost.
“Saving Box” is the name of one of the offered devices. They were already written about in the article "Instruments for saving energy: myth or reality?". The time has come to continue the topic with the example of a specific model, explaining in more detail: what is reactance, how is active and reactive power created, how is reactive power compensation carried out, on the basis of which reactive power compensators and a device for saving energy are working. People who buy such a device will receive a package with a beautiful box in the mail. Inside is an elegant plastic case ...
Multi-tariff accounting: where are the problems “buried”?
The article discusses the reasons for the weak interest of enterprises and the population in the transition to multi-tariff, time-differentiated metering of electricity.
We rarely think that electricity is the most perishable product known to mankind today. If it is not used immediately, then in a moment it disappears, and with it the uselessly burned gas, coal, heat of TVELs at nuclear power plants. Therefore, a balanced energy consumption is the main task and a headache for energy.
It is possible to compensate for seasonal variations in energy consumption by power plants. But to smooth the diurnal fluctuations - such a task for generating stations is practically impossible. This problem must be solved by consumers: enterprises and the population. To this end, in the CIS countries for many years trying to introduce electricity metering at tariffs ...
Modern Alchemy: Magnetization of Natural Gas
Imagine: they offer you a fairly simple equipment that quickly mounts and treats a gas pipe with a magnetic field. As a result, when burning, you get savings from 25 to 40% of gas. After reading such information, the leaders and energy companies of natural gas-consuming enterprises will lay their hearts for such equipment. The cost of this energy is now not small and continues to grow.
As always in such cases, information on the physicochemical processes is scarce and contradictory. There is a link to the patent of Ukraine, an illiterate description of the processes occurring in the gas, and a standard clause on the know-how of the manufacturer. The price of CIS patents is known nowadays: you can patent anything, just pay for registration and support of the patent. The gag in the description of gas processing technological processes can also be blamed on zealous marketers ...
Energy saving appliances: myth or reality?
Not so long ago, in our markets, on the Internet, in some print media and even on television, an advertisement for a miracle device appeared, which, according to advertisers, can save up to 30-35% of electricity. What kind of device is this? How is it arranged? And is it really true that he is able to save so much energy?
At about the same time, in different regions, these devices appeared under different names. Here are the approximate names of these devices: SberBox, smartbox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver, Saving-box, Economy, etc. According to manufacturers, and accordingly distributors, it’s enough to simply plug the device into a power outlet, and it starts to work, that is, save our money.
The cost of this device, depending on the region of distribution and the "generosity" of sellers, ranged from $ 10 to $ 70. So, we purchased one of these devices in order to try to deal with it ...
Smart home on the LOGO controller from SIEMENS
From a letter from a reader of the mailing list: “Using SIEMENS LOGO! Controller, I want to learn how to program controllers in practice, automate different processes and in the future create a comprehensive smart home system. Tell me if this is possible and what additional modules you need to buy for LOGO controller for organization smart home? "
In this article, we will try to answer the question of the newsletter reader - we will consider the possibility of using programmable logic controllers for home automation and for creating a "smart home" system.
Before considering the use of automation tools, let's understand what is generally meant by the concept of "smart" house? Is it possible to consider a dimmer installed in the circuit of one of the lamps as an intelligent home? If not, at what point does the “intellectuality” of the home begin? After all, even with an abundance of various devices ...