Boolean algebra. Part 1. A bit of history
At school, we all studied algebra, but they did not talk about Boolean algebra there. What is the difference between Boolean algebra and school algebra, the history of its appearance, problems and applications are described in this article.
What is Boolean algebra? Oddly enough, despite the fact that for five years they have been studying algebra at school, many students, and later adults, will not be able to answer the question, what is algebra? Algebra is a science that studies the sets of some elements and the actions on them.
In a school course in algebra, such elements are numbers. Numbers can be denoted not by numbers, but by letters, everyone is familiar with this. In the first lessons of algebra, this always makes it difficult for many students. Remember how difficult it was at first to get used to adding letters instead of numbers, solving equations that say nothing.
Probably each of us then asked ourselves the question: “Why do we need to enter letters instead of numbers and is it necessary at all?” ...
About electric injuries and how to deal with it
The development of human thought has led to the emergence of various devices designed to simplify our lives. However, this to some extent pushed humanity closer to that dangerous line beyond which the harm caused by the device will exceed its benefit.
Electricity is the driving force of the entire modern process of life; many vital systems cannot do without it. Nevertheless, many people die or receive damage from electricity. Therefore, we can conclude that a characteristic feature of the development of power supply and power consumption is electric injury.
Injury has become a social phenomenon and is the subject of study not only of medicine alone. The problems of preventing and eliminating injuries should be addressed mainly by organizational and technical measures ...
More recently, the term "stepper motor" was known only to a narrow circle of electrical engineers. Now, stepper motors have received the honorable right to be called only by their "initials" - SD evidence of the widespread use of electrical machines of this type.
Imagination involuntarily prompts the image of a stepping electric machine with limbs. No, this is not a robot, although a stepper motor can control one of its joints. The car itself is very simple. A stepper motor can be represented in the form of several electromagnets with pulse windings on a fixed part (stator) and an armature, which when switching the windings rotates or moves progressively ...
The use of low voltages is the best protection against electric current. Small voltages are in the range of 12 volts - 42 volts.
Such a need arises when using portable power receivers, as well as for lighting particularly hazardous rooms, in outdoor electrical installations.
Batteries and rectifiers, single-phase transformers, whose power is small, can serve as sources of low voltage. Do not use resistors or chokes to reduce the voltage.
Low-power step-down transformers are available both for installation on machines and portable. The flexible wire for connecting to the network must have a portable transformer ...
Devices and tools for soldering
Description of instruments and tools that are necessary for soldering. The main aspects when choosing tools and instruments.
As they say, the real owner should be able to do a lot, including soldering. I don’t argue, soldering complex boards is not easy, there must be knowledge, practice, expensive instruments and tools.But in an economy where you need to fix something basic, you don’t need special skills and expensive instruments and tools for soldering. We will not talk about how to solder correctly today, but about what you need to have from tools and devices, just remember ...
Feedthrough switch. Wiring diagram
Circuit-breaker circuits allow turning on and off lighting from two or more different places for their installation. In some cases, this is not only convenient, but also very necessary.
For example, there is a long corridor. It is naturally lit. Turning on the light at the beginning, and having this very scheme of connecting the passage switch, you do not have to return again to turn off, but you can do this with the second switch that is installed at the other end of the corridor.
Let's take a closer look at this wiring diagram, consisting of two loop-through switches. It will require two switches (they are also called “pass-through”), each of which has three contacts and two switching positions. Moreover, the switching mode must be of "cross over nature", that is -one contact is common to the other two.In one position it is closed with one of them, and in another position, of course, with another ...
Any leak is an undesirable occurrence. In the normal mode of operation of any electrical system, the current should flow only along the electrical circuits relative to the phases and zero (figuratively speaking). The resulting current relative to the ground will be this same leak. It can occur as a result of a breakdown on the case, which is initially grounded, if a person accidentally touches a person carrying parts (leakage current will pass through the body of this person), obsolescence of the wiring, etc.
The best option for connecting an RCD (residual current device) is the maximum proximity to the power input. Since the gap between the electric network and the electric meter is subject to strict control of electric power organizations, it is nevertheless more correct to install an RCD immediately after the electric meter. This ensures complete protection against all kinds of earth leaks throughout the circuit ...
Connection diagram for circuit breaker, sockets and lamps
This figure shows a simplified wiring diagram for connecting a switch, outlets, and lamps. It is quite common and is widely used in the electrification of residential apartments, basements, garages, industrial, construction objects, etc. And now let's deal with this scheme in more detail.
For a better understanding, the connection diagram of the switch, sockets and lamps is drawn as it is usually located during its installation.
Let's start with the electrical panel. Each house and apartment must have a shield to which the input from the main power line (from the nearest power pole or from the main distribution panel on the site) is suitable ...