How electricity is transmitted to consumers through a 0.4 kV network

How electricity is transmitted to consumers through a 0.4 kV networkWays of transferring electrical power between high-voltage equipment of energy enterprises are outlined in a previous article. And here we consider the operation of low voltage circuits.

Converting high-voltage energy to a 0.4 kV network ends in transformers with an output voltage of 380/220 volts. From them, electricity is supplied via cable or overhead lines to consumers. Moreover, the cable is most often used where it is impossible to install engineering structures - supports.

During operation, cable lines create a reactive load of a capacitive nature in the network, which on long routes greatly affects the quality of electricity, changing the cosφ of the circuit. At short distances, the cable can work as compensation for the loss of electricity from inductive loads created by powerful electric motors ...


How electricity is transmitted from power plants to consumers

How electricity is transmitted from power plants to consumersGenerator sets convert the energy of rivers, wind, fuel combustion, and even atomic bonds into electricity. They are distributed throughout the country, combined into a single system by transformer substations. Electricity is transferred to the distance between them by power lines. Their length can be from two to three to hundreds of kilometers.

High-power electricity can be transmitted through power cables buried in the ground or buried in water bodies. But the most common method of transportation is via overhead lines fixed to special engineering structures - supports.

Air and cable power lines connect transformer substations with the same voltage distribution devices to transfer energy from one power transformer to another. For example, an autotransformer 330/110/10 kV ...


How relay protection and automation work

How relay protection and automation workThe protection principle was based on the principle of relays - devices that constantly monitor some electrical parameter of the network, and when they reach critical values ​​they trigger: they sharply change their initial state by switching the electrical circuit.

The first protective devices were made on the basis of electromechanical relay designs, and the specialists involved in their operation began to be called the term "relay", which is valid to date.

The relay protection and automation service (RPA), created in the power system on the basis of constantly gained experience, is simultaneously involved in other complex processes: control systems, including local, remote and remote methods, blocking of certain devices, signaling circuits that allow analyzing ...


Modern heating elements

Modern heating elementsBesides TENOV and open spirals there are many other elements, some of which are almost the same age as the open spiral, while others have appeared relatively recently, thanks to the development of modern technologies. About these heaters, new and not very, will be discussed in this article.

They are used in various devices, primarily infrared room heaters. Simply put, these are heating appliances that create comfort in a house, apartment, office or workshop. For various conditions, a wide variety of heater designs are used. Infrared heaters can also be used in various technological equipment where heating of certain objects is required. A striking example of such technological equipment are infrared soldering stations and modern laboratory heating cabinets and furnaces. Widely used infrared heating in group soldering ...


Electric heating elements, heating elements, types, designs, connection and testing

Electric heating elementsElectric heating elements are used in household and industrial equipment. The use of various heaters is known to all. These are electric stoves, ovens and ovens, electric coffee makers electric kettles and heaters of various designs.

Electric water heaters, often referred to as boilers, also contain heating elements. The basis of many heating elements is a wire with high electrical resistance. And most often this wire is made of nichrome.

The oldest heating element is perhaps the usual nichrome spiral. Once upon a time, homemade electric stoves, water boilers and goat heaters were in use. Having at hand a nichrome wire that could “get hold of” in production, make a spiral of the required power ...


Analog sensors: application, methods of connection to the controller

Analog sensorsIn the process of automation of technological processes for controlling mechanisms and assemblies, one has to deal with measurements of various physical quantities. It can be temperature, pressure and flow rate of a liquid or gas, rotation speed, light intensity, information about the position of parts of mechanisms, and much more. This information is obtained using sensors. Here, first about the position of the parts of the mechanisms.

The simplest sensor is a normal mechanical contact: the door was opened - the contact opened, closed - closed. Such a simple sensor, as well as the above algorithm of operation, is often used in burglar alarms. For a mechanism with translational movement, which has two positions, for example, a water valve, two contacts are needed: one contact is closed - the valve is closed, the other is closed - closed. A more complex translational algorithm has a mechanism ...


Overview of the video course "Yourself an electrician"

Overview of the video course Recently, more and more various video tutorials have appeared on the Internet for independent study of various issues that are useful for life and work. Among a large number of low-quality things, very valuable author’s courses, techniques, and practical cases are sometimes found. A lot of this kind of products are released for people whose work is connected with the Internet.

Unlike other areas of human activity, there are practically no courses for people interested in electrical engineering and electronics. The pioneer in this matter in our niche was Mikhail Vanyushin with his two parts of the training video course "Into the world of electricity - as for the first time." Relatively recently, a video course on teaching microcontroller programming by Maxim Selivanov has appeared. But in both cases, these are the basics of electrical engineering, electronics and microprocessor technology ...


Further training through the project

Continuing education through the Internet using the projectOur country has always been famous for engineers and inventors. In Soviet times, engineers had almost the highest qualifications in the world. During the Soviet Union, a system of professional technical and education was very well developed. The profession of a worker and technical specialist in importance and respect was one of the first places.

The perestroika and collapse of the USSR with a protracted economic crisis, and changes in public values ​​led to a reduction in vocational schools and significantly reduced the number of young specialists in the electrical field. All note a shortage of technical personnel. Enterprises require thousands of specialists in technical positions. However, it is very difficult to find personnel of the claimed high qualification. A serious shortage of highly qualified specialists in the electrical industry is an ever-growing problem ...

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