Programs for drawing electrical circuits
Drawing means the process of creating images of objects with the exact reproduction of their sizes using scale. Drawing electrical circuits requires compliance with GOST symbols adopted to denote each element.
To create a document on a computer, you need software - a graphical editor that converts the manipulation of a PC user on the information input device into a drawing. The created document can be saved electronically by a file and / or printed on paper in a specific format.
You can draw electrical circuits with any available graphic editor. However, special programs adapted for these purposes greatly simplify routine work and allow the use of already prepared blanks of various elements ...
How are programmed room thermostats for underfloor heating arranged and working
Thermostats (thermostats) for "warm floors" are necessary, first of all, as a means of ensuring the most optimal and most accurate control of the "warm floor" heating system. The most comfortable floor heating of the house, optimal energy consumption, and simply convenient automated climate control of the room - these are the main tasks that the room thermostat solves.
In the process, the thermostat receives data on the temperature in the room (or floor temperature) from the temperature sensor, and, in accordance with the data received, switches the heating system on or off.
There are programmable and non-programmable thermostats. A non-programmable thermostat ensures that the room temperature is maintained at a strictly set level ...
Resonant method of wireless transmission of electric energy by Nikola Tesla
At the beginning of the 20th century, scientist Nikola Tesla, a native of Croatia, then working in New York, developed an innovative method for transmitting electric energy over long distances without wires, using the phenomenon of electrical resonance, the study of which the scientist then paid special attention. Prior to this, he had already sufficiently studied the possibilities of alternating current, and clearly understood the technical prospects of its application, but there was another important step ahead - a system for wireless transmission of electrical energy.
According to the scientist, in such an electric power transmission system, planet Earth acted as an electric conductor, in which standing waves could be excited using electric oscillators (electric oscillatory systems). Tesla came to this conclusion through observations of electrical disturbances propagating over the earth's surface after lightning discharges during a thunderstorm ...
Powerful LED arrays in lighting: device and application features
Since the development of the first practically applicable LED by the University of Illinois professor Nick Holonyak in 1962, more than half a century has passed, however, the revolutionary invention to this day undergoes progressive changes, becoming more and more perfect and more and more technological and useful.
The electroluminescence of a semiconductor transition, with the recombination of electrons and holes, is now the basis for supereconomic light sources. LED, often called LED (short for English light-emitting diode), lamps are gradually gaining a stable position in the market of modern energy-saving lighting technologies, both for domestic needs, and for enterprises and even for street lighting systems. LED lamps outperform compact fluorescent lamps ...
Electricity and health: how to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in everyday life
There is still a scientific debate about how our brain works, but researchers have already come to the conclusion that complex electrochemical processes between cells - neurons - are taking place inside us. For the exchange of information using short electrical pulses. They control all the muscles.
In this case, a person is constantly exposed to the natural magnetic field of the Earth and electromagnetic waves. He has developed protective reactions in his body to such an effect, but they ... are not unlimited.
Over the past two centuries, people have begun to intensively use electricity and the benefits of civilization, not really worrying about their health. But in vain. The effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the body is constantly increasing, various diseases appear: nervous depression, weakened immunity, problems with the reproductive system, causeless fear ...
How to protect children from electric shock
Electricity brings many benefits to man. But it is dangerous, especially for children. If an adult already has a certain life experience and knows basic safety rules, then children, especially small ones, only know this world. They are curious, active, agile, and evaluate everything that surrounds them with their senses.
Children examine all the objects around them, touch them with their hands, they can stick them in their mouths, lick their tongues or bite their teeth, chew. In this way they gain experience for later life. However, the human senses are not able to determine the presence of tension, and children do not understand its dangers.
Parents and all adults are obliged to create safe conditions for their life, to teach the accurate handling of electrical appliances. Providing these conditions requires a differentiated, individual approach, taking into account children's age. Toddlers under 3-5 years old are usually ...
Where does the electricity flow?
An electric current arises in an electric circuit including a current source and a consumer of electricity. But in what direction does this current occur? It is traditionally believed that in the external circuit the current has a direction from the plus of the source to minus, while inside the power source it is from minus to plus.
Indeed, electric current is the ordered movement of electrically charged particles. If the conductor is made of metal, these particles are electrons - negatively charged particles. However, in the external circuit, the electrons move precisely from the minus (negative pole) to the plus (positive pole), and not from plus to minus.
If you include a diode in the external circuit, it will become clear that current is possible only when the diode is connected by the cathode in the direction of the minus. From this it follows that the direction of the electric current in the circuit is taken ...
The principle of operation of any electric battery is the accumulation of electrical energy during a chemical reaction that occurs when a charging electric current flows through a battery, and the generation of electric energy when a discharge current flows during a reverse chemical reaction.
The reversibility of the chemical reaction in the battery allows you to repeatedly discharge and charge the battery. This is the advantage of batteries over disposable current sources, ordinary batteries, in which only discharge current is possible.
An electrolyte is used as a medium for transferring charge from one battery electrode to another, a special solution, due to the chemical reaction of which with the material on the electrodes, both direct and reverse chemical reactions in the battery are possible ...
How to determine unknown transformer parameters
The first thing to do is to take a piece of paper, a pencil and a multimeter. Using all this, ring the transformer windings and draw a diagram on paper. The conclusions of the windings in the picture should be numbered. It is possible that the conclusions will be much smaller, in the simplest case there are only four: two terminals of the primary (network) winding and two terminals of the secondary. But this does not always happen, more often there are several more windings.
Some conclusions, although they exist, may not “ring” with anything. Are these windings torn off? Not at all, most likely these are shielding windings located between other windings. These ends are usually connected to a common wire - the "ground" of the circuit.
Therefore, it is desirable to record the winding resistances on the obtained circuit, since the main goal of the study is to determine the network winding. Her resistance is usually greater ...
One of the most popular amateur radio designs are sound power amplifiers UMZCH. For high-quality listening to music programs at home, most often they use quite powerful, 25 ... 50W / channel, usually stereo amplifiers.
Such a large power is not needed at all in order to get a very high volume: an amplifier working at half the power allows for a cleaner sound, distortions in this mode, and even the best UMZCH has them, they are almost invisible.
It is rather difficult to assemble and set up a good powerful UMZCH, but this statement is true if the amplifier is assembled from discrete parts - transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, maybe even operational amplifiers. Such a design is possible for a sufficiently qualified radio amateur, who has already assembled not one or two amplifiers ...
Such a familiar heater, and how many dangers: how to protect yourself from fire
Memories of five years of living in a university dormitory (80s) are associated with constant cold inside the room before the start of the heating season. A small room for five students was drafted through the door and 2 windows, which were not particularly insulated from the glued paper.
They saved themselves with a self-made electric “goat”: on a piece of bricks they placed a piece of an asbestos pipe wrapped in a nichrome spiral from an electric stove. 2 meters of aluminum “noodle” were screwed to the ends of the wire and inserted into a socket through a plug. They used it only late in the evening - the commandant (severe retirement) “atrocities”, severely punished everyone who found such structures.
We were lucky: they never fell under his arm, and most importantly - there were no electric injuries and burns. With age, he began to understand the commandant's anxiety, however, I can’t justify his actions ...
What happens in the mains when a zero break
All residents of the entrance, or rather, the left riser, a nine-story house built in the 80s were in trouble: suddenly the motors of old refrigerators, washing machines, power supplies for computers, cordless phones and some other household appliances burned out. True, one person noticed that the light bulbs increased sharply and quickly reacted - turned off the opening automatic power supply.
The rest are out of luck. Many were generally at work and could not do so. They learned about the incident in the evening. Of course, they began to turn to the housing and communal services, to demand explanations, compensation for damage.
The director of public utilities got into the situation and was forced to satisfy most of the requirements: he paid for the repair of expensive equipment, but after submitting various documents and certificates. How much time and nerves it took for people is better not to describe. The reason for the incident is simple ...