Mechanical and electrical characteristics of induction motors
This article will highlight the topic of mechanical and electrical characteristics of electric motors. Using an asynchronous motor as an example, consider such parameters as power, work, efficiency, cosine phi, torque, angular velocity, linear speed and frequency. All these characteristics are important when designing equipment in which electric motors serve as drive motors. Especially asynchronous electric motors are especially widespread in the industry today, so we will dwell on their characteristics. For example, consider the AIR80V2U3.
The nameplate (on the nameplate) of the motor always indicates the rated mechanical power on the shaft of the motor. This is not the electric power that this electric motor consumes from the network. So, for example, for an AIR80V2U3 engine, a rating of 2200 watts corresponds precisely to the mechanical power on the shaft ...
How to save money when replacing home wiring without sacrificing reliability
Replacing home electrical wiring is one of the most expensive stages of major repairs in an apartment or house. Against the backdrop of constantly rising prices for cable products and other components, the question of how to replace the wiring with minimal cash investment is becoming increasingly relevant.
In this case, you can’t just unreasonably remove certain elements or underestimate the cross-section of the wires, as this can lead to the fact that the installed wiring will be unreliable and will not provide full power to home electrical appliances. Therefore, we need to consider how to save money when replacing home wiring without compromising reliability, which we will discuss in this article. The process of replacing wiring can be divided into three main stages: drafting a future wiring, selection and acquisition of components ...
How to choose an analog transistor
In this article, we will discuss the topic of selecting analogues of bipolar and field effect transistors. What parameters of the transistor should you pay attention to in order to choose the appropriate replacement? What is it for? It happens that when repairing a device, say, a switching power supply, the user is forced to go to the nearest store of electronic components, but the assortment does not contain just such a transistor that failed in the device circuit. Then you have to choose from what is available, that is, select an analogue.
And it also happens that the burned-out transistor on the board was one of those that have already been discontinued, and then it’s just the right thing to do is the datasheet available on the network, where you can see the parameters and select the appropriate analogue from those currently available. One way or another, you need to know what parameters to choose, and this will be discussed later.First, let's talk about bipolar transistors ...
How to find wiring in the wall
Concealed wiring is a type of wiring that provides for the installation of a cable (wire) of the wiring lines in the wall - under a layer of plaster or other finishing material. Such wiring from the point of view of aesthetics is most preferable, since the cable routing is not visible. But at the same time, this feature of hidden electrical wiring creates additional problems if it is necessary to search for cable locations in case of damage to a particular wiring line or if it is necessary to replace the wiring during repairs in the home.
Why else do you need to know the wiring location? Very often, when mounting various interior elements on the wall (wall cabinets, paintings, shelves, TV mounts, etc.), fasteners get into the cable (wire), which leads to its damage. Even more dangerous is that during drilling ...
Wiring diagram in the garage: design and installation features
People build buildings mainly for two purposes: for living or for solving technical issues.When creating the power supply system in these rooms, special attention is paid to the reliability and safe operation of the equipment. In residential buildings, much attention is paid to the design of rooms. The electrical wiring in them is usually hidden inside the walls or created in an open way from exclusive expensive components that emphasize the individual style of the owner.
Buildings for technical needs, of which the garage belongs, are designed, as a rule, with a simple and open wiring diagram. Hiding it inside the walls does not make much sense: it’s easier to maintain and modify. For the vast majority of garages designed to contain one or two cars, single-phase power supply of 220 volts of industrial frequency is used. To create work lights and power outlets group ...
Common mistakes when installing home wiring
Home wiring is the heart of an apartment or private house. Wiring must be reliable and safe, and also fully meet the needs for the inclusion of household electrical appliances in the network. Very often, a number of errors are made during the installation of electrical wiring, which in the end can lead to various negative consequences.
In this article, we will consider the most common mistakes that are made during the installation of home wiring and the consequences that these errors may entail. The very first stage is the preparation of a power supply project. This project involves drawing up a wiring diagram taking into account the loads of electrical appliances, the desired locations of sockets, switches, lighting elements. In this case, the calculation and selection of protective devices in the electrical switchboard is also carried out.k, cables for electrical wiring lines...
Why the frequency standard of 50 hertz is chosen in the electric power industry
Why to this day in the energy industry for the transmission and distribution of electricity everywhere have frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz been selected and remain accepted? Have you ever thought about this? But this is not at all accidental. In the countries of Europe and the CIS, the standard 220-240 volts of 50 hertz is adopted, in the North American countries and in the USA - 110-120 volts of 60 Hz, and in Brazil 120, 127 and 220 volts of 60 Hz. By the way, directly in the USA in the outlet sometimes it can turn out, say, 57 or 54 Hz. Where do these numbers come from?
Let's turn to the story to understand this topic. In the second half of the 20th century, scientists from many countries of the world actively studied electricity and searched for its practical application. Thomas Edison invented his first light bulb, thereby introducing electric lighting. The first DC power plants were built. The beginning of electrification in the USA ...
Electrical cables, wires and cords - what is the difference
In fact, all these electrical products are designed to perform a common task: the transmission of electricity from a voltage source to a consumer. They must perform their functions for a long time and reliably without creating emergency situations and malfunctions. Wires and cables work in all fields of human practice, when it is necessary to create a closed loop for the passage of electric current, to eliminate its loss through unforeseen leaks.
Due to the similarity of the issues being addressed, many ordinary people do not distinguish their differences, they belong to the same category. However, cables, wires and cords operate in different operating conditions, are used on different sections of electric current mains, and differ in purpose. Therefore, they have a different internal structure and design. On electric transmission lines, there are cases when electricity is transmitted ...
With the advent of LEDs, back in the seventies, LED ceiling lighting began to gain more and more popularity. And if earlier radio amateurs experimented with a sharp spectrum of ordinary LEDs, where the choice of color was small, now, with the advent of more advanced LEDs, softer spectra, the scope for creativity has expanded significantly.
Now LED strips and special controllers are widely available, as well as power supplies for every taste, for any required power. Today, you can smoothly adjust the brightness and color, create light scenarios. In principle, any person who is knowledgeable in technology will be able to design and install LED illumination of a suspended or suspended ceiling. Most often, they implement one of four popular options: contoured diffused illumination, directional illumination, figured backlight ...
A substance known to scientists for more than a hundred years, only today, at the beginning of the XXI century, it turned out to be very promising material for the production of cheap and effective solar cells. Perovskite, or calcium titanate, first found in the form of a mineral by the German geologist Gustav Rosa in the Ural Mountains back in 1839, and named after Count Lev Alekseevich Perovsky, a glorious statesman and collector of minerals, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, turned out to be the most suitable contender for the role of the alternative to silicon in the production of solar cells.
As a substance, until recently, calcium titanate was widely used only as a dielectric for multilayer ceramic capacitors. And now they are trying to apply it to build highly efficient solar panels, since it turned out that this material perfectly absorbs light ...
We all know that magnets are attracted by opposite poles and repelled by the same name. And if you take two magnets, for example, from furniture latches, and simply put them on the table so that their magnetization vectors are directed in different directions (one magnet with the north pole up, the other with the south), and try to bring the magnets closer, then it’s easy to detect, that they will be attracted, and there is nothing surprising in this.
Now let's move on. Take a few magnets from furniture latches, and make high stacks of them, which we place in a similar way. Obviously, the picture is similar. Now take a stack and a single magnet - a single magnet is attracted to the stack. But what will happen if the stack is not solid, but divided in the middle by a gasket, for example a cardboard, the thickness of a single magnet? In this case, we get additional poles ...
Calculation of short circuit currents for beginner electricians
When designing any energy system, specially trained electrical engineers using technical manuals, tables, graphs and computer programs perform its analysis on the operation of the circuit in various modes, including. idling, rated load and emergency situations.
A special danger is the third case when a network malfunctions occur that can damage the equipment. Most often, they are associated with “metallic” shorting of the supply circuit, when electrical resistances with a dimension of a fraction of Ohm are randomly connected between different potentials of the input voltage. Such modes are called short-circuit currents or abbreviated as "short circuit". They arise in case of malfunctions in the operation of automation and protection, errors of staff, natural disasters ...