How voltage is converted to current
It is impossible to turn current into voltage or voltage into current, since these are fundamentally different phenomena. Voltage is measured at the ends of a conductor or an EMF source, while current is an electric charge moving through a cross section of a conductor. Voltage or current can only be converted into voltage or current of a different magnitude, in this case they talk about the conversion of electrical energy (power).
If the voltage decreases during the conversion of electrical energy, then the current rises, and if the voltage rises, then the current decreases. The amount of energy at the input and output will be approximately the same (minus, of course, the loss in the conversion process) in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. This is because the electrical energy A is originally the potential energy of an electric charge ...
How Duralight is arranged and connected
The word "duralight" can literally be translated as "durable light" (from English durable light). And indeed, duralight, upon careful examination, turns out to be a transparent polymer flexible cord, inside of which there are lamps or LEDs (LED Duralight), in fact - a strong tubular garland. PVC tube as a frame provides duralight moisture resistance, flexibility, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and physical strength.
A typical LED duralight can operate at ambient temperatures from −50 ° C to + 60 ° C, and the resource for the operating time is limited only by the capabilities of the LEDs - this is tens of thousands of hours. Inside the cord is by no means hollow; the gaps between the LEDs are also filled with PVC to give duralight extra strength. So, duralight can be safely used in outdoor and indoor advertising structures, in a variety of architectural lighting, for decorating trees ...
Thermal action of current, current density and their influence on the heating of conductors
By the thermal action of an electric current is understood the release of thermal energy during the passage of current through a conductor. When a current passes through the conductor, the free electrons forming the current collide with the ions and atoms of the conductor, heating it.
The amount of heat released in this case can be determined using the Joule-Lenz law, which is formulated as follows: the amount of heat released when an electric current passes through a conductor is equal to the product of the squared current, the resistance of this conductor and the time it takes for the current to pass through the conductor. Taking the current in amperes, the resistance in ohms, and the time in seconds, we get the amount of heat in joules. And given that the product of the current and resistance are the voltage, and the product of the voltage and current is the power, it turns out that the amount of heat released in this case is equal to the amount of electrical energy transferred to this conductor ...
How to choose lamps and fixtures for suspended ceilings
In the design of apartments, plasterboard constructions are used in order to create a beautiful interior in the rooms. False ceiling is one of the types of such solutions. There is another variety - stretch ceilings. This is an elastic fabric stretched at a distance from the main ceiling. And the appearance of the design can be absolutely anything, both monochrome and with colorful prints. But lighting still remains a necessity in every room. In this article we will talk about the choice of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings.
To begin with, stretch ceilings are a canvas stretched on a supporting structure at a small distance from the main floor. The canvas can be fabric or PVC. It should be noted that the PVC film does not withstand high temperatures. 80 degrees Celsius will already be critical.Therefore, in fact, the film normally transfers heat of 40-50 degrees. The fabric canvas is more resistant to temperature ...
What is the connection between the wire sections and the rabbit population?
In 1202, the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci published his work under the title “Book of Abacus” (“Book of Calculations”), in which he also described number series immortalized by his name. In one of the chapters, Fibonacci tries to mathematically show how the number of rabbits will increase. He considered the following hypotheses as conditions: for the first two months a pair of rabbits does not produce offspring, starting from the third month a pair of rabbits gives another pair of rabbits.
As a result of constructing a pattern of growth of the rabbit population, we obtain the following series of numbers, noting the increase in the number of rabbits every month: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ... 1 + 1 = 2; 1 + 2 = 3; 2 + 3 = 5; 3 + 5 = 8 ...If you carefully look at the bump, you will see that its surface consists of scales that are twisted in a spiral in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence. While in a pineapple or in a flower of a sunflower, they are visible to the naked eye ...
How to remove a wall outlet and disassemble it
Sockets are in every apartment, and they are used many times a day, they connect electrical appliances. Sometimes situations arise when you need to replace the outlet, transfer it, or simply remove it for the duration of repair and wallpapering. Although this is not difficult to do, safety precautions must be followed to avoid electric shock. In this article, we will look at how to remove a wall outlet and disassemble it.
To carefully dismantle the outlet, you need to know its device. It differs depending on the specific model and manufacturer, but, in general, the design is the same. Sockets are built-in and overhead. The built-in ones, as the name implies, are located inside the wall in the recess, and the invoices are fixed outside. Often overhead sockets are used if external wiring is laid or on thin walls, partitions, on furniture elements. The socket consists of four main parts.In the wall or in the socket, it is attached by the legs ...
The most popular electrical devices in electrical installations
All electrical devices used in production can be divided into 3 groups: control, monitoring and protection devices. The devices of the first group are divided into manual and remote control devices. The second group includes various sensors and relays that perform the functions of sensors. The devices of the third group protect electrical installations from various emergency operating modes (short circuits, current overloads, voltage increase and decrease, etc.).
The most common electrical devices in electrical installations are electromagnetic starters, electromagnetic relays, control buttons, circuit breakers and thermal relays. These are the most popular electrical appliances. A huge number of them are released all over the world. They are designed for remote control of various power loads, most often electric motors, but are also used to control other powerful consumers ...
What are the innovations in the market for electricity metering solutions?
Accounting for electric energy may open up new opportunities for improving the efficiency of the enterprise. At the same time, modern solutions in this matter, integrated with advanced software, can not only transmit accurate data for each unit of energy consumption, but even warn of possible equipment malfunctions, thereby predicting possible breakdowns and failure.
This and not only distinguishes modern electricity metering systems from traditional ones, which we will try to understand in this article.Typically, the electricity metering system is represented by meters that directly capture data on energy consumption, as well as data transmission elements and their further processing on the computer of the main power engineer. The disadvantage of such a system is that there are many counter manufacturers on the market ...
Thunderstorm and lightning: what you need to know about it
For an inexperienced layman who was fortunate enough to never be struck by lightning in his life, a thunderstorm appears to be just a flash of light and peals of thunder. In fact, lightning is a rather complex natural phenomenon.
At first, from the cloud, the “leader” rapidly falls as if to fall down to the ground. The leader is the starting part of the lightning discharge. Having walked about a hundred meters, the leader slows down to accumulate energy, gain a charge, then he moves further, turns away from space with air of greater resistance - where there is less resistance, passes the following stages, and in the end goes all the way, which can reach tens of kilometers . Moving ever closer to the earth, and already at a distance of several tens of meters from its surface, the leader causes an oncoming (induced) electric discharge of the opposite sign ...
The unusual story of a conventional circuit breaker
The circuit breaker is so familiar to us that it seems that there is nothing interesting in it. But before the switch acquired its modern look and settled in every home, in offices, schools, shopping centers and enterprises, it went through a long evolution.
The first line circuit breaker was invented by the American Charles Grafton Page. In 1838, he created a breaker - in fact, a mercury tank with a contact rod. As the current increased, an electromagnetic field appeared, causing the rod to rise from the mercury. The circuit opened, and when the magnetic field disappeared, all the elements returned to their places. Later prototypes of fuses appeared. Their device was patented by Thomas Edison in 1880: a fusible insert made of foil or wire was placed in a glass flask. Outwardly, the fuse resembled the usual light bulb, but with seeming primitiveness, it provided a network break ...
Wattmeters - types and application, connection diagram, features of use
Each consumer, powered by an electric network, consumes some power. Power characterizes in this case the speed of the electrical network performing the work necessary for the operation of a particular device or circuit, which is powered from this network. Of course, the network must be able to provide this power and not be overloaded at the same time, otherwise an accident can occur.
To measure power consumption in alternating current circuits, special devices are used - wattmeters. Wattmeters show the current power consumption, and some of them are even able to calculate the amount of energy in kilowatt hours consumed in a certain time while the consumer was working. In this article, we will consider several main types of power meters. Wattmeters are used in a variety of industries and households, especially in the electric power industry and in mechanical engineering ...