Minato's magnetic motor: is there a cornucopia of magnetic energy?
Using the Minato engine and similar structures as an example, the possibility of using magnetic field energy and the difficulties associated with its practical application are considered.
In our daily lives, we rarely notice the field form of the existence of matter. Unless, when we fall. Then the gravitational field becomes a painful reality for us. But there is one exception - the field of permanent magnets. Almost everyone in childhood played with them, panting to break two magnets. Or, with the same excitement, move the stubbornly opposing poles of the same name.
With age, interest in this occupation disappeared, or, conversely, became the subject of serious research. The idea of the practical use of the magnetic field appeared long before the theories of modern physics. And the main thing in this idea was the desire to use the “eternal” magnetization of materials to obtain useful work or “free” electrical energy ...
Wireless power transmission: a difficult history of becoming
Of the long list of fantastic technical ideas implemented today, only the dream of wireless transmission of electrical energy continues to remain unassailable. Detailed descriptions of energy rays in science fiction novels tease engineers with their obvious need, and at the same time the practical impossibility of implementation. But the situation is gradually changing for the better. From the very beginning of the discovery of electricity, there was a problem of its transmission to the final consumer.
The development of industrial production has led to a sharp increase in demand for electricity. Wires and poles of electric transmission lines have become an integral element of landscapes. But only specialists know how much money and effort is spent on maintaining these lines in working condition, and how much energy is lost in them. Fossil resources are gradually running out ...
Hearing about solar lamps (lamps powered by solar panels), many dismissively give up. Chinese products sold in the store with the proud name “lamp” are suitable only for the role of a firefly. However, they illustrate the modern capabilities of the semiconductor industry. A decade and a half ago, luminaires powered by solar modules were used only in astronautics or in special equipment. Such components were not available to the general consumer.
It is intuitively clear that self-powered luminaires can be used where it is impossible or disadvantageous to supply electrical energy. In such cases, use battery power. The battery life of a solar lamp is determined by the battery capacity and type of light source. But the battery requires regular recharging, so there is no need to talk about the complete autonomy of the lamp ...
Heat-shrinkable materials in electrical engineering
Heat-shrinkable materials are widely used in many industries and primarily in electrical engineering, due to a sufficiently high electrical resistance. In addition to electrical engineering, they are also used in many other industries. This is a new promising and easy to use material with very good performance properties. First of all, it is a high electrical resistance, resistance to low temperatures and aggressive environments: acids, alkalis and oil products.
The most well-known and common heat-shrinkable tubes, or as they are called heat shrink. The main property of the tubes is the ability to compress under the influence of high temperature.Moreover, compression occurs only in the transverse direction (the diameter of the tube decreases), but there is no noticeable increase in length. Such tube properties are obtained ...
Illuminated decorations of buildings and structures for the New Year holidays
Analysis of possible ways and devices of New Year's light decoration of buildings and structures, indicating approximate prices for materials and work.
Why is this needed? Currently, with high competition in the market of goods and services, the decoration of their facilities and retail space is becoming a must. Such actions carry not only aesthetic meaning, but lead to a competitive advantage, because competently designed trading equipment serves the purpose of further promoting your brand. You are one step ahead and the client flies like a butterfly on a light.
If you walk along the evening streets, then in 70% of cases this decoration consists of neon that is already boring to everyone, halogen lights and illuminated windows or signboards outside or inside. Someone will say that this is a classic, and it will always be popular. Yes it is, but any new products in 10 years will also become classics, and the novelty element adds the necessary “zest” to any standard solution ...
How network filters are arranged and work
Network interference as they arise. Network filter device, the purpose of its elements. Features of network filters.
Alternating current in a household network is sinusoidal. This means that changes in voltage, and, consequently, in current, occur along a sinusoid, that is, along a smooth arc oscillating symmetrically around the time axis. In one second, the voltage in the outlet changes its value from +310 to -310 volts fifty times. So, in theory, an AC network of 220 volts 50 hertz works.
However, if we look at the voltage waveform in our outlet, we will see that it is far from ideal. What is there a sinusoid !? Continuous peaks, impulses, shape distortions, amplitude changes, throws and jumps - this is what we will see. All this very spoils the picture and is able to disable household appliances ...
Mobile electronics every year, if not a month, is becoming more accessible and widespread. Here you have laptops, and PDAs, and digital cameras, and mobile phones, and a ton of all sorts of useful and not so devices. And all these devices are constantly acquiring new features, more powerful processors, large color screens, wireless communications.
Conventional rechargeable batteries and batteries are clearly not enough to power the latest achievements of the electronic industry for any substantial amount of time. And without reliable and capacious batteries, the whole meaning of mobility and wirelessness is lost. So the computer industry is working more and more actively on the problem of alternative power sources. And the most promising, by far, direction here are fuel cells. The basic principle of fuel cell operation has been discovered ...
What is a welding inverter and how does it work
Professional welders, and just those who like to do something at home with welding, have recently been able to significantly ease their work. Welding inverters appeared on sale, which make it possible to make a quantum leap in electric welding. It is enough to recall just the heavy lifting transformers and rectifiers produced earlier. All other things being equal, the weight of the welding inverter is an order of magnitude less than that of any other welding machine, and this significantly increases the productivity of welding. Welding inverters are the most advanced welding machines, which currently almost completely overshadow the classic welding transformers, rectifiers and generators.
Alternating current from a consumer network, with a frequency of 50 Hz, arrives on the rectifier. The rectified current is smoothed by the filter, then the resulting direct current ...