Induction soldering stations are contact type stations. The principle of operation of an induction soldering iron was described in the article "Electric soldering irons: types and designs." In short, the principle of operation of an induction soldering iron is as follows.
The soldering rod has a ferromagnetic coating, an induction coil is wound around the rod. High-frequency rectangular oscillations (470 KHz) are fed into the coil, which create eddy currents, Foucault currents in the ferromagnetic coating. Due to losses in the ferromagnet, it is heated, which continues until the temperature reaches the Curie point, at which the magnetic properties of the ferromagnet disappear, and heating ceases. The method itself is called Smart Heat, which can be translated as “smart heat”. The inventor of this method is american company...
Peltier effect: the magic effect of electric current
The beginning of the 19th century. The Golden Age of Physics and Electrical Engineering. In 1834, the French watchmaker Jean-Charles Peltier placed a drop of water between the bismuth and antimony electrodes, and then passed an electric current through the circuit. To his amazement, he saw that the drop had suddenly frozen.
The thermal effect of electric current on the conductors was known, but the opposite effect was akin to magic. You can understand the feelings of Peltier: this phenomenon at the junction of two different areas of physics - thermodynamics and electricity, causes a feeling of miracle today.
The cooling problem was not as acute as it is today. Therefore, the Peltier effect was addressed only after almost two centuries, when electronic devices appeared, for the operation of which miniature cooling systems were required. The advantage of Peltier cooling elements is their small dimensions ...
Developments that will allow abandoning traditional energy in favor of alternative
There is a lot of talk about the need to obtain electricity from renewable sources. They are environmentally friendly and unlimited in use.
What prevents alternative energy sources from completely replacing traditional minerals today? This is hindered by a number of economic, technical and political reasons. This article discusses the technical reasons and developments that will help to overcome them.
Alternative energy is most widely represented by solar and wind power plants. They give the world a large part of clean electricity. There is a common problem for all renewable electric energy sources. It is associated with the need not only to generate electricity, but also to store it. After all, the sun does not shine at night and it is not always windy ...
Piezogenerators are new sources of electricity. Fantasy or reality?
A thin piezoelectric film on a window pane that absorbs street noise and converts it into energy to charge the phone. Pedestrians on the sidewalks, metro escalators that charge autonomous lighting batteries through piezo transducers. Dense streams of cars on busy roads, generating megawatts of electricity, which is enough for entire cities and towns.
Fantasy? Unfortunately, for now, yes, and this may remain. There is a high probability that the hype around the sensational reports about the wonderful prospects of energy generators on piezoelectric elements will soon end. And we will again dream of a safe, renewable and, to be honest, cheap electric energy received with the involvement of other phenomena. After all, the list of physical effects is remarkably long. The phenomenon of piezoelectricity was discovered ...
Solar panels, although environmentally friendly, are also very expensive. Scientists have found an alternative to them - polymer solar panels. What it is is described in the article.
A person who is at least a little interested in solar energy, perfectly imagines what a solar battery is - a combination of a large number of photocells mounted on any surface.
A solar cell is a semiconductor device that converts the energy of the sun into electric current. Solar cells of "traditional" solar cells are made of silicon. The manufacturing process for such batteries is complex and very expensive. Despite the fact that silicon is a very common element and that the earth’s crust contains about 20% silicon, the transformation process source sand in high purity silicon is very complex and expensive...
Without energy, human life is unthinkable. We are all used to using fossil fuels as energy sources - coal, gas, oil. However, their reserves in nature are known to be limited. And sooner or later the day will come when they will run out. To the question "what to do in anticipation of the energy crisis?" the answer has long been found: we must look for other sources of energy - alternative, non-traditional, renewable. What are currently the main alternative sources of energy?
Solar energy. All kinds of solar systems use solar radiation as an alternative source of energy. Radiation from the Sun can be used both for the needs of heat supply and for generating electricity (using photovoltaic cells). The advantages of solar energy include the renewability of this energy source ...
Graphene Electronics - 21st Century Miracle
The article describes the prospects for the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes in microelectronics.
Listening to the thoughtful arguments of government officials about the need to develop nanotechnology, one involuntarily marvels at the inconsistency of their actions: funds incomparable with the budget of science are allocated for defense. Moreover, now the money invested in scientific research will allow not only to radically change people's lives, but also come close to solving the problem of human immortality.
Speaking of nanotechnology, the first thing that comes to mind is the discovery of graphene and carbon nanotubes. It is with them that scientists associate a breakthrough in the field of electronics and pharmacology in the 21st century. The creation of quantum computers, signal reading systems at the cellular level, nanorobots for treating the body - this is just a small list of opportunities that open up. Now these opportunities have moved from the realm of fantasy to the field of laboratory development ...
In the electrotechnical literature, in the descriptions of the material of the conductive conductors of electric wires and cables, you can find the phrase: alumina conductor. What kind of material is aluminum-copper?
The information offered on the Internet on this issue is very scarce. But even in the electrotechnical GOSTs of the eighties (during the former USSR), along with copper and aluminum, another conductive material was necessarily present - aluminum-copper. This suggests that in pre-perestroika Russia, aluminum-copper was considered a promising technical find.
Indeed, aluminum-copper has some advantages that make this material attractive for use in everyday life and industry. But first, a brief look at some of the user-defined features ...