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Nanogenerators - universal energy generators


Nanogenerators - universal energy generatorsNanogenrators begin a new era in the life of mankind and can generate electricity from any kind of micro-oscillations. It is enough to squeeze the nanogenerator in the fingers and an electric current will begin to be generated.

Back in 2011 was developed nanogenerator, transforming into electrical energy an oscillation in the human body. Something similar was created before, but the model turned out to be more powerful than its competitors 1,000 times. Scientists decided to introduce the generator on the market. In the same year, five nano-generators, having a size of a quarter of a mailing label, began to generate a current of one microamp, having a voltage of 3 V, which is equal to the voltage created by two AA batteries. The new generator began to fuel the liquid crystal screens of calculators, and even transmit wireless signals.

It is argued that the new device is quite the slightest vibration to generate an electric current that allows you to maintain the operability of mobile devices. The mobile phone will be charged from human walking, from a heartbeat and from a faint breeze. Charging can be made from the noise of a passing car, and even from loud conversations.

Modern nanogenerators turn any movement (various movements, fluid vibrations and biological vibration) into a source of energy. Researchers have managed to combine a nanogenerator and a solar battery (cell), thereby creating an apparatus capable of using mechanical and solar energy. Such a hybrid generator is the first in its field.



Nanogenerators typically use a piezoelectric nanowire. This hair-like structure, consisting of zinc oxides, generates electrical potentials, with mechanical effects on it, and creates a little energy. The first such device was manufactured under the guidance of Professor Zhong Li Wang.

Compared to the solar battery, the nanogenerator is still losing and not efficient enough, but solar energy cannot always be generated.

This was the reason for the appearance of the hybrid nanogenerator. The new generator has several layers. In the upper layer there is a place for a thin solar battery, then a place for a silicon base, and in the lower layer there is a place for a nanogenerator. Special polymers bind and cover it all. The silicon base for the solar cell and nanogenerator is the anode of the battery and the cathode of the generator.

It is possible to create a nano-generator and a large solar cell and use them separately, but the hybrid generator is more efficient and takes up less area. Experienced devices today can produce 0.6V from solar energy and 10mV from a piezoelectric element. The increase in power and efficiency of these hybrid generators is expected.

Scientists all over the world believe that the future of energy lies with nanogenerators.

See also: Other alternative energy sources

An example of the use of hybrid nano-generators is sports bras that produce electricity during the movement of an athlete’s chest:

Hybrid Nano-Generator Example - Sports Bra

See also at

  • Nanogenerators for charging portable devices
  • 5 unusual ways to produce electrical energy
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    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    A wonderful invention - tablets, for example, have the property of being very inappropriately discharged, it would be convenient to charge the gadget with the beat of its own heart.