Why is the warning lamp dangerous and why is it prohibited by the rules
While the light is on, and all home electrical appliances are working, everything is fine, but as soon as the machine is knocked out, you have to find and fix the malfunction. Well, if the owner of the home is an experienced electrician, then he probably has a phase indicator in the shape of a screwdriver in his home tool, or certainly a multimeter. But what if there is neither one nor the other in the household? Is there any other way to safely detect a malfunction in an electrical circuit?
As a rule, in such cases, some home craftsmen resort to the help of the so-called warning lamp, which, incidentally, is very unsafe and generally prohibited by safety regulations. For this reason, a phase indicator is still better to have on the farm. But why is the warning lamp prohibited? Let's try to understand this in detail. Incandescent lamps, which are usually used as a control lamphave a bad habit of failing at the most unexpected moment ...
How to compress a twisted pair
Sometimes many of us have to deal with the problem of a breakdown or accidental breakage of the connector from the Internet cable. As such a cable, a twisted pair cable is used today, consisting, as a rule, of four pairs of twisted copper conductors having an individual color marking of insulation.
A twisted pair cable is traditionally used to transfer signals between a router or modem and a computer, or simply between computers, since it is ideal for this, and to a sufficient extent allows you to prevent interference from various external sources to the transmitted signal. Let’s talk about how to squeeze a couple correctly, how to properly attach a new connector to it. Violation of the health of the connector is a frequent phenomenon. We transfer modems and routers, make a rearrangement in the apartment, rearrange the computer, accidentally touch the loose cable with our foot ...
Five free programs that make life easier for the designer
Each designer secretly dreams that robots quickly, accurately and accurately make drawings, and a person receives a fabulous salary for this. Such automation is still a long way off, but it’s quite possible to alleviate your work by reducing the time spent on preparing projects and related documentation. Four useful programs and one smartphone app to help!
The SmartLine 1.9 plugin is an AutoCad palette with sample projects. The engineer drags the necessary supports to the drawing, or they are placed automatically along the line route. Additionally, the program calculates intersections with engineering structures, creates statements of supports, trenches and works, as well as cable logs. Documentation can be exported to Excel and Writer, which facilitates the work of not only the designer, but also the estimator.The composition of all nodes is based on a ready-made database of drawings and typical solutions of the most popular fittings for SIP...
In what cases is a conventional air conditioner better than an inverter
Normal air conditioning or inverter? Which one to choose? It all depends on your needs. Although these units resemble each other in appearance, and their control panels are similar, however, there are significant functional differences.
It is these differences that make the inverter unit as a whole more productive, economical, and at the same time more expensive. But this does not mean at all that a conventional (non-inverter) air conditioner is in demand only because of its cheapness. On the contrary, each type of air conditioner has its own, most appropriate and suitable application. The inverter air conditioner is designed for continuous operation, while a conventional air conditioner is designed for cyclical operation.What does it mean for cyclic? This means that a regular air conditioner, when turned on, immediately starts to give out full power until the room temperature set by the settings is reached ...
How to make an electromagnet at home
Electromagnets and solenoids are often used to move some kind of mechanisms, and in factories for lifting loads. The design of this device is easy to repeat and in essence is nothing but a core and a coil of conductor. In this article, we will answer the question of how to make an electromagnet with our own hands?
Recall the course of school physics, namely that when an electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field arises. If the conductor is rolled into a coil, the lines of magnetic induction of all the turns are formed, and the resulting magnetic field will be stronger than for a single conductor. The magnetic field generated by an electric current, in principle, has no significant differences compared with a magnetic one. The traction force of an electromagnet depends on magnetic induction.It follows that the force with which a magnet attracts something depends on the current strength, the number of turns and the magnetic permeability of the medium ...
How to measure battery capacity and convert farads to amp hours
The charge Q, as the amount of electricity, is measured in coulomb (C), the electric capacity of the capacitors C is in farads, microfarads (microfarads), but the battery capacity is measured for some reason not in farads, but in ampere-hours (milliampere-hours). What would that mean? One ampere is a pendant in one second, we know from the course of physics that if an electric charge equal to 1 pendant passes through a conductor in 1 second, then a current of 1 ampere flows through the conductor.
And then what is ampere hour? An ampere-hour (Ah) is considered to be the battery capacity at which, according to a given current of 1 ampere, the battery is discharged 1 hour before the minimum allowable voltage. For example, for a lithium-ion battery of size 18650, with a capacity of 3400 mAh, this means that the battery at a current of 340 mA can give its charge in 10 hours, and a car battery with a capacity of 55 Ah is discharged from about 12.8 to 10.8 voltsin 2 hours at a discharge current of 27.5 A ...
LED is a rather gentle semiconductor device. If the current through its P-N junction becomes critically larger than the nominal, then overheating will begin and thermal destruction of the crystal will not take long. Therefore, before checking the LED for serviceability, be prepared to be very careful not to accidentally spoil the workpiece.
Small round LEDs are designed for an operating voltage in the range of 2 to 4 volts, namely: red, yellow and green - up to 2.2 volts, and white and blue - up to 3.6 volts. The operating rated current of a small round LED usually does not exceed 10 - 20 milliamps, keep this in mind. So, to check the LED, you first need to decide what you will use to check. If there is no multimeter at handthen the first thing you can take a power source with a known voltage in the range from 5 to 12 volts, but do not rush to connect ...
Export from Sprint-Layout - to Gerber format for ordering board production
In recent years, many have ordered the manufacture of printed circuit boards in China. And this is not at all surprising, because on Aliexpress alone there are a huge number of enterprises offering for an affordable price to manufacture printed circuit boards in any quantity, and even with free international delivery.
But there is one feature in this process: all PCB manufacturers require sending project files exclusively in Gerber format to them. The reason for this provision is that Gerber is a very convenient file format for modern equipment,which is a way of textual description of all the smallest elements of the design of the printed circuit board in the form of easily reproducible commands. However, not everyone who is interested in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and is engaged in the development of electronics only at an amateur level ...