LED home lights: is it worth using?
Theoretical calculations and practical comparisons of various light sources, the use of LED lamps.
The issue of energy saving is still one of the first places in the family budget. One of the areas of economy is the economy of lighting. And here some progress has been outlined.
The news is associated with lower prices for LED lamps. Now these devices can be bought at a price of less than 300 rubles apiece, i.e. they came close in price to energy-saving fluorescent lamps that became popular among the people.
Compare different light sources. In order to understand what LED lamps can and cannot do, you need to compare how much light different types of lamps give out per watt of energy consumed, i.e. light output. The starting point for us will be an incandescent lamp, as the most famous standard ...
Can the use of energy-saving lamps cause an environmental disaster?
It is no secret that for a long time every house has energy-saving lamps, which are undoubtedly more economical than conventional incandescent lamps. With all the advantages of energy-saving lamps, they also have a significant drawback - these lamps contain mercury. Vapors of this heavy metal can cause serious poisoning.
The problem of recycling and recycling energy-saving lamps unsuitable for use is being actively addressed. There are regulations that clearly regulate the fact that all available energy-saving lamps must be recycled.
Such attention to this type of waste is due to the mercury content sufficient for poisoning (2 - 7 grams), especially indoors. Imagine if you have a lot of such lamps in your home or in a landfill ...
Ten Frequently Asked Questions About Energy Saving Lamps
Question: In which case is it economically viable to use energy-saving lamps?
The average life of an incandescent lamp is 1000 hours, and that of an energy-saving lamp (depending on type and manufacturer) is 10,000 hours, and it is five times more economical.
Energy-saving light bulbs are the smart choice for luminaires that work for at least three hours a day. In this case, by reducing the cost of electricity, an energy-saving lamp will pay off in about 3 years. And since all types of energy-saving bulbs live longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, then after the bulb pays off, you begin to "earn" money to save electricity.
Question: How are compact fluorescent lamps arranged and what are their advantages over incandescent lamps? ...
How are compact fluorescent lamps
The first fluorescent lamps were created in the USA in the 30s of the last century. Their active implementation began in the 50s and 60s. Currently, fluorescent lamps in their distribution occupy the second place in the world after incandescent lamps.
One of the main disadvantages of conventional linear fluorescent lamps is their size. Manufacturers of fluorescent lamps have always sought to reduce their size. And only in the 80s after the creation of new high-quality phosphors it was possible to reduce the diameter of the lamp tube to 12 mm and bent it many times to get a lamp with a compact design. Over time, lamp manufacturers managed to reduce their size and weight so much that they became able to replace incandescent lamps almost everywhere. So a compact fluorescent lamp was born ...
Induction lamp as an alternative to LED
The advantages of an induction lamp compared to LED.
Currently, the topic of LED lighting has become very popular.However, many of the advantages attributed to them are not justified in practice. For example, due to the degradation of crystals, illumination sharply decreases already during one year of operation and there can be no talk of the specified operating time of 60,000 hours.
The question of the payback of LED lamps is very controversial. Meanwhile, there are light sources that currently have better technical characteristics than LEDs and are about three times cheaper than them. These are commercially available induction lamps. Induction lamps are a modernized fluorescent lamp. Its main difference from other lamps ...
The second life of an energy-saving lamp
The article provides simple tips for extending the life of energy-saving lamps and restoring burned out ones.
Energy-saving lamps are increasingly entering our lives. They really save energy, but they do not always justify the money spent on their purchase. This is due to premature lamp failure. Do not rush to part with her - often by simple manipulations it is possible to extend her life.
An energy-saving lamp consists of two parts: a luminous bulb and an electronic ignition circuit hidden inside the case. The secret is that it is extremely rare for both components to fail at the same time. As a result, it is often possible to assemble one working lamp from two faulty lamps ...
Fiberoptics - a wonder of the world in your garden
The use of fiberoptics, or more simply, fiber optics, to illuminate personal plots, is becoming increasingly popular today. Despite the high cost of this type of lighting fixtures, more and more people opt for them. And there are objective reasons for this.
Firstly, an optical fiber is absolutely fireproof, since it is not a light source, but a light-conducting medium. Secondly, the capabilities of light filters, which easily allow you to change the color of light, create a simply amazing effect. Thirdly, the fiber optic cable is completely sealed, which gives truly unlimited possibilities when choosing its location. Fourth, this type of cable is flexible and very heat resistant ...
The real advantages and disadvantages of LED lamps, identified experimentally
LED lamp operating experience
We are living in an era of unbridled and unscrupulous growth in electric tariffs, and while Chubais’s thinking will dominate the economy, the situation will not change.
For example, we can recall that over 10 years, electricity tariffs have increased 20 times. Apparently, this is not the limit. The only way to counter, with the exception of theft, is to save energy.
Just a couple of years ago, everyone was hearing “energy-saving” lamps; conventional luminescent, only with an electronic starting and adjustment device and with the common base E14 and E27 ...