The wonders of electricity: AC and DC in the beauty industry
Did Andre Marie Ampere, James Maxwell and Michael Faraday suggest that their discoveries would be used in the beauty industry in three hundred years? So, let's see what science offers us in this direction.
High-voltage galvanotherapy is used in non-surgical practice of rejuvenation. This technique uses direct current pulses.
Negatively charged interstitial fluid and plasma proteins are attracted to positively charged electrodes applied to the skin. This stimulates blood circulation, which reduces swelling on the face. The procedure is safe, but unpleasant to the senses. In addition, it has contraindications, which are important to remember ...
Single-wire power transmission
History, experiment and practice of introducing the transfer of electrical energy through a single wire of minimum cross-section without loss.
An experiment conducted by the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla back in 1892, still haunts domestic scientists. The motivation is completely understandable. If you can use only one and very thin conductor instead of two, then this is a huge savings in copper and aluminum. If we take into account that in our country, only last year, the cost of copper wires doubled - a monument of copper was erected to successful inventors during their lifetime.
Successful experiments in Russia were carried out in 1990, then the engineer Stanislav Avramenko managed to transfer electric power through a single-wire line about 3 meters long, sufficient to operate a 1.3 kW load ...
Homemade device for producing living and dead water
The article gives a brief description of the properties and methods of using activated water. The description of the device of two devices for its preparation is given.
Activated water is obtained by electrolysis of ordinary tap water. From the point of view of chemistry, living water has alkaline properties that have a healing effect, and dead water has acidic properties, so it has disinfecting properties. Passing through ordinary water, an electric current changes its internal structure and contributes to the erasure of harmful environmental information.
After treatment with electricity, water is divided into two fractions that have healing properties. In the treatment of the disease, live and dead water are taken in various combinations ...
Lee de Forest and the first steps of electronics
What nation would not like to call one of its sons the inventor of radio and to rank the priority of the great discovery behind their homeland? That is why disputes among the historians of science have not ceased for a century.
The most convincing arguments and opinions are presented, in which there are not so many names: Maxwell (England), Hertz (Germany), Branly (France), Popov (Russia), Marconi (Italy).
But even among them, an American engineer Lee de Forest It seems that the figure, at first glance, is not quite suitable for the role of the founder of the radio. But why, in the homeland of a scientist engineer, in the USA, is his name pronounced in combination with the words “father of radio” and even “grandfather of television”? Indeed, there must be good reason for this. And they are ...
How does resistance change when heating metals
The school physics course describes how the resistance of conductors changes when heated - it increases.
The coefficient of relative increase in resistivity during heating for most metals is close to 1/273 = 0.0036 1 / ° С (differences are in the range of 0.0030 - 0.0044). And how does the resistance of a metal change during its melting?
Figure 1 shows a graph of the change in the resistivity of copper during heating. As can be seen, at a melting temperature, a jump in resistance of 2.07 times is observed.
Thus, from the normal temperature (20 ° С) to the melting temperature, the specific resistance of copper increases by 5.3 times (coefficient K1), while melting it increases by 2.07 times (coefficient K2), and only 10.82 times. ..
How does electromagnetic radiation of electrical appliances affect a person?
Everyone knows that many appliances have a negative effect on health. This is especially true for devices with a wave principle of operation.
We all know that in addition to the visible benefits, many electrical appliances can imperceptibly harm human health. This primarily relates to devices based on the operation of electromagnetic waves.
One of such devices is a microwave oven, which is a source of medium-frequency waves. The permissible radiation level of the furnace is 10 μW / cm2.
Usually at a distance of half a meter for all products this level corresponds. But it can increase due to improper transportation or factory defects. Waves can pass, for example, through the gap between the door of the stove ...
Interesting facts about transformers
Each technical device has two birthdays: the discovery of the principle of operation and its implementation. The idea of a transformer after seven years of hard work on the “transformation of magnetism into electricity” was given by Michael Faraday.
On August 29, 1831, Faraday described in his diary an experiment that later went into all physics textbooks. On an iron ring with a diameter of 15 cm and a thickness of 2 cm, the experimenter wound separately two wires with a length of 15 m and 18 m. When a current flowed along one of the windings, the arrows of the galvanometer on the terminals of the other deviated!
The scientist called the simple device an "induction coil." When the battery was turned on, the current (of course, constant) gradually increased in the primary winding. A magnetic flux was induced in the iron ring, the magnitude of which also varied. A voltage appeared in the secondary winding. As soon as the magnetic flux reached its limit value, the "secondary" current disappeared ...
Boolean algebra. Part 1. A bit of history
At school, we all studied algebra, only they did not talk about Boolean algebra. What is the difference between Boolean algebra and school algebra, the history of its appearance, problems and applications are described in this article.
What is Boolean algebra? Oddly enough, despite the fact that for five years they have been studying algebra at school, many students, and later adults, will not be able to answer the question, what is algebra? Algebra is a science that studies the sets of some elements and the actions on them.
In a school course in algebra, such elements are numbers. Numbers can be denoted not by numbers, but by letters, everyone is familiar with this. In the first lessons of algebra, this always makes it difficult for many students. Remember how difficult it was at first to get used to folding letters instead of numbers, solving equations that didn't say anything.
Probably, each of us then asked ourselves the question: “Why do we need to enter letters instead of numbers and is it necessary at all?” ...