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How to conduct electricity to the site
Let's face it - a universal answer to this question simply does not exist. Each case must be considered individually. The thing, first of all, is that each energy supplying organization offers its services at separate tariffs and offers technical conditions for connection, based on the characteristics of its network.
Thus, the simplest option is the case when your site is located in the city with a finished power line on the street. If at the same time the distance to the power transmission line in a straight line does not exceed 25 meters, then the issue is solved very simply - you do not even need to install additional support. In accordance with the specifications, only a simple branch made SIP wire using special fittings.
In other cases, you can refer to the document, which is known as the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on Improving the Order of Technological Consumers for Electric Networks”. This document was released on April 21, 2009, and in accordance with it, the network organization does not have the right to charge more than 550 rubles from the subscriber for the connection under the following conditions:
1. The estimated power consumption on the site does not exceed 15 kW;
2. The direct distance to the nearest energy facilities with the corresponding voltage class is not more than 300 meters if the site is located within the city, and not more than 500 meters if the site is outside the city.
At the same time, the electric grid organization is obliged to conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity to each subscriber consuming no more than the mentioned 15 kW, regardless of the availability of technical connectivity. This is evidenced by the rules mentioned in another decree of the Government - No. 861 of December 27, 2007. The time for consideration of the application is limited to six months from the day the subscriber submits an application for connection.
550 rubles can become a stumbling block, and the electric grid company can do everything possible so as not to engage in connection for such a nominal fee. On the part of this organization, the use of simple ignorance of a potential subscriber, as well as the deliberate overstatement of the real distance in a straight line to the nearest power supply facilities, can be observed in the order of things. Often, a separate connection fee is charged as such, for the development of technical specifications and the project and for the necessary approvals. But it should be remembered that, subject to the necessary conditions, the cost of all these services together should not exceed 550 rubles.
The connection procedure is as follows:
1. It is necessary to write a letter of application to the electric grid company. The application for connection must be accompanied by documents of title, a copy of the passport of the owner of the site, a plan of the site with the indicated location of the power receiving devices, as well as a list of the devices themselves. Energy receivers include shields and circuit breakers, and usually there are no more than one on newly connected sites.
2. It takes about a month to consider the application, during which the future subscriber must be given the technical conditions for connection and the draft contract. In the conditions of the connection agreement, the same 550 rubles should be mentioned, as well as the subscriber’s obligations to install the meter. Of course, if the distance from the site to the electric facilities exceeds the norm for a city line and rural areas, then the fee may exceed 550 rubles. And if the declared power exceeds 15 kW, then the grid company has the right to underestimate this number, or refuse to connect.
3. The signed contract is returned to the electric grid company, which is required to make the connection within the standard period. After connection, the subscriber pays the amount specified in the contract, and receives the technical act on the implementation of the connection and acts on the delineation of balance sheet ownership and responsibility between the subscriber and the power grid company.
If the amount proposed in the contract for payment does not suit the subscriber, but does not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation, then the subscriber always has the right to make a connection on his own using the proposed technical conditions. Theoretically, such a situation may arise when the distance to the power supply facilities exceeds the standard. Then the subscriber can hire a third-party organization that will perform the necessary branch (traditionally an overhead power line).
However, in the latter case, one still cannot do without the participation of the power grid organization: their specialists must provide acts of delineation of responsibility and balance sheet ownership, as well as make seals of the meter for electricity consumption.
Alexander Molokov
Electricity out of town. Legal advice:
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