Lighting Automation Using X10 Technology
X10 is a widely used standard in home automation.
X10 defines the method and protocol for transmitting control command signals (“turn on”, “turn off”, “brighter”, “darker”, etc.) by power wiring to electronic modules to which controlled household and lighting devices are connected.
In total, up to 256 groups of devices with different addresses can be connected to the X10 network.
From the point of view of the logic of X10 network organization, all devices can be divided into two large groups: controllers and executive modules.
The controllers are responsible for the generation of X10 commands and, in addition to manual push-button control, can have a built-in timer or a specialized input device for external exposure (light sensor, infrared photo detector from a remote control, etc.) ...
The design of a simple timer that allows you to turn on and off the load, at predetermined time intervals. The operating time and pause time are independent of each other.
The use of timers in everyday life has now become quite common. Therefore, such a device can simply be bought at an electrical goods store. Most often, these are multichannel timers that allow you to program switching on / off at a certain time of the day, and even taking into account the day of the week.
But sometimes a timer is required that works simply according to the “work - pause” algorithm. You can turn it on simply by hand, but the operating time and pauses can be adjusted independently of each other. One of the examples when such a time relay may be needed is the “Chizhevsky chandelier” ...
Motion sensor - a small helper for great savings
Description of the purpose, principle of operation of infrared motion sensors. How to choose a motion sensor to fit your needs.
Today, the issues of applying energy-saving technologies in everyday life are becoming increasingly relevant. The cost of electricity consumed can be significantly reduced by using motion sensors in everyday life (“PIR” - from English - “passive infrared” - “passive infrared”).
Infrared motion sensors designed to close the power circuit in the event of the appearance (movement) of a person (car, etc.) in a controlled area. Depending on the version, the sensors can be used both indoors and outdoors. Household motion sensors use in their work the principle of constant monitoring of infrared radiation in the tracking zone. When an object appears, of sufficient mass and with a temperature exceeding the surrounding by five degrees Celsius, the overall picture of the thermal field changes ...
Data transmission over 220 / 380V network
A brief overview of equipment technologies and prices of data transmission devices over 220/380 V. networks
Due to the rapid development of home automation and the cost of laying additional communication lines, data transmission between various devices on existing 220-380V lines is of great interest. "From the outlet to the outlet."
The control and controlled device or devices are connected by standard network wires to a home electrical outlet and receive power and control signals from it.
Thus, local networks between computers, security and fire alarm networks, Smart Home systems and the like can be built. The complexity of organizing such networks lies in the fact that this was not originally envisaged, there are no uniform standards, the networks are very noisy, and their parameters change greatly when the load changes.
How to connect the motion sensor to control the light
The first association that comes to mind with the phrase “smart home” is the automatic inclusion of light in a room when a person appears there and the automatic lighting off when people leave this room. In this article I will give detailed instructions on how to create such an automatic inclusion of light with your own hands, making your home a little smarter.
To implement this idea, the LX-01 motion sensor was taken. The principle of its action is simple - when there is movement in the detection zone, it closes the circuit, thereby including devices connected to it. In the absence of movement, the circuit automatically opens, turning off all devices.
The motion sensor also has the ability to configure, there are three of them - the time interval for switching off, the level of illumination and sensitivity. The time interval for shutdown sets the time during which the sensor will work since the last motion detection. Values are set between 5 seconds and approximately 2 minutes ...