Progress does not stand still, and LED lamps are rapidly appearing on store shelves, gradually displacing not only incandescent lamps, but also compact fluorescent lamps, so beloved by many of those who are used to scrupulously approach energy conservation.
However, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) require special measures for their disposal, so that not everything went smoothly with them. The LED lamp, in turn, is environmentally completely safe. Let's dwell in more detail on how to choose the right LED lamp, if necessary.
First of all, you should understand for yourself that it is not worth chasing cheapness when choosing an LED lamp, because a high-quality LED lamp can work for 50,000 hours. If you translate this into days, say 9 hours a day, you get more than 15 years ...
Options for reactive energy compensation in the home using the Saving Box
Intrusive advertising on the Internet and even on state television channels through a television store persistently offers the public a device for saving energy in the form of "new products" of the electronic industry. Pensioners receive a discount of 50% of the total cost.
“Saving Box” is the name of one of the offered devices. They have already been written about in the article "Instruments for saving energy: myth or reality?". The time has come to continue the topic with the example of a specific model, explaining in more detail: what is reactance, how is active and reactive power created, how is reactive power compensation carried out, on the basis of which reactive power compensators and a device for saving energy are working. People who buy such a device will receive a package with a beautiful box in the mail. Inside is an elegant plastic case ...
How to save electricity in an apartment and a private house
The People's Encyclopedia Wikipedia reveals the term “Saving” as a prudent, careful use of any resources. Applying it to electricity, it should be clarified that it is possible to reduce electricity charges: by putting things in order when using numerous electrical appliances without spending material resources, using new technologies that require initial financial investments, simply stealing electricity.
The method of theft involved people who have lost their conscience. They have developed many deceptive technologies. But this is not our topic at all, so we will consider in more detail the first two methods. In life, there are times when good intentions are not always justified, and the transition to energy-saving technologies is often accompanied by monetary costs. Recommendations for saving electricity in everyday life are well known, but not all people see the main sources of loss ...
How to save on office lighting
It seems that there is no such office where Armstrong-type false ceilings are not used. So tightly they entered our life. As there can be no such organization, from a kindergarten to a business center, where 60 x 60 cm ceiling lights with four fluorescent lamps, which are built into a suspended ceiling or laid on, would not be used for lighting.
Such lamps have become such a familiar attribute of the modern average standard design that others are now difficult to imagine. The power of the lamps of such lamps: 4 x 18 W or 4 x 36 W. The cost reaches 5600 rubles. For the nineties, when incandescent lamps were widely used, the new fluorescent lamps were a real breakthrough not only in design, but also in energy saving. However, technological progress did not stand still, and now LED lighting has become an alternative fluorescent tubes...
The most economical electric home heating
It is better to prepare a sled in the summer, as well as a heating system at home or in a summer house. It is not worth putting off “for later” the solution to this vitally important issue. After all, autumn cold can come suddenly, and it is important that the weather does not take you by surprise.
Homeowners who have gas connected to the house but who have no problems with heating and hot water can close this article and go about their business. This article is for people who want to make the most economical electric heating in the house, but the power allocated to their house (the limit of allowed power) is not enough to connect several heating appliances and other household appliances.
And the purchase of additional electric power from power engineers is not possible due to the unjustifiably high cost or physical absence of excess power due to old transformer substations. What electric heating system is the most ...
Multi-tariff accounting: where are the problems “buried”?
The article discusses the reasons for the weak interest of enterprises and the population in the transition to multi-tariff, time-differentiated metering of electricity.
We rarely think that electricity is the most perishable product known to mankind today. If it is not used immediately, then in a moment it disappears, and with it the uselessly burned gas, coal, heat of TVELs at nuclear power plants. Therefore, a balanced energy consumption is the main task and a headache for energy.
It is possible to compensate for seasonal variations in energy consumption by power plants. But to smooth the diurnal fluctuations - such a task for generating stations is practically impossible. This problem must be solved by consumers: enterprises and the population. To this end, in the CIS countries for many years trying to introduce electricity metering at tariffs ...
New appliance and new principle of energy saving
The issue of saving electricity and money to pay for it is becoming increasingly acute, especially with the introduction of social norms for electricity consumption. Therefore, citizens, homeowners and business leaders have to look for reserves to reduce electricity consumption.
However, it is impossible to completely abandon the use of energy-intensive electrical appliances - the traffic of which creates the bulk of the electricity bill. Therefore, you have to compromise in order to spend less energy (money) and maintain an acceptable level of comfort. However, one cannot deceive physics, and they have not yet learned how to get the energy of their air. And, therefore, the law of conservation of energy must be strictly observed. This means that if energy has increased in one place, then in some other place it has decreased by the same value. More recently, we talked about a new energy-saving device. ...
Modern Alchemy: Magnetization of Natural Gas
Imagine: they offer you a fairly simple equipment that quickly mounts and processes a gas pipe with a magnetic field. As a result, when burning, you get savings from 25 to 40% of gas. After reading such information, the leaders and energy companies of natural gas-consuming enterprises will lay their hearts for such equipment. The cost of this energy is now not small and continues to grow.
As always in such cases, information on the physicochemical processes is scarce and contradictory. There is a link to the patent of Ukraine, an illiterate description of the processes occurring in the gas, and a standard clause on the know-how of the manufacturer. The price of CIS patents is known nowadays: you can patent anything, just pay for registration and support of the patent. The gag in the description of gas processing technological processes can also be blamed on zealous marketers ...