Touch voltage is the voltage that occurs on the body of a person or animal at the time of its simultaneous contact with a pair of points of a live conductor or with a pair of conductive parts of electrical equipment, for example, a wire in damaged insulation.
In general, the concept of “touch voltage” refers to two conductive parts that are open for contact, or to an open conductive part and a place on the surface of the earth or floor on which a person or animal stands. If even a person or animal is not currently at the indicated location, one can at least judge the expected touch voltage, that is, its estimated value. If the insulation of electrical equipment, or the insulation of supply wires, lines, is at least partially damaged, then it is likely that on the cases of such equipment and on structures with which this equipment ...
How to properly ground the washing machine with your own hands
Electrical assistants have firmly and permanently entered our lives. They facilitate the performance of routine homework, save a person from monotonous physical labor. Therefore, manufacturers of household appliances are constantly improving their products, providing them with new features and improved capabilities for operating conditions with increased safety. However, in real life, for some reason, it turns out that a new serviceable washing or dishwasher is shocking and requires grounding. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and how to act correctly in this situation.
Modern production is designed to produce household electrical products designed to work in three-phase wiring. It is connected via the TN-S grounding system using a separate PE conductor, providing reliable electrical connection ...
Resistance of the human body - what it depends on and how it can change
When a person gets under electric voltage, an electric current begins to flow through his body, and the magnitude of this current depends not only on the magnitude of the applied voltage, but also on the resistance of the human body. Meanwhile, the resistance of the human body is by no means constant; its value depends on many factors: on the state of the person at the moment of contact (mental and physical), on the parameters of the closed circuit, on the external environmental conditions in which the person is at the time of the impact.
The human body consists of various tissues, and each type of tissue has its own resistance. For example, tendons, skin, adipose tissue, cartilage and bones have a resistivity of the order of 3 to 20 kΩ / m. Blood, muscles, lymph, brain and spinal cord - only from 0.5 to 1 Ohm / m. Of all these tissues, skin is the most resistant, therefore it is the skin that largely determines the resistance of the human body to electric current ...
What is the danger of self-grounding in the apartment (alteration TN-C to TN-C-S)
In the operation of home wiring, the most important issue is the safety of the operation of household electrical appliances. Grounding of electrical wiring is the main way to minimize the impact of electric current on a person in the event of a life-threatening potential on the metal case of household electrical appliances. The problem of the lack of grounding in the apartment or in the house is quite common due to the power supply from outdated TN-C configuration networks in which the grounding of home electrical wiring is not provided.
To solve the problem, proceed as follows - ground the electrical wiring through the alteration of the TN-C system to TN-C-S.As a result, improper grounding of the wiring makes the operation of the wiring even more dangerous than in the absence of grounding per se. In this article, we consider the danger of self-grounding ...
Safety precautions when using false ceilings
In an effort to give the interior a modern unique style, it is important to remember that whether it is a public, office or residential building, it should not only be comfortable and cozy, but also safe. All interior elements, including suspended ceilings, must be safe. At first glance, the suspended ceiling seems a priori safe, but it is only at first glance. Let's figure out what to look for when installing suspended ceilings, so that their subsequent operation is safe for us.
First of all, the ceiling mount must be reliable. Elements of the frame are installed strictly horizontally, according to the marks, in accordance with the design documentation. First, marking is made, the angle of the plane of the cladding is set, it is important that the joints of the panels correspond to the design, and at the joints the sheets would not sag or vibrate, that is, they would hold tight ...
Generators have firmly entered the lives of ordinary people. In order to operate the generator safely, a few simple rules should be followed. With the onset of winter or with a regular outage, people are in a hurry to purchase a mini-power station. For many, this is the first experience of operating a generator.
Take a few minutes to make sure your generator is ready for operation. Check the level of oil and fuel in your generator, and if a long-term blackout is expected, replenish the fuel and supplies - filter, spark plugs, oil. There are also several important safety instructions that we recommend that you observe while the generator is running.
To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide): Always use generators outdoors, away from doors, windows and air vents. Never start generators in houses, garages ...
The main causes of electric shock on the street
Electricity not only brings us great benefits, greatly facilitating the life of a person, but also poses a serious threat. The energy companies supplying it pay a lot of attention to resolving security issues, and spend enormous material resources on its observance.
However, accidents with people from exposure to electricity continue.
Possible causes of electrical injuries in everyday life are considered in a separate article. And here we touch on the features of electric shock on people on the street.
All electrical installations are made inaccessible to unauthorized visits by unauthorized persons, and live objects are fenced, placed in separate buildings or located at a height. The photo shows the fence with a fence of a high-voltage switchgear, which is located around the perimeter ...
The main causes of electric shock in everyday life
Since 1879, the safety of people working with electricity has been a hot topic. It was then that the first case of human death from exposure to electric current was registered.
Since then, the number of victims has been increasing all the time. Based on sad statistics, security rules have been created, each item in which is based on someone else's tragedy.
Electricians of various professions have been trained for several years by schools, technical schools, institutes, and specialized courses. After that, graduates of institutions go on an internship at energy enterprises, pass numerous exams and tests.Only after that they are allowed to work independently.
However, even electricians with the highest fifth safety group who have worked for many years due to errors and carelessness, sometimes get serious electrical injuries ...