For a substance to be able to conduct an electric current, it must have charged particles capable of moving freely through its entire volume under the action of an applied electric field. In metal conductors, for example, such charged particles are free electrons, and in electrolytes, positively and negatively charged ions.
Dielectrics do not conduct a constant electric current at all, since although there are charged particles in their structure, they are connected to each other and cannot move freely, forming a current. But even dielectrics pass alternating current, this is called a bias current, for example, a capacitor in an alternating current circuit at a certain frequency will conduct current as if it were a conductor. As for ordinary water (river, tap, especially sea water, etc.), dissolved mineral substances are always present in it ...
What stress is dangerous to human life?
The problem of the danger of electric shock is known to everyone from an early age. Parents are afraid that the child accidentally crawls into the outlet, and regularly warn him against this. However, despite all the warnings, electric shocks happen, sometimes, unfortunately, fatal. This applies to both children and adults, and even professionals with experience.
As a rule, the tragedy happens by chance, maybe a person neglected safety procedures at work, showed carelessness or simply overlooked the health of the household appliance in everyday life. In any case, the human factor always takes place - the person is to blame. In the end, it was man who electrified the world, of course, we do not take lightning lightning into account. It doesn’t matter whether a person has come under low voltage or high, the defeat may be imperceptible or completely insignificant, but it always exists. It is important to understand that the determining factor in the lesion is ...
Which current is more dangerous, direct or alternating?
When there was a “current war” between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, one of Edison’s main arguments against Tesla's alternating current systems was precisely the argument that alternating current was deadly to humans. And this is true - an alternating current of low frequency (50-60 Hz), even at a voltage of 48 volts, can cause significant harm to human health up to cardiac arrest. The average person will not even feel a constant current at the same 48 volts.
But today, it is precisely low-frequency alternating current that is used to transfer electric power over long distances, it is easily converted by transformers, leads to less energy loss, and is suitable for powering electric motors. Therefore, the current from the outlet is actually deadly. This fact cannot be underestimated. Constant current is safe only at low voltage. So, for example, during the well-known therapeutic procedure, electrophoresis is applied direct current ...
10 rules and recommendations on electrical safety during repair work
Electrical safety is a matter of mental attitude (the feeling that you want to work safely), professional knowledge and common sense, which concern us all not only from the point of view of our own protection, but also from the point of view of those who surround us and the place where we live or develop some kind of activity. When working with electricity, there is no freedom of action due to the possibility of making a mistake, improvisation and reckless decisions.
Many of the accidents that occur with electrical appliances and installations are solely due to user carelessness and a lack of knowledge of basic safety standards.The following general rules and recommendations will help you prevent accidents when performing any electrical work. Its timely use can save your life or the life of other people, as well as its inability to cause burns ...
What is grounding, how does it work and what is it for
The power grid is the foundation of the modern world. Almost all modern household appliances are powered by electricity, because it is a convenient source of energy. But there is a flip side to the coin - a high risk of electric shock. Without the right approach to equipment design and network design, electricity will do more harm than good. Grounding is one way to ensure safety.
Grounding is a complex of solutions and devices for protection against electric shock and ensuring the operation of protective equipment. Domestic power networks have a grounded neutral. What does it mean? If we consider this issue in a simplified manner, then three-phase generators are installed at power plants. Their windings are connected according to the star scheme. The connection point of the windings is neutral.If you ground the junction point of the starthen you get a power line with a grounded neutral ...
Outfit approval for work in electrical installations
Today we’ll talk about something that many electricians who make wiring in apartments did not even hear about, but every day electrical workers in enterprises or organizations deal with this. When they are sent to carry out some types of tasks, they are preliminarily given an admission order for work in electrical installations. We will talk about what it is later in the article.
One of the main documents for an electrician is PBEEP or the Rules for the Safe Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers. On it every year, and in the event of a break in work for more than 6 months or other situations, they often pass exams to obtain an electrical safety clearance group. Let's look at what is written in it, below is a screenshot from the text of this document. Admission order (outfit) - an order for the safe conduct of work drawn up on a special formdefining its content, place, start and end time ...
Why is shocking clothing, furniture, car and surrounding objects
One of the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon is explained very simply. Our body is very interesting in matters of electrical safety: on the one hand, with our sensory organs we can’t recognize the presence of a nearby potential of electrical voltage and, at the same time, when we get under its action, we get unpleasant sensations, injuries, and tragic injuries. In such situations, it is customary to say that we are shocked.
Let's try to open this question in more detail, from the point of view of electrical engineering. We will need to take into account the nature of the current flow, the properties of our body, the experience of accidents accumulated by our predecessors, formulated by safety rules. An electric current is an ordered (oriented in a certain way) motion of the smallest particles with charges. It is created under the influence of the applied external forces of the electric field ...
Safety when working with tools: how to avoid injuries and maintain health
A modern person uses a mass of various devices and tools that not only make life easier, but pose a certain risk to health. Manufacturers take into account the possibility of injury, apply design solutions that increase safety of use, install several degrees of protection on their products, but there are always people who manage to violate the rules of operation and as a result receive various injuries.
A few tips outlined in this article should help you maintain your health in the event of unforeseen situations during home repairs. The hope of "maybe", characteristic of most people, can create a sad situation. As soon as a new, unfamiliar tool is in your hands, be sure to understand the rules for safe working with it. Only after that can its controls be studied ...