Video course on working with the Aries of the PLC110 controller in the CODESYS2.3 environment
The video course was released by the company Aries. The author is Kirill Gainutdinov. The course allows you to learn how to easily work with the Aries PLC110 controller. Video instructions provide clear recommendations on the most common issues.
For example, for beginners it is: how to start working with a controller, how to create your first project, etc. Advanced users will also find answers or important tips for themselves, for example: how to connect external devices to the PLC110 ARIES controller - such as input-output modules, panel controllers, frequency converters. In addition, the course includes a video on setting up work with wireless networks and archiving. PLC is a programmable logic controller. The programmable logic controller Aries PLK110 is designed to create automated control systems technological equipment in various fields...
PLC programming languages and CoDeSys automation software platform
Take the simplest example: you need to turn on the press 1 second after the operator simultaneously holds the two buttons in the pressed state. Thus, we guarantee that both hands of the operator are busy and give him time to monitor the readiness of the machine. The simplest solution is to connect the contacts of both buttons in series and put an electronic relay with a timer. If the timer allows adjustment of the delay time, then such a scheme will provide some flexibility of the system, but not too high.
Any additional conditions, for example, the requirement to control the sequence of button presses will put us in a difficult situation - we will be forced to change the circuit by introducing additional relays. This is not a difficult problem, provided that such a need arises extremely rarely. But in a competitive production environment, the time it takes for a new product to enter the market is crucial ...
Smart home on the LOGO controller from SIEMENS
From a letter from a reader of the mailing list: “Using SIEMENS LOGO! Controller, I want to learn how to program controllers in practice, automate different processes and in the future create a comprehensive smart home system. Tell me if this is possible and what additional modules you need to buy for LOGO controller for organization smart home? "
In this article we will try to answer the question of the newsletter reader - we will consider the possibility of using programmable logic controllers for home automation and for creating a "smart home" system.
Before considering the use of automation tools, let's understand what is generally meant by the concept of "smart" house? Is it possible to consider a dimmer installed in the circuit of one of the lamps as an intelligent home? If not, at what point does the “intellectuality” of the home begin? After all, even with an abundance of various devices ...
Programmable Logic Controllers for Home Automation
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) - a magical combination of terms for the uninitiated and a mundane reality for professionals. This material is for those who are just interested in the possibility of using them for home automation.
Let's start over, or from the “stove”. In not so distant times, electrical engineers designed their equipment based on existing discrete devices manufactured by industry. These are relays, timers, engine control buttons and a small list of devices that were available in a power that had vanished into the past.
Several decades passed, and the practice of working with individual electrical components practically stopped - universal devices filled the market,which can perform any control and monitoring functions - PLC. In order to understand the features and capabilities ...